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Graduate institute of library and information studies ,NTNU


知識管理已發展數十年,首由管理學院開始關注課程設計及教育相關議題,圖書館與系所亦陸續開設相關課程,先前已有多篇研究探索知識管理課程設計議題。本研究檢視美國圖書館學會認證之圖書館與資訊學碩士課程,由2006 年之3 所學校成長至今之20 所學校提供知識管理相關課程。本研究比較知識管理與競爭智慧課程名稱、圖書資訊學程定位、學分數、目標、內容及課程單元、教學設計等議題,亦探索了兩課程間關連。本研究以內容分析法綜整其中14 校之知識管理課程目標及大綱,區分為理論、範疇、組織文化與人力、流程、分享與網絡、評鑑、資訊科技與系統、實務與個案、競爭智慧與知識服務等九項構面,與先前研究之核心要項差異不大。競爭智慧之概念早於知識管理,臺灣學者較少論及其相關概念。本研究亦綜整6 校之競爭智慧課程內容呈現如下13 項構面:策略理論、組織定位與角色及任務、智慧產品及週期、利害關係人之競合關係、法律倫理與環境、價值與需求、新技術、評鑑、問題解決方案與決策、系統安全、國家安全、危機與威脅、認識論與有限的理性等。競爭智慧主要為因應外部及未來的情境而形成的策略性活動,而知識管理則在於內部管理改善而提出改革方案或配套措施,其課程各有其特色,建議可輪流於不同學期開設課程以提供互補資源。兩種課程都強調實務及個案研究的重要性,未來可為圖書館與資訊科學系所教師提供「哈佛式個案教學」工作坊,以增進教學技能。
Knowledge management (KM) has developed for decades. Business schools begin to incorporate KM into their curriculum design, then Library and Information Science (LIS) schools also follow the trend to integrate with KM into curriculums. Many prior literatures related to the integration of KM with the LIS curriculum. The number of schools providing KM related course has grown from 3 to 20 since 2006 till now from the ALA-accredited master’s programs in library and information studies. We provide a comparative curriculum analysis for knowledge management and competitive intelligence, including course name, positioning in LIS schools, number of credits, purposes and contents, course design, and exploring the relationship among two courses. Applying content analysis to review the objective and syllabus of KM courses from 15 schools, this study synthesize 9 dimensions as followings: theory, scope, organizational culture and human resources, processes, knowledge sharing and network, evaluation, information technology and systems, practice and case studies, competitive intelligence and knowledge services. The abovementioned dimensions are similar with those prior studies. Though the development of competitive intelligence (CI) is earlier than knowledge management, there are few studies in Taiwan. This study also review the objective and syllabus of CI courses from 7 schools and synthesize 13 dimensions as followings: strategic theory, the role played by intelligence, the intelligence cycle and delivering timely, the co-opetition relationship among stakeholders, legal and ethical aspects, value of information services and needs identification, new technologies, evaluation, problem solving and decision-making, system security, national security, crises and threats, epistemology and the limitations of human judgment. CI mainly focuses on external environment with use of internal and external sources for strategic planning, whereas KM focus on internal improvement for organizat


