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本研究為了解一群年過45歲的老哥們為何在隨年齡增長而逐漸流失的體能狀況下,仍能固定於每週三晚間來到臺師大老馬隊場地活動,這種身心衝突所帶來的不協調實為研究者所欲探討之問題所在。本研究採馬斯洛(Abraham Maslow)需求理論、運動員的身體經驗以及籃球場塑造的新世界為理論基礎,並以深度訪談方式訪談十位固定參與老馬隊活動的老馬成員,以期了解使這群老哥們樂此不疲的真正原因。研究者亦透過每週至現場參與觀察,試圖了解老哥們在籃球場上的身體經驗為何。研究結果發現,老馬籃球運動員在球場上的身體經驗較多為負面的身體經驗,也因此有了許多因應身體狀況退化的改變。而吸引老哥們固定到場參與的原因有運動健身、交友、生活態度、抒緩壓力、成就感、掌握節奏等,研究者亦發現籃球場上竟有著充電以及交換夢想的功能。在研究中,師大老馬場地成為一個集結同好、分享榮耀甚至改造年輕人的奇特時空,而部分老哥們因年齡增長、手上工作繁忙而無法繼續參與該活動,是為美中不足之處。因此,在論文之末,研究者提出對本篇論文之反思,並以老哥們對籃球運動的不忘初衷作為研究者20年後之期許。
The study is to understand why a group of over fourty-year-old “old brothers” who lose their physical ability with age would come to the NTNU court for playing basketball regularly every Wednesday evening. The unbalance of the physical and psychological conflicts is the thematic question. The study being based on Abraham H. Maslow’s need-hierarchy theory as well as the athletes’ physical experience and the new experience of the new world created by the basketball court, the research method is to interview ten regular Old Horse members through the in-depth interviews in order to explore the real causes of their unexhausted happiness. The researcher also goes to the court every week to do the participant observation to understand what the physical experience of the old brothers is. The findings are as follows. The Old Horse players get mostly the negative physical experience, and therefore have many changes to cope with the physical degradation. Physical exercise, making friends, life attitude, soothing pressure, sense of achievement, and controlling the rhythm in the body are all the causes of the old brothers to attend the game regularly. Players can even recharge the energy and exchange the dreams among themselves on the basketball court. The NTNU court becomes the peculiar space to gather the basketball buffs, to share the glory and even to reform the young players. The only pity is that some of the old bothers cannot keep on attending the game because of aging or busy work. As a consequesnce, at the end of the study, the researcher proposes the reflections and encourages himself by the old brothers’ never forgetting the original passion for basketball in the following twenty years later.



老馬運動員, 老馬隊, 需求理論, 身體經驗, Old Horse players, Old Horse Team, Need-hierarchy Theory, Physical experience

