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安東寧.德沃札克(Antonín Dvořák, 1841-1904)為捷克最重要的作曲家,其不僅在學習歷程中接受正規的作曲訓練,亦將屬於在地的民族風格音樂發展至淋漓盡致,並擅長在其作品中融入新的素材與靈感,而其於宗教音樂、室內樂、管弦樂曲、交響曲、協奏曲、交響詩、神劇、歌劇等等,皆有相當可觀的創作,為一位全方位的音樂創作者。 《B小調大提琴協奏曲》不僅為大提琴界最著名的協奏曲,亦為德沃札克的經典代表作品之一,它無論是在絕對音樂、民族音樂、協奏曲型態上,都有極高的造詣,除了憑藉作曲家自身的才華,其特殊的時代背景與民族文化上的認同矛盾亦為提升樂曲高度的推手。 本論著將釐清創作《B小調大提琴協奏曲》之時空背景,以動機與素材之使用、張力之鬆緊以及較為重要的功能性和聲等面向來解析如此具有民族風格的樂曲,以作出合理之解讀,並帶入音樂氛圍之想像使樂曲的聲響得以以較為形象化的方式描述,此外也將分享研究者在排練上的經驗,包含音色與平衡的拿捏,以及指揮動作上之運用和與獨奏者搭配的方式等。
Antonín Dvořák (1841-1904) has been the most important composer in the Czech Republic. Not only did he received formal composition training in the course of his studies, but also developed his native local folk music to the extreme. He adapted new materials and inspirations into his work, such as the inspiration of African American Spiritual Music and Native American Music. The scope of his creation, including sacred music, chamber music, orchestral music, symphony, concerto, symphonic poem, oratorio, opera, etc., he had considerable creativity and was an all-arounded composer. The Cello Concerto in B minor was not only the most famous concerto in the cello repertoire, but also one of Dvořák's representative work. It was highly accomplished in the genre of absolute music, national music and concerto form. In addition to the talent of the composer, the contradiction between his distinct background and nationalism culturally, these elements were also the driving force in achieving the greatness of his music. This thesis will look into the composing background of Cello Concerto in B minor, analyzing the piece with its motive, material, tension, and important functional harmony, in order to give a reasonable interpretation, bringing out the creative imagination and visualization of sound image from music. In addition, in sharing the experience in rehearsing, and performing the work, including the balance of the voice, and the process collaborating with the soloists, in hopes to bring together a performance closer to the ideal presentation.



德沃札克, 大提琴協奏曲, 指揮詮釋, Dvořák, cello concerto, conducting interpretation

