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本研究主要是針對九年級學生設計「以生活技能為基礎之兩性交往」介入課程,探討學生接受課程後對兩性交往之約會、戀愛、情感衝突與分手處理、擇偶四大層面的知識、態度、技能的成效。 本研究採準實驗設計,研究對象為屏東縣某兩所國中九年級學生共254人,實驗組為研究者任教學校的學生有135人,對照組為鄰近國中學生共有119位。實驗組實施六週,一週一節的教學介入,對照組則不進行任何的介入。 研究發現教學介入後,實驗組學生在約會、戀愛、情感衝突與分手處理、擇偶、兩性交往後測得分均高於前測,且達統計上的顯著差異,表示教學有顯著的成效,利用進步平均分數來比較,實驗組在約會、戀愛、情感衝突與分手處理、擇偶、兩性交往的進步分數皆顯著高於對照組。表示本研究的教學介入對學生約會、戀愛、情感衝突與分手處理、擇偶、兩性交往具有良好成效。 根據本研究結果,國中生對以生活技能為基礎之兩性交往教學課程反應非常熱絡,配合現在資訊媒體發達,國中生普遍身心早熟,建議往後研究者能將兩性交往教學從較低年級開始進行。
This thesis evaluated the influence of dating education on ninth-grade students for their intervention of life skills at two-junior high school. We used the Quasi-experimental method and taked ninth-grade students at two-junior high school in Pingtung as the objects . A total effective number of students was 254 including 135 students in intervention group and 119 students in control group. We applied “Life Skill-Based Dating Education Program” to students in the intervention group, and keeped students in the control group without any treatment. The studying resulted reveals that the intervention program has made a significant improvement. The paired-t test of the student in intervention group was significant. And the progress score between baseline and post-test score for dating, loving , breaking-up and mate selection were higher than the control group. It showed that the teaching intervention has made a significant progress on students. We conclude that “Life Skill-Based Dating Education Program” is helpful based on the response of students in intervention group. We hope it will be the guideline for the future studies.



生活技能, 兩性交往, life skills, dating education

