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本研究主要目的是比較四位大專女子甲組羽球雙打選手的正拍與反拍發球動作在運動學上的差異。利用Vicon動作系統(300Hz)擷取受試者身上反光球的資料,並經由nexus1.2軟體系統算出運動學參數,透過SPSS 12.0版統計套裝軟體,以Wilcoxon配對符號等級檢定之無母數統計方法考驗正拍與反拍發球動作各項參數的差異情形,其顯著差異水準為α=.05。另以無母數弗里曼多因子變異數分析來檢定正拍三種不同落點的差異情形及反拍三種不同落點的差異情形,並使用Excel計算軟體進行三種動作的事後比較,顯著水準定為α= .05。其結果發現:正拍三種不同落點的發球動作中,揮拍時間是高遠球長於平快球,高遠球長於網前小球,在拉拍時間上就有線索暴露;高遠球與平快球擊球瞬間是尺屈角度變化,網前小球則相反,為橈屈的角度變化。擊球點與重心前後、左右距離皆有顯著性差異,發網前小球前後距離最近身體重心,但左右距離最遠,發力是運用身體旋轉的力量,而發高遠球擊球點最前方,但左右距離較近身,發力是運用手腕屈曲的力量為主。反拍三種不同落點的發球動作中,皆是利用手腕屈曲的力量;擊球點與重心前後距離有顯著性差異。同一落點下,正拍與反拍在三種球路上的比較皆無顯著差異。可能是實驗者數據太少,造成差異性不明顯。
The purpose of this study was to analyze the kinematical variables of the badminton players when they were performing forehand and backhand serve. Four collegiate elite female badminton players in Taiwan were served as the subjects. Ten Vicon MX-13+ cameras (Vicon, Oxford, UK, 300Hz) were used to record the 3D kinematics data and calculated by Vicon Nexus 1.2 system. The nonparametric statistical test of the Wilcoxon matched-paired signed-rank test between forehand and backhand serve for the differences in kinematics at a .05 significant level. The other way was tested by Friedman analysis of variance nonparametric statistical test which was calculated by SPSS 12.0, and the post-hoc comparison were calculated by the Excel software, the significant levels as α= .05. The result is that in the forehand serving motions of the three different dropping locations, the time of hitting the shuttle is long serve  drive serve  short shot. There are clues in the time of swinging the racket. There are noticeable differences between ulnar flexion of the long serve and drive serve and the short serve of radial flexion. There are noticeable differences between the hitting points and the front or back or left or right distance from the physical center of gravity. In the forehand serving, I suggest to enhance the steadiness of all joints in the twisting forearm because the hitting point is far from the physical center of gravity. If one can fix the angle of the forearm in the process of twisting the body, one can hit the hitting point more correctly. In the backhand serving motions of the three different dropping locations, all depend on the flexion of the wrist.There are also noticeable differences between the hitting points and the front or back distance from the physical center of gravity. In the forehand and backhand serving, I suggest that players enhance the explosive force of the joint of wrist so that at the moment of hitting the shuttle, they can change the force and angle and shorten the time of swinging the racket, which will have an unexpected effect. At the same dropping locations, there are no noticeable differences between forehand and backhand serving of the three different shots. The unclear differences may be caused by only a few data from subjects.



正拍, 反拍, 發網前球, 發平快球, 發高遠球, forehand, backhand, short serve, drive serve, long serve

