
Permanent URI for this communityhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118

∥ 系所沿革

在全球化潮流下,國際人力資源的發展更趨重要。相對地,國際人力資源專業工作者的培育需求也必然更顯迫切。在此背景下,國立臺灣師範大學「國際人力教育與發展研究所」(Graduate Institute of International Workforce Education and Development, IWED)於民國九十二年(九十二學年度)成立,隸屬於科技學院;於民國九十八年(九十八學年度)更名為「國際人力資源發展研究所」(Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Development, IHRD),並改隸國際與僑教學院。民國一百零三年(壹零三學年度),國際與僑教學院與社會科學院合併後更名為國際與社會科學院。

∥ 系所特色

本所成立於民國九十二年,為全國第一所採用全英語授課,並同時招收本國籍與國際學生的系所。以培育國際企業、各國政府機構及國際性非營利組織人力資源規劃與管理專業人才為目標。本所的成立及發展正是反映前述時勢所趨,希望成為引領此領域之先驅,提供學生發展成為國際化人力資源專業人才的基礎和專業課程,以培養其具備進入全球化職場的素養和關鍵知能,學生在畢業後授予管理學碩士學位(MBA Degree)。

本國學生的招生方式包含推薦甄選及碩士一般生考試,考試科目為「管理學」和「英文」;國際學生的招生方式為申請入學和僑生海外聯招。國際化是我們的一大特色,除了師大的學習環境之外,本所與美國伊利諾大學香檳分校University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC)長期學術合作,學生在完成課程且通過甄選後,可申請赴UIUC擔任訪問學生,提供學生多元學習的環境與機會。

∥ 本系教育目標



∥ 歷屆學生來源


∥ 學生未來出路



∥ 師資

目前本所的師資係結合了六位本所專任教師,以及多位兼任教師共同投入及組成本所堅強優秀教學陣容,每一位教師皆擁有國內外著名大學博士學位,不但能以英語授課,學術涵養亦十分深厚。未來將持續努力透過傅爾布萊特獎助(Fulbright Grant)計畫與本校學術交流交換等管道,禮聘客座教授或交換教授於本所任教。


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 119
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    ESWOT: An Econometrics Approach To SWOT Analysis On The Evaluation Of IBM's Strategy
    (2009) 莫莉亞; Maria-Smaranda Moldovan
    ABSTRACT The various challenges a company meets when facing globalization emphasize more than ever the role of strategic management. Many companies conduct SWOT analysis as part of the strategic planning process, yet criticism in employing SWOT pinpoints the fact that the analysis lacks the possibility of comprehensively appraising the strategic decision-making situation. On another hand, a company’s strategic decision making impacts and is impacted at the same time by the different groups that contour its direct environment. The three most important ones are the shareholders, the organization’s employees, represented by the unions, and the board of directors. This paper sets out to take an integrative approach to SWOT analysis through the use of an econometrics model in order to quantitatively determine the importance of each of the factors to be evaluated. Therefore, this paper introduces ESWOT as a theoretical framework through the integration of econometrics and SWOT analysis, in order to measure the impact of global strategies, strategic business units, human resource policies and policy change strategies on IBM’s evolution from three perspectives: the board, the shareholders and the employees. The focus of the research is hence twofold: it provides a novel, quantitative approach to a veteran strategic analysis tool, as well as it tackles IBM’s strategy through this new perspective. By using the ESWOT analysis we successfully explain the relationships between the border, the stockholders and the unions’ interests. IBM must focus its future objectives on its core business that enables it to create a niche in the market, and recruiting the right staff, especially the right CEO to lead the team in achieving the substantial goals of the company and guiding it through the future challenges brought upon by the global financial crisis.
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    (2009) 楊慧霞; Hui Hsia Yang
    The number of students who majored in the field of science and technology has been gradually growing in recent years in Taiwan. However, a report revealed by Manpower (2008) suggested that Taiwanese employers had difficulty in recruiting information technology (IT) staff. This seems to indicate an existing gap between the needs in industry and the higher education systems. And this gap might result from the mismatch between education and employment. Thus, the purpose of the study is to examine the phenomenon of mismatch between employment and education in terms of bachelor’s and master’s graduates who majored in the engineering and technology. In this study, the data collected by Taiwan Higher Education Database was utilized, and the sample was restricted to the graduates majored mathematics and computation. According to the statistical results, it was confirmed that a phenomenon of mismatch between employment and education exists. Additionally, the bachelor’s graduates were found to be more likely to be mismatched between job and major, whereas the master’s graduates were found to be more likely to be overeducated in terms of the additional years of overeducation. Therefore, the reason why the Taiwanese companies had difficulty in recruiting IT staff could be inferred. Because of the distrust of the ability of bachelor’s graduates, the companies would rather recruit the candidate with master degree if a job requires a bachelor degree. When the companies raise the qualification standard, they face the problem to recruit people who can match their positions. And the bachelor’s graduates might turn to seek other employment position, if they could not gain the jobs related to their majors.
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    (2009) 王莉; Varalee Chinerawat
    隨著全球化進程的加劇,跨文化適應性已成為了跨國公司取勝的關鍵因素。為了研究跨文化適應性的成因和影響,筆者在研究過程中發現工作滿意度與文化適應性有著極大的關聯,即如果員工/管理人員越能適應另一種的文化,那麼他們也就越能感覺到滿足。這兩個因素都可以用來說明跨文化適應性的相關問題。一項調查表明泰國與台灣的跨文化適應性及跨文化工作滿意度有著極大的區別。雙因素理論在不斷的深入,而人口變量也可以用來很好地解釋跨文化適應性。數量經濟三因素模型是由實和Chinerawat通過對323名參與者( 285名泰國人及38名台灣人)的調查而完成的,這些參與者均來自於在泰國設立的三種不同規模的台灣公司(8000名員工,200名員工,與100名員工)。實踐調查表明影響跨國文化適應性的三大關鍵因素分別為:動力因素,保健因素以及人口統計因素,這些因素可以說明跨文化適應性以及跨文化工作滿意度之間的原因和影響。 實踐研究表明影響跨國文化適應性的三大關鍵因素:動力因素,衛生因素以及人口統計因素對第一號模型及第二號模型的的影響率高達95.3%和96.4%(係數),實踐研究還表明影響跨國文化適應性的三大關鍵因素:動力因素,衛生因素以及人口統計因素對第三號模型及第四號模型的影響率則高達95.3-96.1%(係數)。
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    (2009) 葉琬; Vladimíra Bilijenková
    For recent years, number of international students coming to Taiwan in order to pursuit their studies is growing rapidly. A significant part of them come to acquire mandarin language skills. These students utilize services offered by language centers all over the island. However, approximately one fourth of all learners of Chinese enroll in the Mandarin Training Center (MTC), which is affiliated to the National Taiwan Normal University. Its location in the heart of capital city Taipei as well as long history and reputation are intriguing. Despite the long tradition of teaching mandarin as second language, MTC is an organization that is still adapting to international students’ expectations and needs and is improving its services in order to provide environment in which international students can achieve their goals. This research was conducted in order to learn, what are the international students’ points of view (about the MTC services and other topics) and what do they perceive as most significant factors related to their performance and satisfaction at MTC. The methods of data collecting were semi-structured interview and a questionnaire, which used snowball sampling method. SPSS software version 16 was used for data analysis. This study tested six hypotheses. The statistical results showed that only relation of satisfaction and hygiene and situational factors is highly significant. Therefore it could be concluded that variables of hygiene and situational factors are not motivating or de-motivating for international students’ at MTC, however, they still play a significant role in their everyday lives.
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    The Relationship between the Human Resource Practices of the Civil Service and Turnover Intentions among the Middle Range Civil Servants in Malawi
    (2009) 歐拉; Esther Winsome Austen Ng’ong’ola
    The Government of Malawi is one of the biggest employers for the educated Malawians employing more than sixty percent of the total workforce. It is also the biggest employer for young people who just graduate from the university, as employees either without any experience at all or with very limited experience. Companies and other non-governmental institutions do not really employee such inexperienced workforce in masses; as a result these young graduates have very limited choice of employer. In view of this, these inexperienced graduates depend on the government for employment despite the fact that it does not pay “well” as compared to other non-government employers. Additionally, the civil service has been deemed by several Breton-Wood Institutions and others as having poor or unattractive working conditions just like other governments in the least developed countries. Due to these problems, there have been mass exoduses from the civil service exemplified by the medical personnel in the health sector as well as in education. This is very evident among the middle range or entry levels who also happen to be these new graduates from the University yet they are the hub of the professional/technical and administrative categories. This means that the more turnover the civil service has today, the greater the risk of having a poor civil service in the near future. This has not gone well with the government as an employer because recruitment, selection and hiring are very costly and time consuming. In trying to curb the many problems faced by the civil service, the Breton-Woods Institutions initiated what have been called the Civil Service Reform Programmes for more than 10 years (since 1994/5). One of the targets in the Civil Service Reform Programmes was (and still is) to improve the working conditions of the civil servants in order to reduce turnover and enhance retention. This study examined the relationship between some Human Resource practices (salary, job enrichment/autonomy and job stability strategies) as the precursor variables and turnover intentions as an outcome variable. It also explains the relationship between of job satisfaction and employee commitment with both turnover and the HR practices. Backward regression method was used to find the relationships. It still remains obvious that intentions to exit the civil service remain high but employees can hardly quit mainly due to other external labour market forces and also the job security they enjoy in the service. Satisfaction and commitment remain shaky- levels are relatively low though not too low.
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    (2009) 柯瑪蒂; Marquelda Ruiz Cortez
    This study applies Matsusaka’s Model which is a dynamic model to the Panama sugar industry. In this model diversification can be a value-maximizing strategy even if specialization is generally efficient. The central idea is that firms are composed of organizational capabilities that can be profitable in multiple businesses and that diversification is a search process by which firms seek businesses that are good matches for their capabilities. Two major sugar cane industries in Panama with their diversified pattern were analyzed to provide concrete and reliable information about their achievements. By the application of the equations content in the model; this study attempt to determinate whether or not this model could explain Sugar Cane industry in Panama. This model would be oriented to determinate diversification pattern on first; following that it would provide corporate and organizational capabilities by mixing internal and external input. Twenty years of production had been provided for those organizations. Diversification patter differs by firm. Two kind of diversification pattern had been showed up. Concentric diversification, where the new business produces products that are technically similar to the company's current product but that appeal to a new consumer group and Conglomerate diversification, where the new business produces products that are totally unrelated to the company's current product and that appeal to an entirely new consumer group.
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    (2009) 馬安琪; Agnela Makin
    ABSTRACT This study examines the relationship between teacher training and teachers’ teaching practices in the secondary schools in Belize. It attempts to discover the differences in teaching practices between those teachers who have not been in the teacher training program at the University of Belize. The N=304 were teachers teaching at 20 different high schools. Data was obtained through self-evaluation questionnaire. The One-way ANOVA was used to test the effectiveness, satisfaction level for trained teachers which revealed significant results showing that trained teachers see the effectiveness of the instructional techniques courses in their day-to-day teaching. The teaching practices of the male and female teachers were tested using T-test and showed significance only in the Instructional Material category. The female teachers appeared that they particularly engage students into their lesson. A similar analysis was performed between trained and untrained teachers where no significant differences were found. In respect to the perception of the relationship of experience, attitude, instructional methods, instructional materials and knowledge and skills, the correlation analysis showed that there is a positive and strong relationship except for experience. In addition, the regression analysis conducted on knowledge and skills and teaching practices (instructional methods, instructional materials) showed that acquisition of knowledge and skills can impact these positively. The One-way ANOVA administered on the contextual factors yield that there are significant results on three factors. These results suggested that teachers’ perception differ on different issues and appeared to be inconsistent with previous findings. Therefore, more need to be done in providing continuous support for teachers, development of the affective should be emphasized in the curriculum. For teacher practitioners, collaborative work in designing teaching packages and materials should be taken.
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    (2009) 賈亞圖; Abdoulie O. Jallow
    ABSTRACT Reforms to Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) have been widespread in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and have culminated in the creation of national training authorities, which are financially supported by various forms of employer based levy systems. Such levies have been reported to be problematic in most countries and the Gambia being no exception is currently engulfed in similar dilemma. The purpose of this study is to examine key motivational and de-motivating factors influencing employer contribution to the National Education and Technical Training Levy (NETTL) in the Gambia. A pilot study to test questionnaire item reliability coefficient using Cronbach’s alpha (α) value was carried out. The reliability coefficient values for the standardized items of the motivational factors (independent variable), de-motivating factors (independent variable) and employer contribution dimensions (dependent variable) were 0.924, 0.827 and 0.766 respectively. Validity of the question items were ensured through item content review by an expert in the field. The research results are presented in descriptive and inferential statistics. Both One-way ANOVA and Linear Regression analysis (Stepwise) were used during the analytical stage. Amongst the key research findings include (a) prior consultation during levy policy development and levy put in closed account (only accessible for training use) would motivate limited liability businesses to contribute to the levy. (b) a levy that can ensure a secure and sustainable means of funding skills development, would encourage businesses to willingly contribute to the levy. (c) managing directors of businesses were de-motivated and thus not willing to contribute to the levy because they perceived that it was purely of interest to government. (d) limited liability businesses would be only motivated to voluntarily contribute to the levy if a levy exemption policy is put in place. (e) limited liability businesses showed greater concern on accountability and transparency of the levy system than the Others businesses.
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    Instructional Analysis and Design of e-Learning Skills Training for University of The Gambia
    (2009) 杜佑舒; Yusupha Touray
    This era of digital technology has evidenced an institutional rush for embracement of e-learning delivery techniques in education. Hence institutions that are digitally disadvantaged are as well wanting in their provision of effective and efficient education to students. The Gambia’s only university that is supposed to train its human capital for national development is still trapped in the traditional face-to-face delivery system. However, the same university has been selected as a pilot site for Pan African e-Network; a project that is supposed to collaborate more than twenty universities in Africa with universities in India through a viable e-learning system. But, is the University of The Gambia (UTG) ready for e-learning implementation? If UTG is ready, what proposed design could be used in this implementation? It is against this backdrop that this research looks at the readiness status of the young University in order to propose an instructional design of an e-learning training programme for lecturers. ADDIE model of instructional design has been adopted to analyse readiness and to propose an instructional design or strategy of the proposed content. As such quantitative and qualitative methods have been employed to analyse data from The Gambia through descriptive and nonparametric statistics, and expert interview data on relevance and delivery, monitoring and evaluation of training content, respectively. Eventually, UTG’s readiness was revealed at marginal levels for three of the support systems; infrastructure, training and human capital, and material and financial capacity, and has been found wanting in incentives for promotion of e-learning. The researcher thereafter draws a strategic map for delivery of a thoroughly analysed e-learning content. This research study therefore does not only reveal UTG’s e-learning readiness status, but also outlined a process that could be utilised by other institutions to appraise their e-learning readiness status. Again, it does not only give UTG a competitive advantage over other institutions, but also provides an ADDIE adopted instructional design of e-learning skills training that is applicable in other institutions and corporate entities for staff training.
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    (2009) 常松茂; Sung-Mao Chang
    就業與就業力,一般來說不一樣。 就業指目前擁有一份正職工作,但對於某些人來說,目前擁有了一份工作,卻未必具備良好的就業能力,長期來看,則有面臨失業的危機; 就業力,則是指一個人能夠培養工作所需的相關知識與技能,並能轉移至其它工作領域,且能夠長期維持其位於職場上的優勢。 而本研究主要的研究對象為業務人員。 人力資源相關的研究,著重在業務人員的工作技能、職能,亦或是其人格特徵,在某些國家甚至將職能與就業力,視為同一概念。 實際上,鮮少的研究著重於業務人員的就業力研究。 因此,本研究的目的,旨在探討與研究業務人員的就業力。 本研究發展出32項業務人員之就業力項目,研究分析採用獨立樣本檢定及變異數分析。 分析結果指出,人際關係、情緒智商、工作態度、學習態度與責任感,為業務人員應該優先發展及較重要的就業力項目。 網路行銷能力、財務相關管理能力、電腦文書處理技能、電腦基本應用與英文能力,在本研究中,相對地則被業務人員視為較不重要的就業技能。此研究結果,部分符合本研究的文獻中,某些學者的觀點。 此外,不同性別、年齡與職位的業務人員,對於業務人員的就業力,也有不同的看法。