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博物館的發展從一開始做為純粹收藏、展示與欣賞到現在的對全民開放。經費由政府全額補助到二十世紀晚期以來,博物館的數量增加所導致的經費不足以及因應資本經濟的「文化觀光」的發展模式,博物館從非營利組織轉變成自籌部分經費的公家組織,必須主動積極多元自籌部分經費。 賣店即為博物館自籌經費的一項,賣店種類多元,其中以「博物館餐飲」研究比較少人注意。在e化世代下,很多人藉由網路搜尋旅遊資訊,除了事先安排好行程,可以的話也會事先預訂餐飲。台灣的博物館餐飲相關服務要與世界各國博物館同步,除了架設餐飲網站、提供詳細菜單的介紹、訂位服務、立下自身博物館特色、更要照顧並提升當地產業發展等,讓博物館餐飲成為博物館另一個延伸出去的展示廳,以吸引更多的觀光客到館參觀並消費,在21世紀已然成為新興站區與議題。 本研究重點在於比較分析博物館餐飲的源流與最新趨勢,並將台灣與國際幾個國家的博物館餐飲進行比較,希望本論文的研究可以提升台灣地區博物館餐飲的發展,期待能進一步提升台灣地區博物館餐飲的素質成為新穎而具有創意的特色。
A museum was springing from what may be an innate human desire to collect, exhibit, and appreciate materials by individuals and groups before modern era. It’s gradually developed as a fully funded government institute opened to the public. In the late 20th century, dramatically increasing in the number of museums make the government unable to fully support the museums. In the mean times, the trend of cultural tourism of capital economy also forces the museums to proactively fund from different resources. Stores inside museum serves as one of the financial resources. We could find different kinds of stores inside a museum. However, the study of “restaurant” got few attention. It's the fact that more and more people plan their trips from the information of websites which includes the reservation of restaurants. To catch up the trend, the restaurants inside the museums of Taiwan should provide the websites to provide detail food menu and reservation services. It will impress people if it's well designed. The meal shall become the characteristic of museum. The restaurant will also help the development of local economy. The museum restarant shall eventually be an extension of museum, and attract more tourists to visit and spend in the museum. It's now the new topics of the 21st century. The research is focus on the comparison and analysis of the sources of museum restaurants and the latest trend. It will also compare the domestic ones and the ones in other countries. We hope the thesis will help the development of the museum restaurants in Taiwan and improve their quality and become an innovative and creative new business.



博物館, 餐飲, 賣店, 文化觀光, museum, catering, store, cultural tour

