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台灣音樂教育的發展,與國民政府播遷來台的政策革新和轉型息息相關;而從事音樂教育的學者,在當時的環境背景下,開拓了台灣音樂的教育工作,在這些音樂教育家以及音樂家中,不乏出身於軍校教育的體制,並且在音樂界都具有相當的影響力。 本篇論文所研究的劉天林教授,就是一位軍校音樂家,但不同於現今台灣軍校的音樂教育體制-國防大學政治作戰學院,他是來自於陸軍軍樂學校的子弟,透過軍校教育的學習以及訓練,讓他在音樂教育的路上,成為一位熱情且執著的音樂推廣者。透過對劉天林的專訪以及研究,探討軍校音樂家對台灣音樂發展的貢獻,藉以從劉天林的生平中,了解自政府播遷來台後,台灣音樂發展的脈絡。
The development of music education is directly relay to the transformation and developments of the government policy after migrate to Taiwan at 1949. The music scholars at the time are the pioneers and explores of the development for music education in Taiwan. Many of those music scholars and musicians came from military education background, also have strong influence in Taiwan’s music development. This thesis discusses about professor Tan-Lin Liu whom is a musician graduated from military school. Professor Liu came from a different education background then the musician graduated from military school today; he graduated from academy music school, and the military musician today graduated from Fu Hsing Kang College(FHK college)of National Defense University. Through the learning and training of military school, lead him walk the path of music education also become a focus and passionate music promoter. Through the interview and discussion with Professor Liu, we found out the important role of musicians graduated from military school in the music development of Taiwan. From the life story of Professor Liu, we also discover the history and development of music after the Republic of China government migrate to Taiwan at 1949.



劉天林, 陸軍軍樂學校, 合唱音樂

