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在資訊網路快速發展的時代,人類傳遞信息的典範,已經大大的在網路這個新媒體上,改變了以往傳遞信息的方式。本文將透過對各種網路上信息傳遞的典範研究,將信息以信件、聊天室、即時訊息、論壇、網誌、微網誌、社群等典範作為探究的對象,以視覺化的方式,詮釋這些信息典範的特質,並透過另一層面的比喻將這些典範與其他經驗做良好的串連。 在進行網頁信息典範的創作前,透過對網頁介面與介面設計的基本認識,我們了解到介面設計所具有的基本原則,透過對於這些原則的了解將網頁的介面,以使用介面的心智模式為主要依歸,並透過介面中各種物件的比喻,來詮釋網頁介面中的各種功能。 然而介面設計不單單只是單純的依循使用者的習慣而已,透過對資訊設計的認識,我們知道如何以藝術的觀點整合人類的心理經驗將各種龐大而複雜的信息做良好的設計,以更具有藝術性的表現手法來活化介面的設計。 網頁中的信息傳遞,由於建立在當前信息充斥而難以過濾,資訊爆炸的時代中,我們難以掌握我們所真正需要的信息。筆者透過一個情境的創造,將信息以各種不同的物件做比喻,希望讓參與信息傳遞的使用者能夠重新抓住自己的角色,收集並管理自己的信息,在介面中透過只有自己才了解的配對,來創造信息介面的隱私性。
In the era of rapid development of information networks, the Paradigm Shift of information transmission has been greatly changed on the new media-network, and alter the way we used to communicate. This research department carries on the various paradigm shift of web information transfer research, put the information to mail, chat rooms, instant messaging, forums, blogs, micro blogs, communities and other model as the object of inquiry, interpreting the characteristic of the Paradigm Shift of web message by visualizing, and through another level connect with other experiences of paradigm. Before the creation of paradigm shift of web message design, by data collection of web interface and interface design to recognize the basic principles of interface design. Based on the basis research, mental model as the main interface design mode, and the various objects through the interface metaphor to explain the diverse features on web interface. However, interface design is not just simply follow the user's habits. Through the cognition of information design, we know how to integrate the psychology of human experience and variety of large and complex information to design through artistic view, using artistic expression means to activate the interface design. The information transmission of internet is difficult to filter because of the current establishment of the information is overloaded. In the age of information explosion, information is accessible to everyone, but we could not master the information we really need. The author created a situation to set the information in a variety of objects metaphor, let users participate in information transfer to recapture their roles to collect and manage their own information, and through the personalized interface design to create the privacy of information interfaces.



信息, 典範轉移, 網頁設計, 介面設計, Message, Paradigm Shift, Web Design, Interface Design

