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本研究目的在於探討評鑑對高中探究式化學實驗模組實施的影響,並從上述實徵研究的結果提出對參與式評鑑理論的補充與修正。本研究參考參與式評鑑理論、評鑑產生影響理論、成人轉化學習理論及學習型組織理論,建構了「組織學習之實務型參與式評鑑」(PEOL評鑑)理論架構,將評鑑過程視為由教師及評鑑團隊知識共構的歷程,教師在施行探究教學及評鑑過程中受到評鑑環境影響,探究教學知識產生變化,此變化影響後續的探究教學實務,另一方面,由於知識共構,教師的變化及回饋也對評鑑團隊的探究評鑑實務知識產生影響,進而修正評鑑實務。本研究以台灣北部一所公立高中的十八位高二學生及四位化學教師為研究對象,採取質、量兼併的研究方法,探討實施錯合物探索式實驗模組及評鑑的歷程中,學生探究學習表現、個案化學教師的探究教學實務及探究教學知識變化情形、變化與評鑑環境影響因素的關係、評鑑對教師及評鑑團隊的影響、以及本研究情境使評鑑產生影響的原因。研究結果發現,實施PEOL評鑑對教師及評鑑團隊都產生了影響。對教師的影響有三方面:工具性、概念性及符號性影響。工具性影響包括教師使用評鑑的回饋以修定評量工具、及促進教師反思以進行修正。概念性影響包括以評鑑回饋釐清探究教學與學習的概念、實施評鑑過程促進學習型組織的形成及運作;符號性影響包括學生整理實驗成果參加科展得名以及教師發表論文,皆對外展現實施成效。另一方面,對評鑑團隊的影響也有三方面:工具性影響包括增進利害關係人對評鑑的瞭解、協助發展探究學習評量工具、及協助教師專業成長;概念性影響,包括評鑑團隊因實施評鑑而更加釐清評鑑理論的定義內涵;符號性影響,包括評鑑團隊的論文發表,也對外展現了實施成果。分析本研究情境使用PEOL有效原因,包含四點:建立穩固的評鑑基礎、實施評鑑滿足需求、立即回饋機制促使即時調整方案進行方向及評鑑產生影響、參與者的特質有助於推動。本研究評鑑團隊及教師面對的議題則有:組織文化不同,建立共識需要時間;及評鑑時間長、溝通頻率高,雙方負擔都相當大。本研究所發展PEOL不同於以往評鑑,具有五項特色:將「評鑑產生使用」擴大為「評鑑產生影響」;運用知識使用理念建立PEOL評鑑架構; PEOL評鑑的進行過程並非線性,而是有回饋機制;知識共構在過程中持續發生,而非在某特定時段;知識共構是發生在利害關係人及評鑑團隊間,因此雙方都受到評鑑影響。
The influence of evaluation on organizational learning in enacting chemistry laboratory inquiry in a senior high school in Taiwan is investigated. The investigation focuses on the understanding of the mechanism underlying the links between activities and consequences in practical participatory evaluation in a school setting. Referring to social constructivism and knowledge utilization theories, this study proposes that the evaluation is a knowledge co-construction process of both evaluators and stakeholders (teachers) through reflections, dialogues, and evaluation activities. During the course of the study, we collected data by means of interviews, questionnaires, classroom observations, and video recording to investigate how students performed inquiry skills in the chemistry laboratory as consequences of how teachers structured the inquiry activities in the context of evaluation environments. The results indicate that both teachers and evaluators have considerable instrumental, conceptual and symbolic influence on the evaluation findings. For teachers, instrumental influence occurred as they adjusted course plans from community assistance, reflective interviews and using the data from evaluators. On the other hand, the influence of the evaluation on the evaluators was shown on the adjustment of technical evaluative skills, rethinking of the knowledge of evaluation theories and practices, and improvement in communication frequency and quality with teachers. From the empirical results, it is suggested that the mechanism of PEOL evaluation should be considered as a process of knowledge co-construction in the whole evaluation process, not only in the particular steps of data analysis but also interpretation by evaluators and stakeholders. It is not a linear progressing process of evaluation. The feedbacks and chain reactions among knowledge co-construction are transformed into actionable knowledge, eventually leading to actions. It effectively facilitated the evaluation influence of evaluation findings.



參與式評鑑, 組織學習, 評鑑產生影響, 探究式學習, 化學實驗模組, 知識共構, Participatory evaluation, Inquiry learning, Chemistry experiments, Evaluation influence, Organizational learning, Knowledge co-construction

