自我控制運動技能學習之個別差異: 學習者時間感、時間壓力及享樂感

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即便過去有關動作學習上的個別差異問題已廣泛的被探討 (Adams, 1987),但以心理學為基礎,探討動作學習的個別差異卻至今仍不受到重視,研究者相信從心理學層次的觀點探詢學習差異,對於研究與實務應用都有重要的啟示。在本論文研究重点在于探讨学习者在时间感上的心理与他们在自我控制学习上表现行为的关系。 研究者推論不同型態的學習者對時間的覺察方式會有所不同,而學習行為將潛意識地受到時間覺察方式的影響. 本論文聚焦於檢驗自我控制學習的個別差異,亦即受試者可以自由控制任務難度。具體而言,本研究檢驗三種不同的學習組型(上下调整形、保守型及固执型)在時間感、不同知覺時間壓力下的行為以及享樂感的差異。32位受試者皆完成歷時五天(每天50次試作)的遙遙球自我控制學習,受試者在每一次嘗試中都可以自由選擇任務難度,受試者依照他們的學習行為被劃分為三種不同的學習組型。結果顯示在完成了五天的練習後,保守型學習者在後测的当下宿命(present fatalism)較前测為低,知覺時間壓力則是隨著不同的學習類型者,而在不同天達到高峰。本研究亦觀察到在五天練習中,不同的學習類型者的行為表現有所差異。最後結果亦發現上下调整形在最後一天的練習中,有最高的享樂感得分。由於學習的個別差異可在自我控制的動作學習中被系統性地觀察,研究者認為未來研究不应將個別差異因素視為一種可容忍的變異,而應是投注更多的心力在個人偏好對動作學習的影響上,相關研究限制以及實務應用亦同時在本文中詳細討論。
Although interests on individual difference in motor learning were evident in the last century (Adams, 1987), psychological-based individual difference in motor learning are receiving less attention today. This is despite the fact that differences at that level may have important implications for research and practice. In this thesis, differences in self-controlled learning behavior in relation to learners’ psychology related to passing time are examined. It is likely that different learners would perceive time differently and thus learning behavior might be affected by how they perceived time subconsciously. The current focus is placed on examining individual difference in self-controlled learning, where difficulty level can be controlled. Specifically, difference in the three learner-types, namely, alternating, conservative, and stubborn, are examined in terms of their time perspective, behavior during different time pressure, and in terms of their enjoyment level. Thirty-two participants underwent 5 days (50 trials per day) of self-controlled learning of the roller ball task, and were allowed to select their difficulty levels over the trials. They were then classified into the three learner types based on their learning behavior. Results show that after completing the five-day practice protocol, conservative learners reported a reduction in present fatalism score compared to their earlier report. Perceived time pressure also peaked for different learner-types on different days of practice. Differences in behaviorial variability were also observed between learners over the five days. Finally, results show that enjoyment was the highest for alternating learners on the final day of practice. By showing that individual difference can be observed systematically in a self-controlled motor learning situation, it is proposed that future researchers should not merely treat individual factors as variances that can be tolerated, but should instead pay more attention to the effects of individual preference and inclinations. Limitations and practical implications are discussed.



自我調節學習, 人格, 學習, 個人因素, self-regulated learning, personality, learning, individual factors

