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本研究以歧視經濟學為基礎,探討影響日本職棒觀眾進場之因素。首先藉由文獻分析找出可能影響之因素,進而分析各變項、對觀眾進場觀賽之關係。本文使用入場觀眾人數分析日本職棒聯盟 (Nippon Professional Baseball, NPB) 是否存在消費者歧視。以日本職棒聯盟十二支球隊,2013到2018年的4,440例行賽作為樣本,結果發現:外籍球員上場人數對觀眾人數呈負向顯著: 每場比賽每增加一位外籍球員,觀眾人數減少 170 - 494 位。明星球員上場人數對觀眾人數呈正向顯著: 每場比賽每增加一位明星球員,觀眾人數增加 249 - 423 位。另外,我們也發現主場城市人口數、平均票價、假日、主場勝率及個人平均年收入,對觀眾人數具有正向影響。以勝率標準差 (standard deviations of winning percentage, SDWP) 作為衡量聯盟競爭程度,發現當SDWP越高觀眾人數會隨之減少。結論:在日本職棒聯盟中消費者對外籍球員存在著歧視的現象。未來可以增加樣本期間,或是增加其他變數,如球隊行銷策略、場館的舒適度等變數,以更準確分析影響消費者之因素。
Based on the theory of economic discrimination, this study investigated the factors that affect the attendance of Nippon Professional Baseball League (NPB). First, we explored the possible factors that may affect attendance through analyzing related literatures. Then, we began with a regression analysis of those possible factors and attendance of each game and found out whether customer discrimination exists in NPB. A total of 12 teams in NPB, including 4,440 games from 2013 to 2018 were analyzed in this study. Our findings are the following. First, the number of foreign players playing in a game have a significant negative effect on attendance. The number of attendance decrease by 170 to 494 when a foreign player play in a game. Second, the number of star players playing in a game have a significant positive effect on attendance. The number of attendance increase by 249 to 423 when a star player play in a game. In addition, the population of host city, average ticket price, holiday, the home teams’ winning rate and the average annual income of a person have significant positive impact on attendance. Also, competitive balance which measured by standard deviations of winning percentage (SDWP) have a significant negative impact on attendance. The number of attendance decreased while SDWP increased. We plan in the future to increase the database or add other new variables like the teams' marketing strategy or venue comfort, to more accurately analyze the factors affecting consumers.



日本職棒, 觀眾人數, 外籍球員, 明星效果, 主場背景, NPB, attendance, foreigner players, star players, home game

