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生活適應能力的培養和訓練是智能障礙者教育的重要目標。本研究主要的目的在探討長期游泳對智能障礙者生活適應能力的影響。以自編之「體育活動對生活適應能力之影響調查問卷」為研究工具,內容涵括:生活自理、動作能力、溝通能力和社會技巧四種領域。研究對象為來自台北縣和台北市地區,年齡介於12~18歲的中度智能障礙學生40位。分為實驗組20人,對照組20人。由各學生家長協助進行一對一訪談和問卷調查,所得資料分別以敘述統計和單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行分析,結果發現實驗組和對照組之間在生活自理、動作能力、溝通能力、社會技能和整體生活適應能力均達顯著差異(p<.05)。但是不同性別、年齡和泳齡對實驗組生活適應各領域能力及整體生活適應能力並無顯著的差異(p >.05)。結論:本研究證明長期游泳訓練可提昇智能障礙者生活適應能力,而且不受性別、年齡及泳齡的條件限制,建議智能障礙者可多參與游泳訓練。
To develop and train the life adjustment ability of mentally handicapped people is an important objective in education for people with special needs. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of long-term swimming training on the life adjustment ability of mentally retarded students. The research tool of this study was “The effect of physical education activities on life adjustment ability questionnaire.” The content of this questionnaire included 4 domains: self-care, motor ability, communication, and social skills. The subjects of this research were 40 moderately retarded students aged 12-18 years old. The subjects were divided into two groups, the experimental group and control group, with 20 students in each group. Parents of the students were interviewed one by one using the questionnaire. The data from this interview were analyzed descriptively and with one-way ANOVA. The results showed that there were significantly differences (p>.05) between the experimental and control group in self-care, motor ability, communication, social skills and life adjustment. There were no significant differences (p<.05) in gender, age and the length of the swimming training. Conclusion: These data proved long-term swimming training can improve life adjustment ability, and this ability not affected by gender, age and the length of swimming training. Suggestion: Students who are mentally retarded should be encouraged to participate in a swimming training program.



生活適應, 智能障礙, 游泳訓練, mental retardation, life adjustment, swimming training

