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臺灣竹子豐富,臺南曾有過工藝村之稱,家家戶戶編製竹器的景象,一家大小都能編上一手的工藝活兒,也曾為臺灣70年代帶進不少的外銷產值,同時累積了臺灣獨特且深厚的工藝技法。90年代工業革命大量生產製造塑膠製品,漸取代生活竹器。近代,臺灣創意能量屢在國際競賽及展覽中表現優異,如能傳承臺灣傳統竹工藝技術及精神,竹產品則將是兼具環保概念、可充分表達東方意象的潛力產品。 本論文將探討臺灣竹工藝的自然條件、生活民俗以及產業發展。比較竹材特質上與鄰近國家的差異,竹材應用於庶民生活中與臺灣文化的關聯性,在歷史脈絡上,竹材產業的興盛衰落與市場需求及政策的關聯,以及近期政府推廣成效與民間情形。章節安排,第一章為緒論,第二章從臺灣竹的地理因素及竹特色,從文獻了解南島語族及清朝時期的臺灣,在日常生活如何就地取材,應用竹材於生活及節慶中。第三章及第四章,分別探討日治時期及戰後時期,依生產型態、貿易情形、傳承與推廣來探討產業變化。第五章,透過產業、公部門之採訪及資料整理,了解竹工藝的傳承、產業現況,試著以工藝生活角度,提供竹產業發展的解決方向。 透過文獻分析及現況採訪,為臺灣竹工藝定位,從生活習俗中找出臺灣竹的文化特質。探尋曾經盛極一時臺灣竹材產業的歷史發展要件,藉以作為現今推廣竹材傳統工藝與創新的參考,重拾庶民深厚的在地文化,找出臺灣竹工藝的獨特精神,以及臺灣竹工藝未來發展的可能性。
The natural resource of bamboo is rich in Taiwan. It had been developed a craft village in Guanmiao Dist., Tainan. Everyone can produce the bamboo products by hand made. The bamboo industry brought much export income in 1970 and it also accumulates the unique and deep craft skills. Then the industrial products replace the bamboo products in 1990. Taiwan young people win the international design award nowadays and it can be a potiential power to integrate the traditional culture and skills. It can express the green and Taiwan spirit to the world. This thesis will discuss the nature, the relationship of folk culture and industry development of bamboo. This thesis will find out the relevance among the market demand, government policy and bamboo industry. Chaper 1 is the introduction. Try to reappear the using of bamboo products in the daily life and festival by Austronesian languages and during Qing dynasty periods in chapter 2. The factors which affect the bamboo industry including the production pattern, trade model, marketing promotion and life style will be discussed in chapter 3 and chapter 4. Try to find out a way to resolve the decline of bamboo industry in chapter 5. To analysis the character of bamboo from the custome and the faiths of Taiwan people by analysis the historical document. The designers and community buliders can base on the abundance of traditional art and create a new page of bamboo products. By reviewing the preservation and activation of this beautiful traditional art, to provide the possiblity of bamboo industry development in the near future.



生活器物, 竹產業, 竹器, 竹製品, 竹工藝, 臺灣工藝, Bamboo, Crafts, Bamboo Industry, Taiwan Crafts

