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Item 1200 個中文雙字詞的聯想常模與其被聯想反應參照表(國立臺灣師範大學教育心理學系, 2017-09-??) 胡中凡; 陳彥丞; 卓淑玲; 陳學志; 張雨霖; 宋曜廷; Jon-Fan Hu, Yen-Cheng Chen, Shu-Ling Zhuo, Hsueh-Chih Chen, Yu-Lin Chang, Yao-Ting Sung字詞聯想是探索人類知識結構重要的工具之一,已被應用在教育、臨床、消費等研究領域,因此建立一個含有大量刺激辭彙的聯想常模有學術與應用面的意義。過去國內的聯想常模多針對特定類別的詞彙編製,缺乏含大量一般中文詞的聯想常模,故本研究將建立含大量一般中文詞的聯想與被聯想反應參照表。預備性研究請30 位參與者評定高/低頻各900 個雙字詞的7 點心像度。刪除心像評定結果標準差過大的詞彙後,從高/低頻詞中各挑選出200 個高/中/低心像程度共1200 個詞彙作為正式研究的刺激,另使104 位參與者評定其情緒價性以便後續研究者使用。正式研究共1200 個參與者進行實驗。每位參與者只對其中200 個刺激詞彙進行反應,因此每個刺激詞彙可得200 個聯想反應,依此建立聯想常模並分析出每個刺激詞彙的聯想反應共通性、各別性、與詞彙的被聯想反應參照表。本研究發現,低頻詞的聯想反應較高頻詞集中;心像程度愈高參與者的聯想反應愈一致。本研究產生的常模可幫助後續研究者更嚴謹地探索中文語義網路結構與操弄實驗。Item 360度回饋法影響輔導科實習教師自我效能之研究(2005) 邱盟淑; Meng-Shu Chiu近年來重大教育政策與方案,如「教訓輔三合一」、「九年一貫課程」與「心理師法」,皆影響著輔導科實習教師自我效能與成效。本研究即符合時代趨勢,運用360度回饋法探索攸關需求、評估與推廣,希望能深入剖析,獲取在專業領域方面運用的進展。本研究採用量化研究-準實驗法,以九十三學年度實習於台北縣市之國民中學輔導科實習教師,前後測接受360度回饋後輔導自我效能的改善程度,並與對照組作比較分析,研究對象總計60位。將問卷填答資料採描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、共變數分析加以統計分析後,研究結果發現:1.對於實習學校整體與教學、導師或行政實習感到滿意。2.實習教師在實習學校可獲得Bandura理論中提升自我效能的來源,如語言服、替代學習等,並有不錯的整體輔導自我效能信念,五個層面屬於中上程度,其中「輔導工作價值的效能」最高,「輔導推展價值的效能」和「輔導技巧的效能」其次,最後「輔導過程的效能」和「輔導工作能力的效能」。背景變項中任教科目「本科」比「相關學科」在「輔導推展價值的效能」高。3.「360度回饋」未能有效促使輔導自我效能整體層面,但「輔導過程的效能」層面卻有進步。4.但「360度回饋」輔導過程的效能顯著優於「現行師資培育評估制度」。最後,本研究提出對教育主管當局、師資培育機構、教育實習機構、實習教師實務建議及後續相關理論研究之方向,以供參考。Item 3D虛擬實境應用於醫學教育接受度之研究(國立臺灣師範大學教育心理學系, 2009-03-??) 賴崇閔; 黃秀美; 廖述盛; 黃雯雯; CHUNG-MING LAI; HSIU-MAI HUANG; SHU-SHENG LIAW; WEN-WEN HUANGItem 921地震災區寄讀學童經歷地震災難及參與心理重建團體心理轉變之歷程分析(國立臺灣師範大學教育心理學系, 2001-10-??) 羅廷瑛; 張景媛; TING-YING LO and CHING-YUAN CHANGItem A Case Study on Parental Discourse Strategies and a Bilingual Child's Code-Mixing(國立臺灣師範大學教育心理學系, 2011-09-??) 閔慧慈此個案研究旨在檢視一雙語家庭中,非以英語為母語之雙親遵循【一人一語言】(one-person-one-Ianguage)之言談策略與其兩歲女童使用中、英語言轉換之關係。經為期一年之每月觀察親子互動記錄顯示:女童父親使用中文與其互動時,較容許女童雙使用中、英夾雜,且不堅持女童需使用中文與其互動;但女童母親則要求女童以英語與其互動。因此,女童使用中文或中、英夾雜方式與父親互動,與母親互動時,則多使用英文,較少中、英夾雜。一系列相關統計分析顯示:女童雙親因應女童中、英夾雜使用不同言談策略,而雙親不同之言談策略,與女童後續使用中、英夾雜之頻率,多呈正向顯著相關。證據亦顯示:女童在與雙親互動時,似習得不同語用知識,在觀察後期中,女童能明確說出家中【一人一語言】之模式,並糾正母親應使用英文與其互動。本研究之貢獻在於使用【質量混合】之研究方法,為【雙親言談策略假設】提供部份佐證。Item A Comparative Study of Adjustment Problems Among Chinese and American CoIlege Students(國立臺灣師範大學教育心理學系, 1974-06-??) 簡茂發; MAW-FA CHIENItem A FOLLOW-UP STUDY ON SOCIAL ATTITUDES OF CHINESE AND SCOTTISH ADOLESCENTS(國立臺灣師範大學教育心理學系, 1975-06-??) 黃堅厚; CHIEN-HOU HWANGItem The abilities and personal characteristics I wish my child possesses are different from that I wish your child has.(2006/11/4-5) Hue, C. W.; Kuo, C. C.; Chen, S. Y.; heng, C. L.Item Aggression and rejection in Chinese adolescents: How are girls and boys different?(2007/3/29-4/1) Cheng, C. L.Item An analysis of peer assessment online discussions within a course that uses project-based learning(Taylor & Francis, 2007-10-01) Hou, H. T.; Chang, K. E.; Sung, Y. T.In recent years project-based learning (PBL) incorporating online discussions has gradually been applied to courses that focus on writing projects. Past studies have shown that learners in PBL often face the difficulties of not having in-depth data analysis and peer discussions and how teachers design the rules and methods for online discussions has a significant influence on the quality of discussion. Since using a peer assessment strategy in the classroom could facilitate learners’ critical thinking and meta-cognitive skills, this study conducts an empirical observational study in order to analyse the content and process of the discussion activities based on peer assessment without teacher intervention and tries to explore students’ knowledge construction of the discussion. Sequential analysis and content analysis were conducted to observe the scale of each aspect of knowledge construction and the sequential pattern of students’ knowledge construction during the discussions. Teachers didn’t provide any guidance or intervention during the activity. Based on the results of the observations, this study discusses the possible difficulties that students may encounter when conducting peer assessment online discussions. Finally, this study also proposes suggestions about the timing and methods for teacher interventions.Item Analysis of problem-solving-based online asynchronous discussion pattern(International Forum of Educational Technology & Society, 2008-01-01) Hou, H. T.; Chang, K. E.; Sung, Y. T.This research explores the process of asynchronous problem-solving-based discussion activities and aims to understand limitations likely to arise during learners’ problem-solving discussions. The research has combined lag-sequential analysis and quantitative content analysis, and expects to use such analyzing methods to further understand the sequential pattern of students’ problem-solving discussion behaviors and knowledge-construction levels. In order to avoid influence caused by teachers’ subjective guiding methods and ensure objective observations, we observed learners’ online problem-solving discussions without intervention or guidance from the teachers. From the sequential pattern derived, we have not only induced a pattern of students’ discussion behavior but also discovered that, compared to discussion activity based on a single topic appointed by the teacher, the problem-solving online discussion activity is more helpful for students’ knowledge construction. In addition, this research also revealed certain limitations toward the content and behavior of students’ discussion without teachers’ guidance. Based on the results, this paper proposes a strategy in which teachers can intervene and guide, which is expected to enhance the depth of students’ discussion and knowledge construction when a teacher is applying a problem-based learning activity.Item Angoff標準設定之判斷者的評估(2017) 張夏石; Michael Scott Sommers在標準設定中,專業的判斷者根據表現水準描述(Performance Level Descriptors, PLDs),扣合到標準化測驗的分數,並據以區分將學生的能力表現。這個流程通常決定了分數對學生的意義和決策人員對測驗的使用,例如,通過/未通過的決定、或優秀/平均/未通過等,也就是說,這些決定與標準設定判斷者之評估密切相關。在典型標準設定中,專家學者小組的判斷者接受訓練,評估符合表現水準的考生是否能答對測驗題目,接著互相討論判斷的結果。標準設定的組織者,則會提供回饋讓判斷者了解其決定對影響考生之通過和未通過比例的影響和其他的測驗使用情形。此外,整個標準設定過程,判斷者在訓練中被要求提出對於了解相關概念和想法之熟悉性與自信程度的自我報告,以及是否正確地來運用判斷。Angoff標準設定是廣泛被使用於區分設定的方法之一。這個方法中,專家判斷小組對於學生的能力做出判斷,以評估學生能夠於表定時間中正確回答測驗題目。此流程相當重要,然而,有關如何地預備判斷者在標準化設定中的角色,所知仍有限。 本研究數據蒐集是由一所臺灣的大學發展之本土外語測驗和共同歐洲參考架構(Common European Framework of Reference, CEFR)所對應的題項而來,包括聽和讀兩個小組都加以實施。本研究採用兩種共同使用的評量方法,以瞭解預備判斷者對於Angoff標準設定和判斷精確性的關聯。判斷的精確性是以答對率判斷的相關性(p相關)和方均根差(Root Mean Square Error, RMSE) 和截止分數判斷(Cut-off Score Judgments, CSJ)來測量。在第一次評估時,判斷者以PLDs加以訓練,然後測試其對於PLDs切合測驗知識的PLDs和判斷精準性;第二次評估時,則在訓練中介紹判斷的測量精確性,對於概念和想法的熟悉性和自信程度的相關情形,發現最終判斷的測驗精確性於熟悉程度和自信程度之間沒有相關。除了主要發現之外,進一步觀察到精確的語詞說明,對於判斷的精確性是非常重要的。也觀察到以RMSE和CSJ來對精確性做出差異決定優於p相關。本文對未來研究方向提出在訓練Angoff標準設定判斷者的結論和建議,也指出本研究限制所在。Item The application of career tests in high school in Taiwan(2012-08-05) Sung, Y. T.; Tien, H. L.; Cheng, Y. W.Item Applications of a mobile electronic guidebook on museum learning: Analysis of visitors' attention and behavioral patterns(2007-11-09) Sung, Y. T.; Lee, Y. S.; Chang, K. E.Item Applying lag sequential analysis to detect visual behavioral patterns of online learning activities(the British Educational Communications and Technology Agency, 2010-03-01) Hou, H. T.; Chang, K. E.; Sung, Y. T.The recent trend towardsWeb 2.0 focuses on users’ active participation and interaction via online environment (Musser, O’Reilly & the O’Reilly Radar Team, 2006), and makes educational strategies more interactive and diverse. Many teaching strategies are also integrated with online learning activities. However, this raises questions about how learners conduct these online learning behaviours and about the visual sequential behavioural patterns that they employ. These patterns may provide an important reference for teachers’ or intelligent agents’ guidance for enhancing learners’ learning. Lag sequential analysis (Bakeman & Gottman, 1997) can individually examine whether the sequential relationship between each behaviour has been achieved significantly and visualise the patterns. This study tries to conduct an empirical observation and apply sequential analysis to detect learners’ behavioural patterns. Based on our initial findings, we also provide suggestions, which are expected to promote in-depth online learning.Item Assessing the educational values of digital games.(2009-10-01) Hong, J. C.; heng, C. L.; Hwang, M. Y.; Lee, C. K.; Chang, H. Y.Item The association between two types of popularity and psychosocial adjustment in Taiwanese adolescents.(2010/5/12-15) Cheng, C. L.Item Associations among self-concept, verbal behaviors, and group climate early in the group counseling process.(2012-01-01) Pan, . D. P.; Fan, A. C.; Bhat, C. B.; hang, S.-H.Item The best friend and friendship group influence on adolescent nonsuicidal self-injury.(2013-03-10) You J; in MP; Fu K; Leung FItem Bowen自我分化諮商團體於共依附特質傾向青少年之成效與療效因素初探(2016) 劉瓊珊; Liu, Chiung-Shan本研究旨在探討Bowen自我分化諮商團體於共依附特質傾向青少年的成效與療效因素。本研究採混合研究之嵌入式設計,主要以質性研究探討本團體對於具共依附特質傾向且有感情困擾之青少年的幫助和療效因素;輔以量化研究探討本團體於提升共依附特質傾向青少年之自我分化、人際親密能力、及自我概念之成效。本研究採前實驗設計之單組前後測設計,並增加團體結束後三個月的追蹤測,依據Bowen理論的自我分化概念,設計八週,每週二小時,共十六小時的諮商團體。本研究六位團體成員為北部某專科五專生,其在中文版共依附量表(The Spann-Fischer Codependency Scale)之平均分數高於3.00,於目前或曾經有感情困擾且自覺在關係中有共依附特質傾向。本研究於團體前後,並於團體結束後三個月時進行量表施測,團體結束後一週進行半結構訪談;量化資料以無母數Wilcoxon配對符號等級檢定進行分析,質性資料則以現象學為研究取向,並以主題分析法進行編碼及分析。 本研究質性資料分析結果,團體對成員的幫助,包括:(1)自我的成長與朝向分化;(2)親密與自主的平衡;(3)學習關係困擾的解決方法等三個向度;本團體的療效因素則包括:(1)家庭與人際互動經驗的覺察;(2)對他人經驗的體會與共鳴;(3)團體提供溫暖信任與回饋的環境;(4)幫助成員解決問題等四個向度。量化資料分析結果顯示,團體於提升成員自我分化、人際親密能力與社會自我概念上具有顯著立即性效果,而於提升成員心理自我概念上則無顯著立即性效果;再者,團體於提升成員人際親密能力與社會自我概念上具有顯著之三個月追蹤性效果,而於提升成員自我分化與心理自我概念上則無顯著之三個月追蹤性效果。 最後,本研究綜合討論質性與量化研究結果與發現,並對未來相關研究與諮商實務工作提出若干建議。