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本研究之主要目的在於瞭解國中學生攝取蔬果行為之現況,並進一步探討個人背景因素、蔬果營養知識、攝取蔬果自我效能、攝取蔬果結果期望、知覺攝取蔬果障礙、攝取蔬果社會支持與攝取蔬果行為之間的關係,以做為未來營養教育介入之參考。以桃園縣中壢國中九十五學年度第一學期之在學學生為研究對象,於95年12月進行正式問卷調查,共得有效樣本429人。所得資料以單因子變異數分析、t檢定、皮爾森積差相關及複迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析,重要結果歸納如下: 一、研究對象攝取蔬果自我效能是中間值偏向正向。 二、研究對象攝取蔬果的結果期望是偏向正向。 三、研究對象攝取知覺攝取蔬果障礙屬於中低程度。 四、研究對象攝取蔬果社會支持以家人之得分最高,其次為教師的社會支持,最低為同學的社會支持。 五、研究對象攝取蔬果行為偏中等程度。 六、研究對象的攝取蔬果知識偏中等以上程度,女生得分高於男生。 七、研究對象背景因素中的「自覺健康狀況」與攝取蔬果自我效能、攝取蔬果結果期望、攝取蔬果行為達到顯著關係。 八、攝取蔬果知識、攝取蔬果自我效能、攝取蔬果結果期望、攝取蔬果社會支持與攝取蔬果行為間呈現正相關,知覺攝取蔬果障礙與攝取蔬果行為間呈現負相關。 九、自覺健康狀況、攝取蔬果知識、攝取蔬果自我效能、攝取蔬果結果期望、知覺攝取蔬果障礙、攝取蔬果社會支持,共可解釋攝取蔬果行為總變異量的22.6%,其中以「攝取蔬果自我效能」標準化迴歸係數絕對值最大,表示對攝取蔬果行為影響力最大。 根據研究結果,提出未來研究建議,提供將來推行攝取蔬果行為教育介入計畫時,能針對影響其行為的相關因素給予重點教育,在未來研究可擴大取樣範圍,針對不同季節進行深入研究。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the current vegetable& fruit intake behavior of junior high school students, and to examine the relationships between vegetable & fruit intake behavior and selected personal background characteristics, as well as knowledge, self-efficacy, outcome expectancy, perceived barriers, and social support. The study consisted of 429 subjects who were selected by stratified clustered sampling method from Chung-Li Junior High School in. Taoyuan, Taiwan. A questionnaire, developed by the author of the study, was used to gatherdata in Dec 2006. One-way ANOVA, t-test, Pearson,s product-moment correlation and Multiple Regression were used to analyze the data and results indicated as follow : 1.The subjects had good self-efficacy about vegetable& fruit intake. 2.The subjects had good outcome expectancy about vegetable & fruit intake. 3.The subjects, perceived barriers about vegetable & fruit intake was medium to low degree. 4.Within the social psychology factors, social support from family was higher than that from teachers and classmates. 5.The subjects about vegetable & fruit intake was within medium level . 6.The knowledge of the subjects about nutrition was within medium to high level. Female student,s score were higher than male students. 7.The subjects in personal background characteristics,「perceived health status」were significant different on self-efficacy, outcome expectancy, vegetable& fruit intake behavior. 8.The knowledge about vegetable & fruit intake behavior were highly correlated with nutrition knowledge, self-efficacy, outcome expectancy, social support, then negatively correlated with perceived barriers. 9.The variables including perceived health status, nutrition knowledge, self-efficacy, outcome expectancy, perceived barriers, social support explined 22.6% total variance of vegetable & fruit intake behavior. In these variances, self-efficacy was the best predictorof vegetable & fruit intake behavior. Based on the results, this study suggests that school could guide the students to the correct dietary concept by teaching the vegetable & fruit intake behavior. In the future, in-depth study could be conducted in expanded areas in different seasons.



國中生, 攝取蔬果行為, junior-high school, vegetable & fruit intake behavior

