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在全球化潮流下,國際人力資源的發展更趨重要。相對地,國際人力資源專業工作者的培育需求也必然更顯迫切。在此背景下,國立臺灣師範大學「國際人力教育與發展研究所」(Graduate Institute of International Workforce Education and Development, IWED)於民國九十二年(九十二學年度)成立,隸屬於科技學院;於民國九十八年(九十八學年度)更名為「國際人力資源發展研究所」(Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Development, IHRD),並改隸國際與僑教學院。民國一百零三年(壹零三學年度),國際與僑教學院與社會科學院合併後更名為國際與社會科學院。∥ 系所特色
本所成立於民國九十二年,為全國第一所採用全英語授課,並同時招收本國籍與國際學生的系所。以培育國際企業、各國政府機構及國際性非營利組織人力資源規劃與管理專業人才為目標。本所的成立及發展正是反映前述時勢所趨,希望成為引領此領域之先驅,提供學生發展成為國際化人力資源專業人才的基礎和專業課程,以培養其具備進入全球化職場的素養和關鍵知能,學生在畢業後授予管理學碩士學位(MBA Degree)。
本國學生的招生方式包含推薦甄選及碩士一般生考試,考試科目為「管理學」和「英文」;國際學生的招生方式為申請入學和僑生海外聯招。國際化是我們的一大特色,除了師大的學習環境之外,本所與美國伊利諾大學香檳分校University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC)長期學術合作,學生在完成課程且通過甄選後,可申請赴UIUC擔任訪問學生,提供學生多元學習的環境與機會。
∥ 本系教育目標
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∥ 師資
目前本所的師資係結合了六位本所專任教師,以及多位兼任教師共同投入及組成本所堅強優秀教學陣容,每一位教師皆擁有國內外著名大學博士學位,不但能以英語授課,學術涵養亦十分深厚。未來將持續努力透過傅爾布萊特獎助(Fulbright Grant)計畫與本校學術交流交換等管道,禮聘客座教授或交換教授於本所任教。
Search Results
Item The Relationship between Psychological Flexibility and Psychological Well-Being with the Moderation Effect of Self-Efficacy and Study Abroad Experience(2019) 呂宜蓁; Lu, Yi-ChenIn this globalized world, there is an increasing number of study abroad program. In addition, the existing literature is often discussing the cross-cultural capacity of the students who have study abroad experience. However, mental health and the level of psychological well-being of the students who went abroad is also important. Therefore, the study aims to understand the level of psychological well-being of the students with study abroad experience. Moreover, this study examines the relationship between psychological flexibility, and psychological well-being, and test the moderation effect of self-efficacy and study abroad experience to the relationship between psychological flexibility and psychological well-being. There is a total of 256 surveys collected in this study. Among these 256 responders, 220 had study abroad experience. The researcher analyzed the 220 samples to examine the relationship between the variables mentioned above. In the other hand, the researcher separates the 256 data into two groups. One group has over 8 months of study abroad experience, and the other group has less than 8 months of study abroad experience (including no experience). This study compared two group’s means in terms of psychological well-being. The result of this study presented (a) a significant effect between psychological flexibility and psychological well-being, (b) a negative moderation effect of self-efficacy to the relationship between psychological flexibility and psychological well-being, and (c) there is a significant difference in psychological well-being level between students who studied abroad over 8 months and less than 8 months. However, there is no moderation effect of study abroad experience to the relationship between psychological flexibility and psychological well-being.Item The Relationship between Acculturation and Psychological Well-being with Stress as the Moderator: A Study of Indian Women in Taiwan(2019) Swapna Vedulla; Swapna VedullanoneItem The Relationship among Work Family Conflict, Family Work Conflict and Workplace Well-being with the Moderating Effects of Mindfulness and Family Supportive Organization Perceptions(2019) 林奕萱; Lin, I-HsuanOver the past 30 years, many researchers have examined recent development on work family conflicts, it is quite considerably large amount of studies proved the causes and the effects. Many studies have shown that WFC/FWC might arise many negative impacts, such as high turnover rate, physical discomfort, and low job satisfaction. Nonetheless, fewer studies explored the influence of moderators on mindfulness and family supportive organization perceptions. In this way, the purpose of this study is to discuss the relationship between work family conflict, family work conflict and workplace well-being, in which mindfulness and family supportive organization perceptions played the moderating roles among the relationship. The present research hypothesizes that work family conflict, family work conflict has a negative effect on workplace well-being, and mindfulness and family supportive organization perceptions will play the moderating roles between work family conflict, family work conflict and workplace well-being. Researcher took the quantitative research design and on-line questionnaires to test the research hypotheses. The sample in this study were 306 employees of all companies in Taiwan. Descriptive, correlation and hierarchical regression analysis were conducted in IBM SPSS Statistics. Although the results indicated that work family conflict and family work conflict was not negatively connected with workplace well-being, the mindfulness and family supportive organization perceptions still had moderating effects on work family conflict, family work conflict and workplace well-being.Item The Relationships Among Employee proactive personality, Authentic Leadership and Work Engagement in the Kiribati Public Service(2019) 伊泰拉; Teera Maireti Eriuta無中文摘要Item Perceived Abusive Supervision and Counterproductive Work Behavior: The Mediating Effect of Perceived Stress(2019) 陳思諭; Chen, Sih-Yu無中文摘要Item The Relationship among Job Stress, Social Support and Affective Commitment: A Study on Employees of Nonprofit Organizations in Taiwan(2012) 郭勇呈; Yung-Cheng KuoNowadays, human resources in nonprofit organizations become increasingly important. In this study, the research purpose was to examine the relationship among job stress, social support, and affective commitment in order to understand the job situations of employees of nonprofit organizations (NPOs) in Taiwan. A total of 156 employees in NPOs in Taiwan were examined to understand the relationship between job stress and affective commitment while regarding social support as a moderator. This study used three dimensions of scale to collect data regarding job situations of employees in NPOs in Taiwan. A pilot study, item analysis, internal consistency and expert reviews were used to improve validity and reliability of this study. In addition, the researcher conducted descriptive statistic, correlation analysis and hierarchical regression analysis to analyze hypotheses and examine the relationship among job stress, social support and affective commitment. The result confirmed that job stress was significantly and negatively related to the affective commitment. Moreover, social support was found to have a moderate effect on the relationship between job stress and affective commitment. The result of this research suggested that NPOs managers need to understand psychological situation of employees, and pay attention to the relationship of job stress, social support and affective commitment.Item 電子化人力資源資訊系統導入對人力資源部門的影響:一個實證研究(2012) 魏良宇; Matthew, Liang Yu Wei本研究在台灣探索電子化人力資源資訊系統的前因與後果的探究。研究運用便利抽樣從不同的管道蒐集組織層級的回答,研究中共採納182家公司的回答。本研究運用敘述性統計來驗證目前台灣現況的電子化人力資訊系統的運用狀況。更進一步,運用部分最小平方(PLS)以及結構方程式模型更進一步探索電子化人力資源實務以及與其他變數之間的關係。結果顯示電子化人力資源資訊系統前因,諸如人力資源角色的複雜性、工作複雜度或是當作中介的公司資訊能力,皆不成立。另外一方面,不同電子化程度的電子化人力資源資訊系統被此研究證明是可以有效驗證另外兩個被影響的變數,人力資源的策略性以及人力資源部門的職能。詳細的意涵在此研究中有更詳細的討論。Item Career Prospects and Job Search Intention of High-Skilled Foreign Students in Taiwan.(2012) Edgard Ivan Garcia Torres; Edgard Ivan Garcia TorresThe purpose of this study is to examine a number of the most important abilities foreign students need, to find employment in Taiwan and measure how much each of these abilities affect the students’ perceived possibilities to find work after graduation. Quantitative research approach was used to test the effect of acculturation, networking behavior, career decision making self-efficacy and awareness of Taiwan’s labor policies have on the perceived career prospects of foreign students in Taiwan and their job search intention after graduation. The participants were foreign students enrolled in a degree program in Taiwan’s higher education system. A pilot test involving 47 participants was used to establish the validity of the survey questionnaire, which was the main instrument used to collect data for this research. Once the proper changes on the questionnaire were made after the pilot test, 206 participants, about 2% of the population of foreign students in Taiwan as of 2010-2011 participated in the study. Hierarchical regression was used to test the study hypotheses. The research found that awareness of Taiwan’s labor policies and career decision making self-efficacy positively influenced foreign students’ perceived career prospects in Taiwan, while acculturation and networking behavior increased their job search intention. The effect of perceived career prospects on foreign students’ job search intention in Taiwan was also proved.Item Role on Knowledge Transfer of the Mining Sector in Mongolia(2012) 古嵐; Khulan GanbatThe knowledge-related roles of the expatriates are becoming one of the most appealing academic research topics. The purpose of this research is to identify the role of the expatriates on knowledge transfer of the mining companies in Mongolia. The objectives of this study are to: identify the role of the expatriates on knowledge transfer, identify what kind of knowledge is transferred by the expatriates, and identify the main factors and obstacles, which are impacting the expatriates on knowledge transfer process. Research was implemented by qualitative approach. Ten expatriates who fulfilled participation requirement was interviewed. Findings of the study revealed that expatriates who assigned to Mongolian mining companies play diverse role as knowledge transferor. Beside main job responsibility all the expatriates are in charge of advising, leading, guiding and training their co-workers. Managerial, organizational and technical related knowledge mostly transferred by expatriates to Mongolian employees. Main influential factor and obstacle is managerial support and language ability of the local employee. Findings of the study will assist mining organizations clearly see where the weaknesses are and how to improve that in the future with expatriates’ involvement. This study contributes to the existing literature. Study was one of the groundbreaking studies about expatriates in Mongolia and knowledge management in the mining industry of Mongolia.