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光影存在於生活中,以不同方式啟發著我們的身體感知與心靈感受。光影不只能呈現多樣的面貌,且運用光影在海報中可以展現獨特的視覺語言。本研究者企圖運用光影與圖形兩項設計元素,研究光影應用於視覺設計中所呈現的多層次視覺變化。並且探討圖像所繪製的光影及現實中的光影成像在平面設計的差異性,以及光影效果應用於社會議題海報的發展性。藉由光影相關學理、社會議題海報相關學理的梳理,以釐清光影應用於社會議題的可能性。在第三章中,本研究使用KJ法分類光影效果應用於視覺設計的歷往作品,歸納出七項光影於視覺設計的表現方法,分別為:繪畫(By Drawing)、合成(By Composition)、動態圖像(By Motion)、投影(By Projecting)、剪裁(By Cutting)、間接成像(By Indirection)及光影互動(By Interaction)。並且使用個案研究與比較分析法,將光影應用於視覺設計的表現方法相關作品做詳述的探討,歸納出光影於視覺設計中的特性。本研究的創作方向依據第二章文獻探討中歸納出的五大領域社會議題作為創作的主題,並發展出15件光影應用於社會議題海報的作品。本研究結果發現,光影效果於社會議題海報不但具有可行性,透過實際的光影體驗能讓觀看者貼近社會議題,並提高社會議題觀點的感染力。光影的魅力在於能影響人們的感知、情緒與不可預期的變化,並且可以讓人對議題既有的認知有所轉變。希冀歸納出的光影效果的表現方法及創作的成果能作為後續參考的範本。
Light and shadow inspire our physical and spiritual perceptions in different ways. Not only by presenting a variety of appearance, light and shadow also provide a unique visual language in poster design. This research attempts to study the visual diversification by using design elements of light and shadow and graphics, also to analyze the difference of images by using the real light and the light and shadow in graphics, and the development of light and shadow in social issue poster. With light and shadow theory and the study of social issue poster, this research will clarify the possibility of the application of light and shadow in the theme of social issue design. In the third chapter, the research uses the KJ method to classify the visual works of light and shadow, and then figure out the seven presenting methods of the light and shadow in visual works by case studying and comparative analyzing. They are By Drawing, By Composition, By Projecting, By Cutting, By Indirection, and By Interaction. This research uses the five social issue aspects which generalize from the second chapter as the theme of the creation to design 15 social issue poster design. This research concludes that there is not only feasibility to apply light and shadow in social issue poster, but also the visual experience will cause the audience closed to the issue, and raising the spiritual perception. The best influence of light and shadow brings unexpected effects to people’s feelings and emotions, and help them to raise or change the perception to the issue. Wish this research of light and shadow in social issue poster, and the performance of the creation will bring the reference to the further related research.



光影, 社會議題, 海報設計, Light and shadow, social issue, poster design

