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摘要 本研究採用單組相依樣本混合實驗設計,探討結合翻轉教學法與哲學議題討論對國小三年級學童之華語口說表達之影響,以兩週為一階段,交互實施傳統教學法和翻轉教學法,引導學生四階段共八個主題的哲學議題討論。 研究者以國小校園常見之主題,自編教材及拍攝影片作為教學教材;研究工具方面,研究者參考自教育部九年一貫國語文說話能力指標自編「課堂觀察檢核表」、「華語口說表達評分表」,全程課堂教學側錄以進行資料蒐集,並輔以課堂教學影片、逐字稿分析,及教學者日誌,將質化資料編碼,進行量化分析,輔以魏克遜配對符號檢定、Cohen’s D進行統計考驗,呈現質性資料佐證,本研究結果顯示於翻轉教學法時,學生在華語口說表達與互動行為的表現皆優於在傳統教學法的情況。 此研究以翻轉教室下的哲學議題討論進行華語口產說出內容及行為表現之嘗試性研究,將可提供未來有意從事相關課程者之實務建議。
Abstract It has always been a trend that modern education development combines technology and diverse teaching methods. Nowadays, educators have been working on enhancing children’s oral expression skills and independent thinking skills. The study adopted a single set of quasi–experiment which investigated how a flipped classroom influenced children’s oral expression skills, specifically on philosophical topics. The research participants were third graders at an elementary school in northern Taiwan. The researcher organized eight sessions for discussion, with two weeks as a cycle. Eight philosophical topics were introduced in both the traditional classroom and the flipped classroom. The researcher adopted the students’ self–compiled materials and self–created films under eight topics which are easy to understand for elementary school studnets and usually happened in the campus. In terms of the research tools, the researcher complied a competency scale of Chinese oral expressions and a classroom observation checklist based on the Grade 1–9 Curriculum Guidelines. The research data included video recordings of the sessions and verbatim transcription. The researcher coded the collected qualitative data and analyzed them quantitatively via the Wilcoxon signed test and the Cohen's D statistical test. Further, qualitative data were used to support the findings. The quantitative and qualitative analysis results showed that flipped classroom instruction can enhance studnets’ Mandarin oral expression and interactive behaviors. The study can be a useful reference for those educators who intend to conduct the relevant courses on the influence of a flipped classroom on students’ Chinese oral output on philosophical issues.



翻轉教室, 華語口說溝通, 課堂互動行為, 哲學議題課程, flipped classroom instruction, Chinese communication, philosophical topic

