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    (2009) 張武進; Wu-Chin Chang
    目的:探討國小高年級男童之「高表現立定跳遠組」與「一般表現立定跳遠組」其立定跳遠各分期動作表現之運動學及動力學參數是否有差異,探究影響立定跳遠動作表現的因素為何。方法:以16名國小五年級男童為施測對象,分為「高表現立定跳遠組」8名及「一般表現立定跳遠組」8名共兩組。並以Vicon Motion Capture System MX-13+高速影像擷取攝影機(250Hz)及Kistler三維測力板(1250Hz),蒐集立定跳遠動作過程中的運動學及動力學參數。所得結果採用無母數統計方法之曼-惠特尼U考驗(Mann - Whitney U test),進行「高表現組」與「一般表現組」兩組立定跳遠動作各項參數的差異檢定。結果:一、立定跳遠跳躍距離兩組之間有顯著差異(p<.05)。二、下蹲擺臂期之重心高度變化量兩組有顯著差異(p<.05)。三、蹬伸起跳期與飛行著地期之重心水平位移變化量兩組有顯著差異(p<.05)。四、起跳瞬間重心水平速度與移動合速度兩組有顯著差異(p<.05)。五、蹬伸起跳期之重心、肩關節、肘關節、髖關節及膝關節最大合速度兩組有顯著差異(p<.05)。六、蹬伸起跳期之水平衝量兩組有顯著差異(p<.05)。
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    The effect of hand-held weights on standing long jump performance
    (2005-08-27) 黃長福; Chenfu Huang; Hung-ying Chen; Hsiente Peng
    The standing long jump was one of the events in ancient Olympiad Games. Extra weights were held in the hands of athletes during the jump. It has long been debated whether the extra weights were used to make the challenge more difficult or to enhance the jumping performances. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of extra weights on standing long jump performance. A Redlake high-speed camera was synchronized with a Kistler force platform to collect the data of eight male jumping performances. The results Indicate that the total horizontal propelling time, time to maximal horizontal force, horizontal impulse and horizontal velocity of body CG at takeoff all increased. with loaded jumps. In addition, the vertical velocity of body CG and angles at takeoff decrease with loadedl weights. It was suggested optimal extra weights for extending standing jump distance is 8% of body mass.