

基督教與音樂有著密不可分的關係,從教會禮拜中儀式音樂的使用、宣教士們以其作為傳福音的媒介,至眾多以音樂佈道為主體的基督教音樂團體興起看來,再再可感受出音樂在基督教信仰體系中所佔有的重要地位。台灣光復初期,基督教會復甦,聖歌隊、佈道團等團體紛紛成立,以音樂吸引大眾從事福音傳播工作,在這段各種聖樂活動日趨興盛的時期,許多基督教音樂團體因此應蘊而生,積極投入聖樂推廣及創作之行列,成為福音傳播工作中不可或缺的一環。 本文以「音契合唱管絃樂團」為研究對象,從其發起之前談起,期間經歷音樂系小組時期、音樂科系團契時期與音契合唱管絃樂團時期。研究方法包括有收集相關文獻資料、人物訪談與實際參與音樂活動,以上述之第一手資料來建構音契合唱管絃樂團的團史及其發展運作之狀況,並將其各類型音樂會之演出曲目詳細分類研究,藉以了解音契合唱管絃樂團演出之曲目類型及其音樂風格。 本文之論文架構共分為五章:第一章「緒論」,包括有研究動機、相關研究與文獻回顧、研究對象與範圍、研究方法、研究限制與困難、論文架構六部分。第二章「光復後台灣基督教音樂團體的發展概況」,先從光復後台灣基督教會的發展概況談起,進而了解當時台灣社會大環境對宣教工作之影響,並藉此對音契合唱管絃樂團成立前後之時空背景有初步的概念;再分別略述光復前及光復後台灣基督教音樂之發展,並從基督教音樂活動情況、基督教音樂團體活動情況、基督教音樂應用情形三方面來說明,藉以了解光復前後台灣基督教音樂團體的成立概況,及突顯音契合唱管絃樂團於眾多基督教音樂團體中所擁有的特殊性。第三章「音契合唱管絃樂團的成立與發展」,先從校園福音團契之簡史及其發展概況著手,藉以了解音契合唱管絃樂團之成立背景;音契合唱管絃樂團歷史部份則從發起之前開始建構,再說明其先後歷經音樂系小組、成立音樂科系團契、進入音契合唱管絃樂團時期等發展歷程。第四章「音契合唱管絃樂團的運作」,音契合唱管絃樂團成立至今已有二十餘年之歷史,其運作方式多以音樂演出為主,因而以其固定、非固定之展演活動、相關音樂事工探究其運作情形,分別從懷恩堂音樂佈道會、心靈樂篇系列音樂會、音契室內合唱團與室內樂團、青少年音樂事工四方面論述之。第五章「結論」,歸納各章重點,並總述音契合唱管絃樂團的組織狀況、運作、特色及其與社會層面的關係,最後以結語作結。
Christianity has a close relationship with music. Since the worship music was used in the church, the evangelists had preached to the crowds through the medium of music.Many christian music teams were established, and this appears that how important the music was in the systems of Christian belief then. In the early period of Taiwan’s Restoration, churches flourished, and music teams were set up one after another to help the preaching ministry. The object of this study was the YinQi Symphony Orchestra and Chorus. First, I discussed its origin, and then described the period of Music Department Team, the period of Christian Reunion of Music Department, and the period of the YinQi Symphony Orchestra and Chorus. The manners of the research contained collecting the relative documents, making an interview with the principle figures, and practically participating in music activities. With the firsthand material to constitute the history of the YinQi Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, the conditions of its development and management, I classified and researched its various kinds of performances, so as to understand its types and styles. This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter, Introduction, includes the motives of research, the relative study and documents, the research objects and categories, manners of research, the restrictions and the problems of the study, and the framework of this thesis. The second chapter, the General Developing Conditions of the Christian Music Organizations after Taiwan’s Restoration. In the chapter, I introduced the developing conditions of Taiwan’s Churches after Taiwan’s Restoration first, and then described what then Taiwan societies affected the church missions in order to have an initial concept of the YinQi Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, and gave a short description to the development on christian music before and after Taiwan’s Restoration. It made us understand the foundation conditions of Taiwan’s christian music organizations before and after Taiwan’s Restoration according to their activities, utilization, and characteristics. The third chapter, the Establishment and Development of the YinQi Symphony Orchestra and Chorus. It introduced the brief history of the Students’ Gospel Groups and their developing conditions, so as to understand the establishment backgrounds of the YinQi Symphony Orchestra and Chorus. First, I looked for the initial history of the YinQi Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, and then explained the developing experiences from Music Department Groups to Music Department Fellowship, and finally discussed the developing courses of the YinQi Symphony Orchestra and Chorus. The fourth chapter, the Operation of the YinQi Symphony Orchestra and Chorus. The YinQi Symphony Orchestra and Chorus has established for over two decades, and its way of operation is based on music performances, and so I discussed its regular and irregular performance activities, and researched the relative music mission and its operating conditions from the Grace Baptist Christian Music Preaching Ministry, Xin-ling-yue-pian Concert Serial, the YinQi Chamber Chorus and Music, and the Juvenile Music Mission. The fifth chapter, Conclusion. It sums up the key points of the preceding chapters, and describes the YinQi Symphony Orchestra and Chorus’ organization, operations, characteristics and its relationship among social strata, and finally it forms the Conclusion.



基督教, 基督教音樂, 音樂團體, 音契合唱管絃樂團, Christianity, Christian music, Music team, YinQi Symphony Orchestra and Chorus

