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本研究旨在進行臺灣福佬、客家、原住民語系歌曲於職校音樂教科書之內容分析。以根據97課綱編寫且經教育部審定通過,於100學年度發行之東大、育達、泰宇、華興、新文京、龍騰、謳馨等七個版本教科書為對象進行探討。以自編「福佬、客家、原住民語系歌曲於職校音樂教科書內容分析類目表」為研究工具,進行資料蒐集。研究之具體結論如下: 壹、 臺灣福佬、客家、原住民語系歌曲使用於教科書之比例不算低。多數涵蓋三種語系為教材,福佬、原住民內容較多,客語最少。創作歌曲多於傳統民歌。教材呈現形式曲譜譜例最多,課文文字、圖片次之,圖說較少。使用最多的教材類型為歌曲,其次為音樂知識與音樂欣賞,編排較少的為樂器、創作、基本練習。 貳、 幾乎所有版本皆有歌曲選錄,福佬系最多,客語、原住民次之。獨唱、合唱各半。音域從七度到十四度。歌曲詞意以愛情最多,其次依序為土地關懷情、青春希望情。演唱語言依序為福佬、客語、國語、原住民語。 參、 客語所占的比例均較低,創作歌曲比例較高。育達版原住民教材居各版本之冠;曲譜譜例最多;選錄歌曲最多且兼顧各語系。泰宇的客語內容最多,教材呈現均衡。華興文字豐富,原住民教材使用較多,未編排客語教材。新文京最多福佬系內容、曲譜譜例,偏重歌曲。龍騰版內容最少且未使用客語教材。謳馨版課文文字豐富。 研究者最後依據研究結論提出相關建議,以供教科書編輯者、教學者及後續研究者參考。
Abstract The purpose of the study was to analyze songs in Taiwan Fulao, Hakka, and indigenous languages in the vocational high school music textbooks. Seven textbook versions were used as research subjects, including Dongda, Yuda, Taiyu, Hwashing, Newwunching, Lungteng, and Ouxin which were based on the curriculum guidelines from 1997 and pubilished in 100th school-year approved by the Ministry of Education. The researcher used the self-developed tool “Content Analysis Table for Taiwan Fulao, Hakka, and indigenous songs in Vocational High School Music Textbooks.” According to the results of the content analysis, the conclusions of this research were as following: 1. The ration of the use of Taiwan Fulao, Hakka, and indigenous songs are not low. Most textbooks have materials in the three languages, with the highest ration in Fulao and indigenous languages and the lowest in Hakka. Creative songs are much more than the traditional folk songs. As to the percentage of other contents in the textbooks, scores are the highest, followed by the text, pictures and drawings. The teaching materials are mainly on songs, music knowledge and appreciation whereas less on the basic exercise, musical instruments, and music creation. 2. Almost all versions of textbooks have songs, with the highest ration in Fulao, followed by Hakka and indigenous languages. The ration of solo and choir is 1:1. Compass from seven to fourteen degrees. Songs are mostly on love, followed by the concerns for lands, youth and hope. 3. Yuda has the most materials concerning indigenous people. Taiyu has a diversity of teaching materials with the most Hakka language. Hwashing is rich in words having more materials concerning indigenous people and none in Hakka. Newwunching has the most Fulao materials, scores are the highes, and is more on songs. Lungteng has the least contents and no Hakka materials in the textbook. The researcher proposed some relevant suggestions based on the results from this research as a reference for the textbook editors, teachers and future researchers. Keywords: Vocational school music, Music textbooks, Taiwanese songs, Fulao songs, Hakka songs, Indigenous Songs.



職校音樂, 音樂教科書, 臺灣歌曲, 福佬歌曲, 客家歌曲, 原住民歌曲, Vocational school music, Music textbooks, Taiwanese songs, Fulao songs, Hakka songs, Indigenous songs

