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質詢是議員對於政府所負責之事,用書面或口頭提出詢問,並要求其書面或口頭答復。個別議員透過質詢以瞭解政府施政的內容與方針,亦可藉以批評政府的政策,並督促政府糾正政府官員的違法或失職行為。(劉慶瑞,1982:251) 西方民主先進國家國會之監督權除擁有質詢權外,不論是默示(英、美、法)或明定(德、日),調查權在各國憲法上,皆被視為國會行使各項職權的必要工具性權力。然經多次修憲後,監察院及國民大會大部分重要職權已移轉給立法院,立法院已成為全國政治運作中心、唯一國會,但調查權等重要國會權力,仍由原為民意機關改為準司法機關之監察院持有,未隨同移轉給立法院,國會職權因而並不完整。 經多次修憲後,立法院為配合憲政結構之改變及外界對國會改革之殷切期盼,立法院第三屆第六會期休會前(1999.01.12)通過制定或修正「國會改革五法」,在制度面已有許多變革,其中質詢制度亦有重大改變。新制自第四屆開始實施,而第四屆第三會適逢我國五十餘年的第一次政黨輪替,但立法院歷經四、五、六屆仍是泛藍居多數,造成立法院院內朝小野大的新政治生態局面。本研究目的即在闡述新質詢制度規定為何?新政治生態下,長期習於擔任執政黨、在野黨立委,主客易位下,如何行使質詢權?質詢行政院長產生何種爭議?另也探討民主國家質詢制度優點、現行我國質詢運作缺失,期提出可行建議,作為再改革之參考。
Interpellation is used to refer to the right of legislators to submit oral or written questions to government officials about affairs for which the government is responsible and to demand that the officials answer them in writing or orally. This is a process through which the individual members of the legislature may come to understand, comment on and control the government's policy, and may exhort the government to correct individual official's illegal or inappropriate acts (Liu Ching-jui, 1982; 251). In addition to interpellations, the legislative bodies of the Western that have developed democracies also exercise the right of investigation to keep the government in check. This right is either provided for explicitly (Germany, Japan) or implicitly (the United Kingdom, the United States, France) in the constitution. In Taiwan, the Legislative Yuan has become the country's sole representative office since assuming most of the powers of the Control Yuan and the now-defunct National Assembly after the many attempts to amend the ROC Constitution. However, the right of investigation still falls within the authority of the Control Yuan, which limits the Legislative Yuan's ability to keep a tight rein on the executive branch. In order for the Legislative Yuan to live up to public expectations, it amended and enacted five acts before January 12, 1999, and all these changes took effect after then. The alterations were aimed to improve the function of the Legislative Yuan, not least the right of interpellation. Although the Democratic Progressive Party came to power in 2000 after the first political transfer of power in almost 55 years, it has been unable to secure a majority of seats in the Legislative Yuan via elections. This has resulted in a schism whereby the executive branch is controlled by one party and the legislative branch by others. This analysis attempts to explain the new regulations regarding interpellations. How have lawmakers of the ruling and opposition parties adapted to their new roles under a split government after the 2000 power shift? What controversies have arisen by lawmakers' questioning of the premier? What advantages has the interpellation process developed in other democracies? What are the shortcomings of the current interpellation process in Taiwan? And what can be done to improve the situation in Taiwan?



質詢權, 政黨質詢, 會期, 國會黨團

