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匿名交友軟體的興起,發現與Facebook的過度連結曝光有著對比關係,並且呈現出Williams所提出的「流動藏私」現象。匿名通訊下所藏匿之「私」,研究歸結出有社交隱私、心理隱私和私密話語權等三種隱私內涵。社交層面的文化詮釋,可發現當代閱聽人越來越樂於與弱連結建立關係,並且將其做為與親密關係的協商手段,彌補現實人際關係所無法滿足之隱私與情感需求。匿名交友也呈現出後現代特有的「液態性」,人們對於瞬時與快速的追求,取代了對連續持久的期待,轉而接受不斷液化、流動與變化的互動模式,使得傳播科技的發展與閱聽人的需求行為有了越來越多元豐富的樣貌。 綜觀閱聽人典範,閱聽人已不是渾然不覺的浸泡在媒介景觀中,而是有意識的、基於需求的協商在不同的傳播媒介之中,並且漸漸地從熱衷裝扮自己的表演舞台上,退回幕後,重視自己在私人領域的行為價值,另尋能夠盡情表露真實自我的隱蔽場域了。
This reaserch try to figure out what reasons behind the increase of chatting apps and what does it mean to the audience. We find out that Facebook’s too much links and excessive exposure bring people a lot of pressure by talking or posting through the social media. People now tend to use chatting apps for sharing secretes and staying private, and it presents the theory of “mobile priavalization” between social media and anonymous chatting apps. This study also concludes that there are three kinds of privacy connotations such as social privacy, psychological privacy and private discourse right that people what to hide from the public social field. Audience are retreating from the performance stages and returning to the backstage for paying attention to their own value in the private sector. According to the interpretations of culture aspects of social and private communication, mass media was found that it has more multiple spread patterns and much more richer appearance.



隱私, 匿名, 交友軟體, 流動的藏私, 社交, 陌生人, privacy, private phenomenon, anonymous communication, social apps, mobile privatization, strsnger

