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本研究以行動研究之方式,探究應用理解式球類教學法於國中籃球教學中,在評量實施有何困難及解決策略,尋求因應策略與方法,最後做出教學省思與促進教師專業成長,提出建議以供後續研究與教學之參考。研究以質性研究法,透過問題解決學習單、教師日誌與教學現場錄影資料內容、觀察紀錄進行質性資料蒐集。進行5週共10節體育課。本研究所得結論:一、於理解式球類教學評量中,可適時應用翻轉課堂的原理及同儕互評,減輕教師評量學生人數上之壓力。二、比賽 (上課) 影片的使用結合資訊的應用提供教學評量的另一種選擇。三、上課中教師的引導與提問與評量方式與內容有所關連,因此可增加TSAP之評量類目,或可與電腦領域教師做協同教學。未來研究建議:一、可嘗試不同之運動項目做理解式評量策略的發展。二、可在不同的學習階段做理解式球類教學評量策略之探討。三、可針對理解式球類教學法評量中,關於情意及認知項目做探究。
The study was using an action research to explore the assessment strategy’s regarding to implementing Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) approach on basketball teaching in junior high school. The students were invited one of the ninth grades, who were thirty-six (girls, n=16; boys, n=16) in New Taipei City, and Ten lessons of basketball instructions were conducted. The qualitative data were collected through videotaping, teacher’s teaching diary, observation sheet of teaching, reflections of the teacher, and interviews of students. The conclusions were follows as: 1.The flipped classroom model and peer assessment could reduce the teacher’s working pressure while implementing assessment in TGfU approach; 2. Selected instructional game play video through community network as homework for students was the other assessment strategy; 3.Increasing assessment categories of TSAP and team teaching with IT teacher could build the linking connection between teacher’s questioning and game play assessment. Finally, PE lesson instructional design related to TGfU assessment was provided for future suggestion.



體育教學, 評量策略, 翻轉課堂, PE instruction, assessment strategy, flipped classroom

