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華語熱向下延伸且非華裔學習者人數逐年增加,根據教育部國際文化教育事業處(2009)的資料,目前全臺共有十九所國際學校,在臺國際學校將中文學習納入正規課程且逐年增加班數,許多學校將中文課定為必修課,形成了在目的語地區學習中文的第二外語環境。Krashen& Terrell(1988)提到有意義的互動能促進有效的語言習得,一系列的語言習得課室活動是教師在課堂教學的核心。目前針對國際學校第二語學習環境,以課室活動為本的教材及其相關研究較少,因此本研究以在第二語言環境學習目標語的國際學校為研究對象,旨在設計出實用且有效的兒童華語課室活動教材。 本研究採內容分析法,以改編後的兒童華語教材評估表評析J國際學校目前使用的兒童華語教材,搭配問卷調查法和訪談法,評估教學者和學習者的背景及需求,並親自觀察課堂,結果發現以課室活動為本的教材有其必要性。本研究歸納兒童華語課室活動教材方針,據此編寫J國際學校目前教學進度中的一課作為範例,含功能性教材目錄總表、課室用語列表、課室活動教案、教學投影片、學生學習單、單元測驗卷及測驗指南,請授課教師試教,經由教學試驗、課堂實際應用、學習者和教學者的問卷與訪談回饋,進一步修正課室活動範例。 研究結果顯示,以課室活動為本的教材,不僅提升學生學習成效,也解決原本教材不適用的問題。本研究價值及應用為:(一)提出具體兒童華語教材規劃表,詳述教材編寫原則供教材編寫者參考,教師也可依據此表檢視教材良窳,選擇合適的教材。(二)提出以課室活動為本的教材編寫概念,教師可先依照學生興趣選定教學主題、選取學習要點,根據學習要點編寫出為學習者量身訂做課室活動教案。(三)本研究者最後提供課室活動編寫模版,教師可依據學習者的需求分析,於模版填入該課教學內容。
There has been a steady rise in the number of young non-heritage learners of Chinese, but so far there have been very few studies concerning Chinese teaching materials for children at international schools or in second language learning environments. The purpose of this thesis is to design practical and effective activity-based materials for children learning Chinese. This study adopted the Content Analysis Research method and used a checklist of Chinese teaching materials to evaluate the Chinese teaching materials currently used to teach children at International school J. A needs assessment using surveys and interviews was also conducted to determine the needs of both teachers and learners. A keen demand for classroom activity-based Chinese materials for children was found. Next, guidelines for Chinese teaching activities for children were drawn up and a sample lesson was designed, including a functional index, a list of useful classroom language, a lesson plan for classroom activities, power point slides, student work sheets, unit tests, and guidelines for the unit tests. The sample lesson was then used to teach a class, and revised according to the feedback and suggestions of both the teacher and the learners. The results of this study show that classroom activity-based Chinese teaching materials not only promote effective learning for children, but are also more practical than other Chinese teaching materials. This study also contains a concrete checklist of Chinese teaching materials for children. This checklist provides teaching material designers and teachers with guidelines for developing or selecting appropriate teaching materials. Finally, suggestions regarding the design of teaching materials are made. In particular, activity-based curriculums and teacher-created materials are emphasized. When teaching materials are being designed, each topic should be chosen based on students’ interests; once topics havebeen decided upon language points should be chosen. Next, suitable activities should be designed. These activities should be used as the basis of a textbook. A classroom activity-based teaching materials template is provided at the end of this study.



兒童華語教材, 課室活動, 教學設計, 兒童教材編寫, 國際學校, activity-based materials, children-centered learning, Chinese as a second language instructional design, International school

