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目前隸屬於中華郵政股份有限公司集郵處下的郵政博物館,是台灣首座以郵政為展示對象的郵政專題博物館。中華郵政股份有限公司原由交通部所屬的郵政總局經改制而成,從原本的公家機關轉變成為國營企業。受公司化影響的結果,郵政博物館也開始受到績效的要求,因此不能如同過去的較為被動保守的營運方式,而須採取主動積極的方式進行博物館營運。該怎麼調整、規劃郵政博物館的經營策略,使其能永續經營為本研究所欲達成的主要目的。    本研究首先針對我國新式郵政的發展及台灣地區郵政歷史的變遷進行撰述,做為目前中華郵政股份有限公司的營運背景及發展探討。繼而陳述郵政博物館的設置發展與經營現況,及與中、日兩國郵政博物館比較。再而從郵政博物館的組織變遷及運作模式進行探討。最後則從問卷調查結果及深度訪談結果等,呈現郵政博物館參訪群眾、展設與服務及群眾意見的結果分析,做為目前郵政博物館經營上的總體評價。   本研究所得發現為目前郵政博物館的運作上並不具獨立地位,整體經營受限於中華郵政股份有限公司。但因中華郵政公司化後,因應業績、績效與公司利潤,因此在經營上除了原本公益教育性質更具有公司形象或政策推動宣傳單位,亦弱化的郵政博物館在營運上的主體性與主動性。因此目前的政策及管理方式造成郵政博物館經營上的缺陷,也讓郵政博物館徒有博物館之名而無博物館之實,這也反映在郵政博物館各方面的專業度不足。依據研究結果建議如下:一、徹底進行組織革新,二、營造專屬郵政文化特色,三、常設展與郵、特展的展示機制更新,四、健全博物館研究與行銷機能,五、聘任專業經理人與館員,六、強化群眾交流與推廣。
The Postal Museum under the Department of Philately of Chunghwa Post Co. Ltd is the first theme museum in Taiwan that showcases the history of postal services. Chunghwa Post Co. Ltd was restructured from the former Directorate General of Posts of the MOTC, a transformation from civil service to a government-owned enterprise. As a result of the corporatization, profits became an important aspect for the Postal Museum. It could no longer keep the relatively passive and conservative business strategies; instead, it adopted an active model of operation. To plan and adjust the management strategy of the Postal Museum so that it achieves sustainable operation is the main objective of this study. This study first narrated the development of the new postal service of the country and the history of postal service changes in Taiwan, as an investigation of the operational backgrounds and current developments of Chunghwa Post Co. Ltd. Moreover, a description was made on the current development and operation of the Postal Museum, which was then compared with the postal museums in China and Japan. The organizational changes and operational models of the Postal Museum were also discussed. Based on survey and in-depth interview results, the last section of the present study presented the analysis results concerning visiting demographics, exhibition and service information, and visitor opinions, and the results could serve as the overall evaluation of the Postal Museum. This study found that the Postal Museum does not operate on independent grounds. Its overall management is controlled by Chunghwa Post Co. Ltd. After the corporatized Chunghwa Post came to be, the Museum’s original charitable and educational functions have been shadowed by corporation image and propagandistic policies, weakening the Museum's subjectivity and initiative. The current policies and management models result in the defects in the Postal Museum's operation. They also make the Postal Museum a museum only in name—a problem that is reflected in the lack of professionalism in many aspects of the Museum. Based on these reasons, the following suggestions are made. 1. Organizational reform. 2. Distinguishing features for the Museum. 3. Facility renovation. 4. Museum function improvement. 5. Professional staff training. 6. More interaction with the public.    Keywords: theme museum, management strategy, Chunghwa Post Co. Ltd, corporatization, Postal Museum



專題博物館, 經營策略, 中華郵政股份有限公司, 公司化, 郵政博物館, theme museum, management strategy, Chunghwa Post Co. Ltd, corporatization, Postal Museum

