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  智慧財產權關係著一個國家經濟的成長,過去50年來我國產業結構由勞力密集產業轉向高科技產業發展,即充分顯示智慧財產創新研發是維持各國在國際市場展現競爭力的關鍵,也是我國在21世紀發展成為科技島的基礎。   面對知識經濟,保護智慧財產權不僅是我國應承擔的國際義務,同時也攸關我國產業升級與全球競爭力的提昇,是我國在發展知識經濟與資訊科技時代永續經營的根本,目前國際間經貿競爭已邁向全球化,面對無國界國際經濟地球村的形成,為因應此一趨勢,政府必需全力推動我國智慧財產創造、宣導、運用及保護政策,以提升國家競爭力。   近年來,如何落實智慧財產權保護,已成為國家重要政策之一,而欲達上述目的,良好的法制、健全的組織體系、強有力的執行策略、有效的司法救濟及全民充分的智慧財產權認知,而上述5大條件之關聯與互動,則是提升我國整體的智慧財產權保護環境的當前要務。 本論文將以智慧財產權相關理論及經濟犯罪原理為基礎,就有關侵害智慧財產權其成因、態樣等進行研析;同時針對我國保護智慧財產權各機關體系、運作機制、及執行查緝、宣導、國際合作、邊境管制等成效進行探討,希冀研提客觀結論及可行建議,以供我國保護智慧財產權政策制定及執行單位實務上之策略參考。
Intellectual property rights play a vital role to the development of a country. During the past five decades, the shift from an intensive-labor to high-tech industries indicate the importance of innovation and research to the international market competitiveness, which also the fundamental to make us become a knowledge-based country in 21century. Facing knowledge-based economics, protection of IPR is not only our international obligation but also the foundation to develop and upgradelasting information technology industries. Due to the forming of world economic village, globalizing has become an inevitable tread. The government must dedicate to encourage innovation and protect IPR. For recent years, how to implement IPR protection has become one of the most important policies for a country. Complete legal regulations, well-organized systems, powerfully strategies, efficient judicial processes and public awareness are five key elements to enhance the IPR protection. With a basis of IPR-related theories and economic crime principles, the study analyzes on the factors and types of IPR infringement. The study discusses the interaction among organization systems, operation mechanism, promulgation, international cooperation and border control of IPR protection and concludes with some enforceable suggestions to future IPR policy and enforcement.



智慧財產權, 知識經濟, 組織體系, 執行策略, Intellectual Property Rights, Knowledge-based Economy, Organization System, Enforcement strategy

