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本研究關注中國大陸城鄉流動不同類型的兒童,探討兒童的城鄉流動、家庭資本、居住地環境與兒童的學習表現和幸福感之間的關聯機制。運用「中國家庭追蹤調查」2010年和2014年的資料,選取2010年處於國中小階段(10-15歲)並且2014年處於高中階段(14-19歲)的兒少樣本共計2268人,以及兒少居住地之村居樣本538個和省市樣本25個,以階層線性模式針對個人、村居和省市三個層級進行分析。主要研究發現如下: 一、兒童在國中小階段和高中階段的學習表現因「城鄉流動類型」而不同。無論字詞表現或數學表現,相較於農村留守兒童,農村一般兒童的學習表現較差。但是,兒童的幸福感與「城鄉流動類型」無關。 二、「家庭資本」對於兒童的學習表現和幸福感的影響會因「城鄉流動類型」而不同。就字詞表現而言,在國中小階段和高中階段,相較於農村留守兒童,農村一般兒童若擁有較多的「財務資本」或「文化資本」,其字詞表現越佳;在數學表現方面略有不同。在幸福感方面,在國中小階段和高中階段,相較於農村留守兒童,城市兒童或農村一般兒童若擁有較多的「家庭內社會資本」,其幸福感越高。 三、「居住地環境(城鄉差距)」是影響兒童國中小階段學習表現的因素。而兒童的城鄉流動對於學習表現的影響並非因為居住地環境的城鄉差距的影響。但是,「居住地環境」對於兒童的幸福感並無顯著影響。
This research focused on the different types of children migration including four aspects: urban children, migrating children, left-behind children and rural children in the Mainland China. It also examined the mechanism between migration, family capital, urban-rural gap and children's academic performance as well as well-being. Based on the data from the China Family Panel Survey (CFPS) in 2010 and 2014, we selected 2,268 children who studied in primary and secondary school in 2010 (at the age of 10-15) and studied in senior high school in 2014 (at the age of 14-19) as well as 538 communities’ samples and 25 province samples where children lived. The Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM) was used. The main findings are as follows: 1. Children’s academic performance varied with the types of children migration in primary and middle school. Compared with the left-behind children, other rural children were poorer in either word or mathematics performance. Nevertheless, there was no association between children's well-being and migration status. 2. The effect of family capital on children's academic performance and well-being varied depending on the types of children migration. In terms of word performance, compared with left-behind children, the more financial capital or cultural capital rural children had, the better performance they showed in the period of primary school, middle school and senior high school. In terms of well-being, compared with left-behind children, the more social capital in the family urban children or rural children had, the higher well-being they showed in the primary school, middle school and senior high school. 3. The residence environment (urban-rural gap) is also a factor influencing children’s academic performance in the period of primary school and middle school. The effect of migration on children's academic performance is not due to the urban-rural gap of the residential environment. However, residence environment does not have a significant effect on children's well-being.



兒童城鄉流動, 家庭資本, 學習表現, 幸福感, 中國家庭追蹤調查, Children Migration, Family Capital, Academic Performance, Well-being, China Family Panel Studies

