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此次研究的樣本來自於過去曾經搭乘過中華航空航班的旅客,並且利用紙本的問卷來做調查,然後再利用量化研究方法來分析數據。研究人員利用SPSS 22.0以及 Amos來分析此次的數據,來斷定這次所蒐集到的數據的有效性。 研究結果顯示,服務品質還有顧客忠誠度這兩個變數中間存在正向的關係。但是跟一開始的假定不同的是,品牌資產這個調節變數對於服務品質還有顧客忠誠中間的關係並沒有太顯著的作用。有這樣的情形,據推斷可能是因為航空市場也是自由市場的一個環節。以自由市場為基準來說,品牌資產本身並不是全然決斷是否可以成功吸引消費者注意以及提升服務品質的唯一要素。會有以上的推斷是因為,定價策略同時也是決定是否可以成功吸引消費者目光的重要變數。 因此,航空公司所提供的服務品質跟顧客忠誠度的確有正向的關係存在,但是不僅要提供合理同時也吸引人的票價,更是潛在乘客所考慮的重點之一。
The research mainly revolving around service quality has been receiving much attention from the academic field. Pervious research studies have indicated that there is a strong relationship between service quality and customer loyalty. However, the study focusing on the field of aviation industry hasn’t been found widely; furthermore, there has been no case study exclusively for China Airlines. The purpose of the study is to explore the relationship between service quality and customer loyalty but in the domain of airline industry, with the moderating effect deriving from brand equity. Samples of the study came from those people who have flied with China Airlines and the study adopts quantitative research design and paper-based questionnaire to test the research hypotheses. The researcher used SPSS 22.0 and Amos to analyze the data and to determine the validity of the questions in the questionnaire. Results shows that service quality is positively related to customer loyalty; however, contrary to what was predicted and hypothesized in the thesis proposal, brand equity fails to have obvious moderating effect on the relationship between service quality and customer loyalty. Based on the results regarding the relationship between service quality and passenger loyalty as well as the moderating effect on the relationship mentioned above, it may well be inferred that airline companies are part of the free competitive market. On the basis of this principle, as to China Airlines, it will not catch more people’s attention and attract more passengers merely because of its brand equity. The reason why such a conclusion is reached is because the pricing strategy is one of the major factors that will impose a direct impact on the revenues it will bring from passengers. To be much more specific, the pricing ability and strategy of China Airlines is of much more importance than the appearance of cabin crew members and other factors mentioned in the questions in the questionnaire and so forth. As a consequence, airline companies are to put much more emphasis on the service quality, which is strongly related to passenger loyalty, while providing tickets at not only reasonable but also lucrative prices, which can be the priority factors that will be put into prudent consideration by the passengers. In addition to what mentioned above, HR practitioners with airline companies are to improve the service quality from the perspective of the passengers instead of the ones held by themselves only.



航空機上服務品質, 顧客忠誠度, 品牌資產, Airline inflight service quality, passenger loyalty, brand equity

