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本研究旨在探討矯正機關基層戒護人員的生涯發展歷程,進一步探討其抉擇因素、身心壓力適應經驗及工作的意義。 研究對象為三位從事十年以上之矯正工作基層戒護管理人員。研究者擬訂訪談大綱,並進行半結構式質性訪談,由研究參與者敘說個人生命故事,並以質性研究中的敘事研究方法進行分析。 研究結果發現:1.影響研究參與者從事生涯選擇的因素,包括有家庭與婚姻支持、追求生活穩定的性格、宗教信仰等因素,其中又以經濟因素為主要考量。2.矯正工作困境與壓力,主要有與收容人互動相處、做出決策並承擔責任、熬夜輪班等,在適應上,研究參與者透過釐清責任執掌、重視個人下班休閒、保持正向樂觀與工作意義價值幫助自己適應。3.三位研究參與者歷經矯正工作各自有不同領悟與心路歷程,在真真的生命故事中看見她對矯正工作的熱忱與此份工作所賦予她的意義與目的感。小柔在矯正機關工作約15年後,越發體認到身體健康與心情快樂對她而言是最重要的生涯價值。而信仰基督教的強哥則相信從事矯正工作必定是上天安排的旨意,只是現階段強哥仍不甚確定從事此份工作的意義與使命。
The purpose of this study is to explore the career development process of the correctional organs at the grassroots level, and to further explore their choice factors, physical and mental stress adaptation experience and the significance of work. The research subjects were three first-line administrators who had been engaged in correction work for more than ten years. The researchers developed an interview outline and conducted semi-structured qualitative interviews. The study participants described individual life stories and analyzed them in narrative research methods in qualitative research. The results of the study found that:(1)factors affecting the research participants' career choices, including family and marriage support, the pursuit of stable life and religious beliefs, among which economic factors are the main considerations.(2) Correcting the dilemma and pressure of the work, mainly interacting with the host, making decisions and taking responsibility, and working around the clock. In adapting, the research participants can help by clarifying their responsibilities, paying attention to personal leisure ,maintaining positive optimism and the purpose of the corrective work.(3)The three research participants experienced different comprehension and mental journeys through the corrective work. They saw her enthusiasm for corrective work and the sense of purpose and purpose given to her by her work in Jane’s life story. After about 15 years of working in the correctional institution, Xiaorou recognized that physical health and happiness are the most important career value for her. John who believes in Christianity believes that the work of correcting work must be the purpose of heavenly arrangements. It is only at this stage that the strong brother is still not sure about the meaning and mission of this work.



生涯召喚, 生涯發展, 生涯選擇, Career calling, Career choice, Career development

