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此詮釋報告為音樂劇《紫色姐妹花》女主角西莉(Celie)角色與歌曲的分析詮釋與探討。 此報告加上結語總共分為八個章節,第一章為研究動機與目的,第二章為音樂劇紫色姐妹花的背景探究,深入了解當時的生活背景,主角西莉是在什麼樣的制度下活出不一樣的人生。第三章為紫色姐妹花各個版本的介紹,從小說到電影,再到音樂劇,了解各個版本的不同以及表現手法的差異,以及原著所要表達的寓意。第四章為音樂劇紫色姐妹花的文本分析,能夠更深入的了解與剖析劇情的鋪陳及發展。第五章為音樂劇紫色姐妹花女主角西莉之角色分析,除了西莉的角色分析之外,還有西莉與其他角色之間的關係及連結,透過這一個章節,更能深刻的了解當時黑人婦女的生活心態及遭遇,以及這個角色在遇到所有人事物的契機與轉折點。第六章為音樂劇紫色姐妹花女主角及其他角色演唱歌曲之分析與詮釋,包括了潛台詞、內在情緒、外在行動以及演唱詮釋等,藉由歌曲的分析,筆者更加了解所有角色內心的想法與感受。第七章為這份報告的總結。經由筆者深入的研究及探討,發現角色本身、或是角色與角色之間的關係與連結極為重要,都是有可能促成另一件事情的重要轉機,而歌曲更是音樂劇中不可或缺的通往角色內心的世界,期望透過這份報告也能夠更加重視“歧視”這項議題。
This report is a character examination and analysis of the protagonist Celie in the musical “The Color Purple” and is divided into eight chapters. The first chapter introduces the aims and objective of this report. The second chapter examines the historical setting of the musical for a thorough understanding of the context surrounding Celie’s story, and how she forged her own path despite the circumstances. The third chapter compares the various adaptations of “The Color Purple”, highlighting differences between the novel, film and musical to uncover the author’s underlying messages. The fourth chapter breaks down the musical score to analyze of the development of the story. The fifth chapter focuses on the protagonist Celie. The analysis of her character and her relationships with other characters in the story highlights the attitudes and circumstances surrounding black women of their time, and how they informed Celie’s decisions. In the sixth chapter, an analysis of the songs sung by Celie and other characters, including its subtext, underlying emotions, outward actions and performance interpretation reveal the characters’ inner thoughts and feelings. The seventh chapter concludes the report by highlighting the importance of each character and their relationships, and how these impact subsequent events and decisions. The analysis also reveals that the songs in the musical adaptation are a window to the inner thoughts of the characters, and shed light on the issue of discrimination.



音樂劇, 紫色姐妹花, 女性, Musical, The color purple, woman

