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前言:核心肌群穩定性訓練在許多運動項目上,皆有研究指出對其有助益;中國武術訓練中的部分概念與核心訓練相符,但現有的研究多為探討不同情況下的打擊表現差別,鮮有將核心訓練的概念與中國武術結合,或以訓練介入的實驗設計方式探討對中國武術動作表現影響的研究。目的:探討核心肌群穩定性訓練對中國武術動作表現是否有影響。方法:招募受試者男女共20位,分為實驗組(TRAIN)與對照組(CON)各10位;實驗設計為前測與後測,兩次測驗間進行為期六週、獨立於常規訓練外的訓練介入,實驗組進行核心訓練,對照組進行同樣時間的休閒運動。以10台紅外線高速攝影機(250 Hz)與兩塊Kistler測力板(1000 Hz),進行武術動作的運動學與動力學資料收取。結果:所有之參數以及拳齡,實驗組與對照組在前測成績皆無差異(p > .05)。出拳方面,實驗組的出拳速度,在訓練後大於訓練前(p< .01),訓練後組間比較結果也發現大於對照組(p < .05)。訓練後的出拳期時間,兩組組間比較結果為實驗組小於對照組(p < .05)。騰空飛腳落地後單腳平衡方面,實驗組的左右方向到達穩定時間(TTS),在訓練後大於訓練前(p < .05)。單腳獨立平衡方面,對照組的左右方向壓力中心最大偏移量,在訓練後小於訓練前(p < .05)。其餘之參數之組間比較或組內比較皆無差異。結論:核心穩定性訓練對於出拳速度及出拳期期間的力量傳遞,有正向的影響,但對於動態與靜態的穩定表現,以及彈跳爆發動作表現,都沒有明顯的增進效果;而對照組所進行之休閒運動可達到維持表現水準的效果。
Introduction: Research has claimed the benefit of core stability training on various types of sports and exercises. Very few studies discussed the relationship between core stability and Chinese martial arts, or incorporate the experimental design of training intervention to investigate the effect of the training on Chinese martial arts, yet there seem to be some consistency between the training of Chinese martial arts and core stability. Purpose: To investigate the effect of core stability training on performance of Chinese martial arts movements. Methods: Twenty subjects divided into training group (TRAIN) and control group (CON) with 10 in each group. The design of training intervention with a pretest and a posttest was adopted, with TRAIN underwent core stability training and CON recreational exercises for 6 weeks. Vicon motion analysis system with 10 infrared high-speed cameras (250 Hz) and 2 force plates (1000 Hz) was used for data collection. Results: No significant difference was found in all variables including year of practice between both groups in pretest. For reverse punch, the punching velocity of TRAIN in posttest was found greater than in pretest (p< .01), meanwhile greater than CON in posttest (p < .05). For single-leg balance after landing from jump slap kick, TTS Fy of TRAIN was longer in posttest than in pretest (p < .05). For static single-leg balance, maximal COP excursion in medial-lateral direction of CON was smaller in posttest than in pretest (p < .05). Conclusion: Core stability training has positive effects on punching velocity and the force transfer in punching, but not on static or dynamic balance, neither on jumping. Meanwhile, the recreational exercises may help to maintain the level of performance.



核心訓練, 穩定性, 中國武術, 出拳, core training, stability, Chinese martial arts, punching

