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  107學年度起,為進一步培育跨領域之專業人才,特別是聚焦於東北亞、中國、東南亞及其周邊等區域,東亞學系改採不分組招生,強調多學科的交融,並以文化與應用、政經與區域發展為主軸。大學部的教學定位在人文社會領域的通才養成,授予文學士(Bachelor of Arts, B.A.)學位。碩士班培育具獨立研究及實踐能力的專業人才,授予社會科學碩士(Master of Social Science , M.S.S.)學位。博士班以高階人文社會研究為主,授予社會科學博士(Ph.D.)。























1. 東亞漢學、文化應用、政經議題、區域發展等相關研究單位或智庫,從事學術研究人員。

2. 外交、文化、政經、僑務、國家發展等公部門,從事行政或公務人員。

3. 擔任具備專業知識的記者、編輯、旅遊從業人員、行銷、企劃、企業管理人才。

4. 從事翻譯工作,日、韓、英或歐語類外交翻譯專業人才。



Search Results

Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Item
    The Impact of China's Labor Contract Law on Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence from Taiwanese Investment in China
    (國立政治大學國際關係研究中心, 2010-12-01) 蔡昌言; 田正利
    This study extends research on issues relating to China’s Labor Contract Law to clarify the relationship between the introduction of the legislation and Taiwanese investments in China, interacting with any industry effect. It also examines how Taiwanese firms’ degree of dependence on China is associated with their performance. Models, based mainly on eclectic theory and institutional theory, are employed to test hypotheses using panel data from 1,015 Taiwanese investments in China over twentyfive quarters. The findings reveal that the adoption ofChina’s Labor Contract Law and Taiwanese firms’ dependence on China are not always associated with firm performance, and industry factors can, under some circumstances, moderate the impact of the Law on firm performance. The findings provide business practitioners with evidence as to whether a new law (in this case, the Labor Contract Lawof China) can have an impact on a firm and how much the industry effect matters.
  • Item
    The Impact of China's Labor Contract Law on Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence from Taiwanese Investment in China
    (Department of East Asian Studies, National Taiwan Normal university, 2010-12-01) 蔡昌言; 田正利
    This study extends research on issues relating to China’s Labor Contract Law to clarify the relationship between the introduction of the legislation and Taiwanese investments in China, interacting with any industry effect. It also examines how Taiwanese firms’ degree of dependence on China is associated with their performance. Models, based mainly on eclectic theory and institutional theory, are employed to test hypotheses using panel data from 1,015 Taiwanese investments in China over twentyfive quarters. The findings reveal that the adoption ofChina’s Labor Contract Law and Taiwanese firms’ dependence on China are not always associated with firm performance, and industry factors can, under some circumstances, moderate the impact of the Law on firm performance. The findings provide business practitioners with evidence as to whether a new law (in this case, the Labor Contract Lawof China) can have an impact on a firm and how much the industry effect matters.