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自然科學教育的成功有賴學生的科學思辨能力的培養歷程,本計畫以國小四年級上 學期自然科為學科主題,探討當代自然科學教科書過度簡化而影響學生科學思辨能力發 展的現狀;並利用雲端科技及評量技術的優點,發展提升自然科學思辨能力之教學系 統。計畫將分三階段進行,於階段一:分析自然科學教材過度簡單化現象,以探究式教 學法(預測、觀察並解釋)建構教材內容與教學法;並開發雲端教學平台,協助師生教 與學;同時發展科學思辨能力之多向度 IRT 測驗與雲端評量服務。於階段二,實施教學 實驗,以科技接受模式探討使用自然科學思辨能力雲端教學平台之意圖與成效並建立科 學思辨評量之信度與效度指標。於階段三,取得前階段實驗結果進行教材與系統修正 後,培養教師應用雲端平台進行自然科學思辨能力教材之教學,再進行一學期完整實驗 教學,探討自然科學思辨能力雲端教學平台之使用影響因素並建立科學學習認知歷程模 式。本計畫所建立雲端教學與評測系統能提升國小學弟之自然科學思辨能力,並規劃教 學推廣;期能建立一個參照模式供產學界使用,以供應用在其他領域教學及產品開發的 實務經驗。
The success of natural science education depends on the ability of the critical thinking. In order to explore how the oversimplified natural science textbooks affect the development of the critical thinking in the natural science, this project expects to conduct a research regarding the natural science education of 1st semester on the 4th grade of the primary school. Using the advantages of the cloud technology and assessment technique, this project will develop a cloud-based learning system to improve the critical thinking ability of natural science. This project will be conducted in three years including a main project and three sub-projects each year. The goal of first year is to analyze the phenomenon of textbook oversimplification and to apply Inquiry-based teaching method (prediction, observation, and explanation) to design new teaching content and method to enhance learning as well as to assist teaching. Meanwhile, the aim of first year is to develop a multidimensional computerized Item Response Theory (IRT) testing and cloud-based learning system for examining and evaluating the capability of critical thinking in the natural science. The goal of second year is to implement teaching experiment. Through the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), this project expects to explore the intention and effectiveness of cloud-based learning system, and to establish the reliability and validity of science critical thinking evaluation system. The goal of third year is to modify the teaching material and system, and to train teachers to use cloud-based learning platform for future teaching. Then, an experimental teaching for entire semester will be conducted to experience and to monitor the correlating factors of using the cloud-based learning system. Consequently, the project is expected to establish a science learning cognition process model for referencing by the teachers in the others teaching subjects and the industry to propose products for cloud-based learning.



