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高齡者因生活型態的轉變,日常生活的靜態時間增加,導致身體功能的退化更加快速,而維持一定程度的身體功能是高齡者健康的重要決定因素,因此有其必要進一步釐清高齡者靜態行為與身體功能表現之間的關係。本研究擬定之研究目的為(1) 瞭解臺灣高齡者社會人口因素、靜態行為類型與身體功能表現之現況。(2) 瞭解臺灣高齡者之性別與靜態行為類型、身體功能表現之關聯性。(3) 瞭解臺灣高齡者靜態行為類型與身體功能表現在不同性別間之關聯性。 本研究於台北地區,以方便取樣方式,招募60歲以上高齡者進行研究,得有效樣本數為120位高齡者,資料以SPSS 23.0進行分析,統計方法包括描述性統計、卡方檢定、多元線性迴歸。 研究結果發現,(1) 性別與「持續≥30分鐘久坐」達統計顯著相關;男性每天持續30分鐘以上久坐次數多於女性。(2) 性別與身體功能表現(計時五次坐站、五公尺步行、起立行走坐下)之三個變項上皆未達統計上顯著相關。(3)臺灣高齡者靜態行為類型與身體功能表現在不同性別間皆未達統計上顯著相關。 本研究之結果可提供公部門規劃及改善高齡者靜態行為相關政策之參考,達到我國高齡者健康促進之目的。建議未來研究可進一步以縱貫性研究來深入了解不同靜態行為類型與身體功能表現之關係。
Due to the change of lifestyle, the elderly spend most of their time on sedentary behavior, which leads to the deterioration of physical function rapidly. Maintaining an optimal level of physical function is important to the elderly. It is of value to examine the associations between sedentary behavior and performance-based physical function in older adults. Therefore, the aims of this study are (1) to describe the prevalence of objectively-assessed sedentary behavior and performance-based physical function according to socio-demographic variables. (2) to compare the sex-differences of objectively-assessed sedentary behavior patterns and performance-based physical function. (3) to examine the relationship between patterns of objective-measured sedentary behavior with performance-based physical function by sex. A cross-sectional survey targeting Taiwanese older adults was conducted in Taipei area. Data related to objectively-assessed sedentary behavior, performance-based physical function and socio-demographic variables were obtained from 120 older adults. Descriptive statistics, chi-square test, multiple regression were performed using SPSS 23.0 The results showed that (1) Men had more number of sedentary bouts (≥30 min) than women. (2) No sex differences of performance-based physical function were found. (3) No significant associations were observed between the patterns of objective-measured sedentary behavior and performance-based physical function. The above-mentioned results are critical to inform policy-makers and behavior change experts for health promotion of the elderly. Future studies are warranted to further examine the associations between the pattern of sedentary behavior and performance-based physical function of the elderly in longitudinal research.



高齡者, 客觀測量靜態行為, 身體功能表現, Elders, Objective-measured sedentary behavior, Performance-based physical function

