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近年來臺灣高等教育招收東南亞國際學生的輸出南進政策,來臺的東南亞國際學生數量有逐年增長的趨勢。然在簡化字的華語學習主流底下,此些學生面臨到在當地已學簡化字後,而來臺卻要重新適應及辨識傳統字之情況勢必亦逐漸增加。因此,相較過去研究討論漢字字體學習上孰優孰劣的問題,如何讓學習簡化字的外籍學習者有效地辨識傳統字,似乎成為更重要的議題。本研究旨在以教學語法的觀點切入,即以簡化字學習者的角度出發,提出符合認知難易度原則的簡化字和傳統字的教學排序。本研究針對40位具有簡化字基礎的印尼籍華語學習者,進行背景資料的問卷調查,並對受試者共執行含有兩個判斷作業之漢字辨識實驗。兩個實驗均是從頻率最高前1000組中,挑選出來的124組字形相異的簡化字和相對應傳統字字組所組成;實驗一另設計一個與傳統字相似的混淆字,以蒐集受試者的辨識正確率和各字組的答對率,研究結果顯示:(一) 在受試者方面,學習華語時間長短與受試者辨識正確率具有顯著正相關,亦即學習時間愈長,其辨識正確率就愈高;(二) 就實驗字組而言,影響字組答對率的高低是簡化字和傳統字間的字形特性關係,表示受試者判斷正確傳統字時,是依據兩者字形關係的線索,進行判斷。在實驗二中,受試者針對124組相似度進行判斷,結果發現:字組的相似程度值與其答對率呈正相關,亦即字組的兩字體相似程度愈高,其答對率愈高。綜合實驗一、二結果發現,兩漢字字體間具有共同特徵部件或共同字形的多寡,是由簡化字辨識傳統字的重要關鍵。最後,本研究依據實驗獲得學習者辨識的結果,並以「學習者偏誤」和「結構複雜度」的概念,考量124組「辨識答對率」和「相似程度」,擬出共九個課序的針對印尼籍華語學習者之由簡化字辨識傳統字教學排序建議。
There has been a growing trend towards international students from Southeast Asia studying abroad in Taiwan, because in recent years Taiwan has implemented the policy on higher education export to Southeast Asia. Since Chinese instruction is predominantly oriented to Mainland China’s system, not until coming to Taiwan have the students learned Traditional Chinese characters; consequently the difficulties in readjustment to Traditional Chinese and word recognition progressively emerge. How to improve foreign learners’ effectiveness of recognizing the traditional characters therefore becomes an important issue. The purpose of this study is to present a pedagogical sequencing which is arranged in order of recognition difficulty of traditional characters from the viewpoint of pedagogical grammar, namely from the learners’ vantages. In the study, 40 participants who are all Indonesian Simplified Chinese characters learners were required to complete a background questionnaire and to participate in two Chinese characters recognition experiments. Both two experiments used the same 124 Chinese characters selecting from the 1000 most frequent Chinese words in pairs of simplified and its corresponding traditional forms. In the first experiment, easily confused words in traditional form were additionally added into each pair to test participants’ word recognition accuracy and to calculate the correct answer rate of each word group. The result shows that 1) the word recognition accuracy is positively correlated with the length of learning Mandarin. 2) The structural proximity of simplified and traditional characters affects the correct answer rate, that is, the structure of simplified form is the criterion for participants to recognize the corresponding traditional form. In the second experiment, the 124 pairs of characters were graded by participants according to the similarity. The result shows that the similarity degree is positively correlated with the correct answer rate. To sum up, common components or graphemes between two characters are the crucial factors affecting participants’ to recognize Traditional Chinese characters. Finally, based on the experiment results, the concept of learners’ errors, and the structural complexity of characters, this study develops a pedagogical sequencing.



簡體字, 繁體字, 漢字辨識, 漢字教學, Simplified Chinese characters, Traditional Chinese characters, recognizing Chinese characters, teaching Chinese characters

