
Permanent URI for this communityhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118

∥ 系所沿革

在全球化潮流下,國際人力資源的發展更趨重要。相對地,國際人力資源專業工作者的培育需求也必然更顯迫切。在此背景下,國立臺灣師範大學「國際人力教育與發展研究所」(Graduate Institute of International Workforce Education and Development, IWED)於民國九十二年(九十二學年度)成立,隸屬於科技學院;於民國九十八年(九十八學年度)更名為「國際人力資源發展研究所」(Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Development, IHRD),並改隸國際與僑教學院。民國一百零三年(壹零三學年度),國際與僑教學院與社會科學院合併後更名為國際與社會科學院。

∥ 系所特色

本所成立於民國九十二年,為全國第一所採用全英語授課,並同時招收本國籍與國際學生的系所。以培育國際企業、各國政府機構及國際性非營利組織人力資源規劃與管理專業人才為目標。本所的成立及發展正是反映前述時勢所趨,希望成為引領此領域之先驅,提供學生發展成為國際化人力資源專業人才的基礎和專業課程,以培養其具備進入全球化職場的素養和關鍵知能,學生在畢業後授予管理學碩士學位(MBA Degree)。

本國學生的招生方式包含推薦甄選及碩士一般生考試,考試科目為「管理學」和「英文」;國際學生的招生方式為申請入學和僑生海外聯招。國際化是我們的一大特色,除了師大的學習環境之外,本所與美國伊利諾大學香檳分校University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC)長期學術合作,學生在完成課程且通過甄選後,可申請赴UIUC擔任訪問學生,提供學生多元學習的環境與機會。

∥ 本系教育目標



∥ 歷屆學生來源


∥ 學生未來出路



∥ 師資

目前本所的師資係結合了六位本所專任教師,以及多位兼任教師共同投入及組成本所堅強優秀教學陣容,每一位教師皆擁有國內外著名大學博士學位,不但能以英語授課,學術涵養亦十分深厚。未來將持續努力透過傅爾布萊特獎助(Fulbright Grant)計畫與本校學術交流交換等管道,禮聘客座教授或交換教授於本所任教。


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
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    (2010) 林珮萱; Pey-Shiuan Lin
    台灣銀行業近年來逐漸增加至大陸投資的頻率以擴展市場。在擴展市場初期,台灣銀行業派遣許多經理至大陸發展經營生意。外派人員的管理已成為一重要課題。因此,此研究主要在訪談台灣銀行業經理以探索其派遣至大陸所需的職能,主要研究問題有以下幾點: 1. 台灣銀行業外派大陸經理的甄選條件。 2. 台灣銀行業外派大陸經理需扮演的角色與職責內容。 3. 台灣銀行業外派大陸經理需具備的職能。 4. 台灣銀行業外派大陸經理的訓練課程內容。 根據訪談內容,本研究歸納出台灣銀行業外派至大陸經理所需具備的知識,技能,經驗及人格特質,並可做為未來台灣銀行業外派大陸經理參考依據。 關鍵字:職能,職能模型,外派經理,銀行
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    (2009) 常松茂; Sung-Mao Chang
    就業與就業力,一般來說不一樣。 就業指目前擁有一份正職工作,但對於某些人來說,目前擁有了一份工作,卻未必具備良好的就業能力,長期來看,則有面臨失業的危機; 就業力,則是指一個人能夠培養工作所需的相關知識與技能,並能轉移至其它工作領域,且能夠長期維持其位於職場上的優勢。 而本研究主要的研究對象為業務人員。 人力資源相關的研究,著重在業務人員的工作技能、職能,亦或是其人格特徵,在某些國家甚至將職能與就業力,視為同一概念。 實際上,鮮少的研究著重於業務人員的就業力研究。 因此,本研究的目的,旨在探討與研究業務人員的就業力。 本研究發展出32項業務人員之就業力項目,研究分析採用獨立樣本檢定及變異數分析。 分析結果指出,人際關係、情緒智商、工作態度、學習態度與責任感,為業務人員應該優先發展及較重要的就業力項目。 網路行銷能力、財務相關管理能力、電腦文書處理技能、電腦基本應用與英文能力,在本研究中,相對地則被業務人員視為較不重要的就業技能。此研究結果,部分符合本研究的文獻中,某些學者的觀點。 此外,不同性別、年齡與職位的業務人員,對於業務人員的就業力,也有不同的看法。
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    A Study on the Training Needs Analysis of Financial Planners
    (2009) 林勝豪; Richard, Sheng-Hao Lin
    The study aimed to explore the relevant training issues of financial planners, the professionals in charge of the wealth management business in banks. The research includes the training needs analysis and financial planners’ perspectives toward their training and professional development. The study utilized in-depth interviews, a technique of qualitative approach, to explore the contexts of the organizations, the job, personal performance issues, and learning of financial planners. Ten professionals in financial planning field were interviewed. The research findings are the detailed contexts that can be categorized into four parts. First on the organizational issue, there are organizational problems of (1) establishing organizational fame and brand, of developing their professionals, of (2) re-constructing their organizational system to maximize the business efficiency and effectiveness, and of (3) innovating competitive products for differentiation in those banks. Second on the job analysis issue, to perform the job well, financial planners must develop effective strategies to enhance the three most important competencies: (1) strong mental strength to live with pressure, (2) client pool developing, and (3) knowing the market trend. To acquire the three competencies, it is demanded that financial planners should have other complex knowledge and skills e.g. professional knowledge of finance, interpersonal skills, together to perform successfully in their job. Third on the person performance issue, performance difficulties and problems can be summarized as being caused by (1) the bear market, (2) poorly set performance standard and goals, (3) customers’ distrust, and the (4) heavy requirement of financial planners’ knowledge and skills. On the personal analysis, (1) resistance to be transferred into the wealth management field, and (2) work pressure resulted from heavy workload, and (3) personal laziness and impatience toward their job and customers are the major person problems. On the learning issues of the financial planners, experiences that help establish client pool by being a senior staff in the same branch and experience that help understand the market trend in a securities company are explored. On the learning channels, financial planner acquire their competencies majorly through (1) internal corporate training, (2) reading, (3) financial planning exhibitions and conferences, (4) Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance, (TABF) and Securities and Futures Institute, (SFI), (5) learning from skillful, experienced clients secretly, and (6) certification and training to satisfy their training needs.
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    (2007) 黃瓊儀; Chiung-I Huang
    摘要 各行各業甚至體育界都有需要談判的時候。眾所周知的例子就是我國體壇目前使用的「奧會模式」。奧會模式是當年國際談判的產物,適用於奧林匹克活動架構下的所有體育運動組織。本研究旨在經由奧會模式談判歷程的觀點來探討策略談判人員的職能,進而建構策略談判人員職能模型。本研究訪談了參與奧會模式及體育事務談判的人員,以及參與加入世界貿易組織、亞太經濟合作會議,和經濟合作發展組織等國際組織談判的相關人員,強化本研究有關談判資料的內容。 本研究結論得出建構策略談判人員職能模型,計可涵括十二項主要職能如下:(1)行動導向,此一職能讓談判者能達成目標並訂定務實可行的解決方案;(2)主動性:談判人員應自動自發,並瞭解自己的優缺點,能採取主動達成組織目標;(3)人際關係影響力,發展人際網絡暨夥伴關係,具備說服他人的能力;(4)認知能力促使談判人員得以判斷分析組織優勢及劣勢,開發相關領域的技術、專業及管理知能;(5)彈性與適應性使談判人員隨時迎接變化,調整行為與作業方式,因應變動和意外挑戰;(6)溝通技巧協助談判人員有條不紊的表達意見及事實;(7)衝突管理能力使談判人員得以正面具建設性的態度解決衝突、紛爭及歧見;(8)管理技巧與領導統禦能力促使能與他人協調並評量進度;(9)開發他人能力得以激發並教導團隊成員達成目標;(10)建構團隊能力使談判人員有能力打造及管理團隊;(11)個人特性有助於談判的進行;(12)公共關係有助於與媒體建立良好關係及促進溝通的效益。
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    (2005) 張可翰; Koko Chang
    In the process of multinational corporations (MNCs) operation and development, the top HR manager takes a great responsibility of assisting the corporation to establish organization abroad, and manage the global workforce and international human resource practices. For understanding the competencies of the top HR manager in MNCs, researcher reviewed the related literature for understanding the background of the research and developing the research purposes that generalized from the problems. The study adopted the multiple cases of qualitative methods and in-depth interview method, researcher tried to find the appropriate interview subject and developed the interview instrument for implementing the interview. The interview content and information were arranged, analyzed and discussed after each interview. The major findings in the study are present as below: 1. The practices of top HR manager in MNCs are generalized into 6 categories those are Strategic Partners, Administrative Experts, Employee Champions, Change Agents, Coach and Coordinator. 2. The competencies for top human resource manager in a MNC arranged and coded form interview transcription are generalized into 3 categories those are (1) Strategic thinking which include Business planning involvement, Human resource practice Alignment, Consultation providing, Organization diagnoses, Human resource planning, Competency need assessment. (2) Operational abilities which include Communication, Flexibility,Knowledge, Experience, Leadership, Learning ability. (3) Personal trait which include Enthusiastic, Aggressive, Reliable, Self-control and Creativity.
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    The Perceptions of Human Resource Development Professionals in Taiwan Regarding their Working Relationships with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) during the Training Design Process.
    (Taylor & Francis, 2008-07-01) Lin, Y. C.; Jacobs, R. L.
    While the literature supports the importance of establishing a relationship between designers and subject matter experts (SMEs) in the training design process, this approach is not followed in all global practices. The purpose of this study was to identify the perceptions of human resource development professionals in Taiwan regarding their working relationships with SMEs. The respondents of the study were HRD professionals who worked in high-tech companies located in a science park in Taiwan. The study found that a significant relationship exists between the ability to work with SMEs and current ability in the training design process among HRD professionals who had worked with SMEs. This study provides implications for the professional development of HRD practitioners and HRD practice in Taiwan companies. Cross-cultural issues are discussed to explain inconsistencies between the results and US-based perspectives on the training design process.