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美國當代作曲家羅威爾・利伯曼(Lowell Liebermann, 1961)為現今樂壇最受矚目的作曲家之一。利伯曼的音樂語彙獨特、創作思維縝密,且擅長在現代技法中融合古典的精神。除此之外,利伯曼的作品所需的技巧高超、艱澀,卻也符合演奏技法,因此深受許多演奏家的青睞與愛戴,許多交響樂團、獨奏家與歌劇團紛紛委託利伯曼創作,使利伯曼成為穩定而多產的作曲家。 利伯曼的作品曲種涵蓋廣泛,包含交響曲、鋼琴曲、室內樂甚至歌劇與神劇之創作,而鋼琴曲佔了多數。 《滴水嘴獸》(Gargoyles, op. 29)與第三號鋼琴奏鳴曲(Piano Sonata No.3, op.82)分別為利伯曼早期與近期之作品,充分展現利伯曼強烈的個人風格、獨特的音樂語彙以及創作歷程的成熟,因此本詮釋報告將以此兩首不同時期之作品作為研究主題,從作曲家背景、創作風格,進而分析作品並探究其詮釋方式,期望能提供演奏者與相關研究者更完整之資料。 本詮釋報告分為六章:第一章為緒論,包含研究動機、目的、範圍、方法以及文獻探討;第二章概述二十世紀音樂、作曲家背景以及音樂風格;第三章與第四章分別介紹兩首作品之創作背景以及音樂分析,針對曲式、和聲、節奏、力度、速度等方向進行探討;第五章為詮釋探討,將分別以演奏技巧與音樂詮釋兩大方向,提出本文作者個人之建議與觀點;第六章為結語,統整全篇報告之內容。
Lowell Liebermann, an American contemporary composer, is now one of the most high-profile composers in music community. His musical language is unique, his composition, deliberate. He is adept at infusing traditional spirit and modern technical skill. The required technical skills are difficult and intricate, yet in accordance with performing principle. Thus, his works are admired by many performers. Many symphony orchestra, soloists, and opera commission him to compose, which makes him a steadily prolific composer. Liebermann’s repertoire contains a wide range of genre, including symphony, piano solo, chamber music, even opera and oratorio. Piano solo takes up the most part. Gargoyles, op. 29 and Piano Sonata No.3, op.82 are his early and latest works respectively, fully and intensely displaying his personal style, special musical language and the maturity of his compositional process. Thus, this thesis would like to do research on these two works, from composer’s background and style to his interpretation, with a view to offering performers and researchers some references. This thesis consists of six chapters. The first chapter is preface, including research motive, purpose, range, approach and literature review. The second chapter summarizes American music of twentieth century, composer’s background and style. The third and fourth chapters respectively introduce the background of these two works and analyze their form, harmony, rhythm, dynamic, tempo, etc. The fifth chapter interprets technical skills and musical interpretation. The sixth is a brief conclusion of this entire thesis.



羅威爾・利伯曼, 《滴水嘴獸》, 第三號鋼琴奏鳴曲, Lowell Liebermann, Gargoyles, Piano Sonata No. 3

