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    (2022) 陳毅睿; Chen, Yi-Rui
    颱風生成於廣大的熱帶海洋上,當其經過海洋時,沿著颱風附近的海表面溫度,會因颱風的經過而有明顯的海表溫下降,並且前人文獻指出颱風造成海表降溫通常發生在颱風行進路徑右側附近( Price, 1981 )。然而,我們通過龍洞氣象浮標過去20年 ( 1998至2017年)的連續觀測資料,發現行經呂宋海峽的遠域颱風多次在遠在颱風軌跡420 km外的龍洞海域造成6 ℃以上的降溫,為了釐清其中的機制,本研究使用區域海洋模擬系統模式 ( Regional Ocean Modeling System, ROMS ),模擬2001年至2018年具備類似路徑之6個颱風案例,分別為2001年的尤特( Utor )、2003年的杜鵑( Dujuan )、2005年的珊瑚( Sanvu )、2011年的南瑪都( Nanmadol )、2013年的天兔( Usagi )及2016年的莫蘭蒂( Meranti );並搭配龍洞潮位站之潮位資料與浮標之海溫資料對模擬進行驗證,系統性分析遠域颱風在龍洞地區造成上層海洋冷卻響應之過程。此外,由於龍洞位於近岸區域,潮汐作用對颱風引起冷卻響應過程可能造成之影響,亦為此研究欲釐清之重點。研究結果顯示,遠域颱風在龍洞引發較為強烈之降溫,主要透過颱風引起臺灣東北海域黑潮入侵之機制,並且,敏感度實驗顯示,臺灣東北海域當地風力為決定黑潮入侵是否形成之關鍵因素。同時,結果亦顯示,在未加入潮汐作用之實驗當中,颱風引起降溫在六個研究範例當中平均較觀測資料弱6.8 °C。在納入潮汐作用後,颱風引起近岸區域降溫趨於強烈,與觀測資料對比,溫度平均差異大幅度縮小至1.0 °C,整體而言,納入潮汐作用後,颱風引起近岸區域降溫之過程模擬獲得系統性改善。最後,透過系統性分析發現,加入潮汐作用主要透過底下機制增強颱風引起上層海洋降溫之過程,包含: (1) 在半個潮汐週期性振盪內會有上升流,因此潮汐作用可以加強上升流的強度,而且潮汐混合會破壞水體分層,提供有利環境供次層冷水上升,加上颱風通過時造成此區的強烈的上層混合和上升流,更容易使冷水抬升至較淺的水層、(2) 潮流與海底地形的交互作用,導致底部水層動能增強且底部應力增大。此外,底部應力也可以驅動額外的底部艾克曼傳輸( Bottom Ekman transport ),弱化底部水體分層,容易產生較強的上升流,進而使颱風通過後造成的海表降溫更強、(3) 龍洞次表層的南向潮餘流引發向下的底部艾克曼流( Bottom Ekman flow ),造成底部向東的艾克曼傳輸( Bottom Ekman transport ),而後因海底地形的關係,在離岸約20公里處產生向上的流,整體構成一逆時針環流,由於該區域上下翻轉流作用,使潮餘溫呈現次層水冷卻而下層水增溫之情形。綜合上述效應,我們建議後續在模擬颱風對近岸上層海洋冷卻響應時,納入潮汐作用可相當程度改善近岸降溫之情形並使之更符合真實之海洋狀態。
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    (2019) 劉宗銘; Liu, Tsung-Ming
    本研究探討氣旋渦西移至臺灣東部外海,撞擊黑潮後,對黑潮造成的影響。研究結果顯示,在研究期間 (1993年1月至2016年4月),衛星高度計資料指出,氣旋渦西移至臺灣東部外海 (123°E) 共發生18次,並且其中8次發生後有伴隨黑潮入侵呂宋海峽事件。氣旋渦西移路徑大致可以分3種:(1) 從呂宋島東側往西北移動(18°N~20°N) (2)從呂宋海峽東側向西移(20°N~22°N) (3)從臺灣東部外海西移(22°N~23°N)。本研究針對第三種氣旋渦移動路徑:從臺灣東部外海西移的氣旋渦事件進一步分析,發現當氣旋渦西移至123°E時,臺灣東部外海的黑潮受到氣旋渦影響,導致黑潮向北的流速減弱,隨後在黑潮上游處發生黑潮入侵呂宋海峽事件,並在臺灣西南產生順時針渦流。另一部份黑潮則向東沿著氣旋渦以逆時針方向向北流動,與Kuo& Chern (2011)有相同的結果。氣旋渦由黑潮東邊向西傳遞時,向西移動到經度123°E氣旋渦強度就會開始減弱,可能是受到黑潮北向流的影響而減弱並往北移,與Liang et al. (2003)所定義的黑潮東邊邊界123°E相符合。進一步用ROMS模式(Regional Ocean Modeling System)模擬,也同樣發現氣旋渦西移到臺灣東岸撞擊黑潮後,臺灣東岸的黑潮流速減弱,且發現黑潮上游有入侵呂宋海峽的現象,在臺灣西南也發現一順時針渦流產生。由ROMS模式結果輸出的地轉流場,計算呂宋海峽區域內的渦度情形,發現當氣旋渦碰撞黑潮時,渦度值從低值有顯著增加的現象發生,為黑潮入侵呂宋海峽所造成。進一步藉由渦度變化來解釋黑潮入侵呂宋海峽現象,當氣旋渦西移撞擊黑潮,導致臺灣東岸的黑潮向北流速減弱,進而造成呂宋海峽東側的黑潮流速減弱,使得呂宋海峽區域的渦度產生改變(正渦變小),為了維持區域內渦度守恆,因此黑潮向西轉而入侵呂宋海峽(正渦增加)。
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    The forcing mechanism leading to the Kuroshio intrusion into the South China Sea
    (American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2012-07-01) Wu, C.-R.; Y.-C. Hsin
    We use a high-resolution numerical model to examine the forcing mechanism responsible for Kuroshio intrusion into the South China Sea (SCS). The collective wisdom is that variations in Kuroshio intrusion are closely related to the wind, inside or outside the SCS. A series of experiments was performed to identify the wind-related forcing regulating the intrusion. The experiments demonstrated that the importance of wind inside the SCS is greater than that outside the SCS. Furthermore, the northwestward Ekman drift due to northeasterly wind in winter intensifies the upstream Kuroshio in the Luzon Strait, enhancing the Kuroshio intrusion into the SCS. In particular, the wind stress curl (WSC) off southwest Taiwan is chiefly responsible for the Kuroshio intrusion. Both the WSC and intrusion show both seasonal and intraseasonal variation. As the negative WSC off southwest Taiwan becomes stronger, it contributes to anticyclonic circulation. The enhanced anticyclonic circulation helps the development of the Kuroshio intrusion. The consistency between WSC variability and the intrusion suggests that the WSC off southwest Taiwan is essential to the Kuroshio intrusion variability.
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    Blocking and westward passage of eddies in the Luzon Strait.
    (ELSEVIER, 2010-10-01) Sheu, W.-J.; C.-R. Wu; L.-Y. Oey
    Satellite observations have shown the abundance of generally westward-propagating eddies in the subtropical regions in the North Pacific Ocean, especially north of 10衹. Eddies transport mass, and can significantly impact the circulation as well as the heat, salt and nutrient balances of the western Pacific marginal seas. This paper uses a numerical model to examine the conditions when eddies can or cannot freely propagate westward through the Luzon Strait into the South China Sea (SCS). Composite analyses on the 10-year model data show that the fates of eddies depend on the strength and path of the Kuroshio. In one path that exists mostly during fall and winter, the Kuroshio loops westward into the SCS, the potential vorticity (PV) across the current is weak, and eddies are likely to propagate freely through the Luzon Strait. In another path, which exists mostly during spring and summer, the Kuroshio tends to leap directly northward bypassing the SCS, the PV across it strengthens, and eddies are then blocked and are constrained to also follow the northward path. Nonlinear eddy-current interaction and the existence of a cyclone north of the Luzon Island during the looping phase explain why eddies of both signs can pass through the strait. It is shown also that the upstream state of the Kuroshio in the western tropical Pacific plays an important role in dictating the different paths of the Kuroshio. The looping (leaping) path is caused by a weakened (stronger) Kuroshio transport related to the northward (southward) shift of the North Equatorial Current in wintertime (summertime).