
Permanent URI for this communityhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118

∥ 系所沿革

在全球化潮流下,國際人力資源的發展更趨重要。相對地,國際人力資源專業工作者的培育需求也必然更顯迫切。在此背景下,國立臺灣師範大學「國際人力教育與發展研究所」(Graduate Institute of International Workforce Education and Development, IWED)於民國九十二年(九十二學年度)成立,隸屬於科技學院;於民國九十八年(九十八學年度)更名為「國際人力資源發展研究所」(Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Development, IHRD),並改隸國際與僑教學院。民國一百零三年(壹零三學年度),國際與僑教學院與社會科學院合併後更名為國際與社會科學院。

∥ 系所特色

本所成立於民國九十二年,為全國第一所採用全英語授課,並同時招收本國籍與國際學生的系所。以培育國際企業、各國政府機構及國際性非營利組織人力資源規劃與管理專業人才為目標。本所的成立及發展正是反映前述時勢所趨,希望成為引領此領域之先驅,提供學生發展成為國際化人力資源專業人才的基礎和專業課程,以培養其具備進入全球化職場的素養和關鍵知能,學生在畢業後授予管理學碩士學位(MBA Degree)。

本國學生的招生方式包含推薦甄選及碩士一般生考試,考試科目為「管理學」和「英文」;國際學生的招生方式為申請入學和僑生海外聯招。國際化是我們的一大特色,除了師大的學習環境之外,本所與美國伊利諾大學香檳分校University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC)長期學術合作,學生在完成課程且通過甄選後,可申請赴UIUC擔任訪問學生,提供學生多元學習的環境與機會。

∥ 本系教育目標



∥ 歷屆學生來源


∥ 學生未來出路



∥ 師資

目前本所的師資係結合了六位本所專任教師,以及多位兼任教師共同投入及組成本所堅強優秀教學陣容,每一位教師皆擁有國內外著名大學博士學位,不但能以英語授課,學術涵養亦十分深厚。未來將持續努力透過傅爾布萊特獎助(Fulbright Grant)計畫與本校學術交流交換等管道,禮聘客座教授或交換教授於本所任教。


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Item
    Perception of Managerial Trust and the Effect on the Job Attitudes of Employees in the Financial Sector in St. Lucia
    (2012) Cresida Bishop
    This research paper sort to measure the effect that employees’ perception of managerial trust would have on their job attitudes. The job attitudes mentioned in this paper are namely: Job involvement, affective organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. Harmony, reliability and concern were used as sub-independent variables. A quantitative design was used in this research. 130 questionnaires were distributed to the different banks and insurances in St. Lucia out of which 110 were returned creating a return rate of 84.62%. 10 questionnaires were incomplete hence a sample of 100 participants was used in this research. The results based on Multiple Regression analysis indicates that perceived managerial trust in subordinates have a significant positive effect on employees’ job involvement, affective organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. One of the surprises found in this study is that reliability as a dimension in managerial trust had no significant relationship with any of the job attitudes even though it is one of the most agreed upon dimensions found in trust measurements. This study has contributed to organizational behavior research since most research has focused on employees trust in their leaders than on managerial trust in their subordinates.
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    (2009) 林明毅; Marcus Lin
    As the global corporate environment intensifies and complicates, the survival of business relies on how critical the competencies and competitive advantages a company possesses. Since most companies tend to have similar infrastructures, equipment and technologies, which leaves only one factor vital to determining the success or failure of a company, human resources. Modern HRM should be constantly monitored and measured for its impacts on the people and the organization because it can serve as a driver in increasing the value of intellectual capital and helping enterprises boost organizational performance. Peter Drucker, perhaps the top management philosopher of our time, spoke of about the issue of measurement in several of his writings and emphasized how vital it was to measure HR effectiveness as measurement is the weakest area in management today (Fitz-enz, 1995). Job satisfaction, on the other hand, as Robbins (1998) pointed out, is important to the employees and the company because it can serve as an indicator that helps to identify problems from the aspects such as communications, working conditions and interactions, etc. And by dealing with the problems once they arise, it can improve the level of job satisfaction of the employees and therefore contribute the positive effects to the outcome of the company. This research study investigates the influence of HR effectiveness and job satisfaction on organizational performance and the results show that (1) HR effectiveness has significantly positive influence on organizational performance; (2) job satisfaction has partially significant positive influence on organizational performance; (3) HR effectiveness has significantly positive influence on job satisfaction.