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Breast cancer is one of the diseases that threatens the health and even life of women around the world. Epidemiological studies have shown that the incidence of breast cancer has risen in the past 20 years in Taiwan. Dietary pattern is one of the factors to influence breast cancer development. Soy intake is associated to reduce the risk of breast cancer in some epidemiologic studies. However, there were some conflicting results in both in vitro and in vivo studies. It is still controversial between soy intake and the risk of breast cancer. There are abundant bioactive compounds in soy, including the phytoestrogen and bioactive proteins and peptides. The main phytoestrogen of soy are isoflavones, which have similar structure with 17-β-estradiol, and exerts estrogenic or antiestrogenic effects. Depend on different condition, isoflavones can effect as estrogen antagonist or agonist. Recently, scientists apply the computational and information-related methods to assist the development of precision medicine on life sciences. In this study, we use the data mining model including decision tree classification and association rule mining to analyize the relation between soy consumption and the risk of breast cancer. The database of soy-breast cancer containing 201 original research papers and 478 data, whcih was separated to three sub-databases included cell, animal and human studies. The aim of this study is to explore whether the effects of soy on breast cancer development are different under different conditions of different category compounds in soy, the type of breast cancer, and the presence or absence of hormones receptors. The results have shown that the category of protein or peptides is related to the positive effect on the breast cancer. However, the category of phytoestrogen has more conflicting results. Especially, we found that the Daidzein is the specific compound that related to negative effect to the breast cancer. Other phytoestrogen compounds such as Coumestrol also has some negative impact on breast cancer development. Soy has more conflict results on the breast cancer of luminal subtype but has more positive effects on the triple negative breast cancer. According to the results of different receptor performance analysis, soy has a negative effect on breast cancer of ER+ and PR+, which is especially phytoestrogen compounds have negative effect. And it is mainly positive for ER- and PR- type breast cancer. Regard to the presence of estrogen, soy has a stronger positive correlation with on premenopausal breast cancer women.with In conclusion, the association between soy and breast cancer is depended on variety conditions. Thus, the recommendation for breast cancer patients to take soy products should consider the tumor types and specific soy compounds.



大豆, 乳癌, 雌激素, 植物性雌激素, 決策樹, 關聯規則探勘, Soy, Breast cancer, Estrogen, Phytoestrogen, Decision tree, Association rule mining

