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    (2007) 張育綾; Chang, Yu-Lin
    本研究使用一個海洋數值模式、衛星遙測資料以及實測航次資料完成以下研究,台灣東北海域數值模擬研究包含以下兩個部份:南東海陸棚湧升流之季節變化;納莉颱風與黑潮的海氣交互作用。 南東海陸棚湧升流為全年湧升的現象,不同季節受到不同機制影響呈現的季節變化趨勢也不相同,由表層積分至100米的平均垂直速度主要受黑潮擺動影響,夏天當黑潮遠離台灣東岸時,湧升較強,冬天黑潮入侵東海陸棚抑制了湧升流發展,於是湧升較弱,由表層至30米的垂直速度受當地風場的影響,冬天湧升較夏天強。 納莉颱風與黑潮之間存在著海氣交互作用,納莉颱風數度穿越黑潮使得其強度多次變化,當颱風行經黑潮北邊時,海洋形成了一個渦漩,在黑潮上與黑潮南邊則沒有觀察到此現象,原因來自受到黑潮強勁流速影響以及地形限制。當颱風行進速度緩慢時,能影響的海洋深度也較大,此外颱風也在海洋留下了震盪的現象,此現象由周期判定為為近慣性震盪。在海表面溫度圖當中所看到的冷水海域則是颱風過後所造成的湧升現象,由衛星測葉綠素甲圖以及海表面溫度圖得知,此湧升現象確實將次表層較冷與富營養鹽的海水帶至表層。
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    Air-Sea Interaction between Typhoon Nari and Kuroshio
    (2007-05-18) Wu, Chau-Ron; Chang, Yu-Lin
    The air-sea interaction between Tropical Cyclone Nari and Kuroshio was studied using satellite observations and a three-dimensional primitive equation ocean model. With energy and heat supplement from the Kuroshio, Nari was circling around a restricted water and sustained over an extraordinarily long period. The features that Nari strengthened as it passed over the warm Kuroshio, weakening as it met a cold dome were well revealed by TMI/SST. At certain locations along typhoon track, surface cooling of up to 5 degree C was observed after Nari's departure. Model simulation indicated significant positive vorticities and cyclonic current vectors did not occur throughout the trail of Nari. Only regions north of Kuroshio provided a better condition for developing a cyclonic eddy. As a result, the cold SST patch was only visible to the north of the Kuroshio axis. The cyclonic circulation penetrated much deeper for a slowly-moving storm, regardless of the typhoon intensity. Near-inertial frequency oscillations after typhoon departure were simulated by the model in terms of the vertical displacement of isotherms. The SST cooling caused by upwelling and vertical mixing is effective in cooling the upper ocean several days after the storm had passed. At certain locations, surface chlorophyll-a concentration increased significantly after Nari's departure. The combined action of upwelling and mixing in turn brings cold deep-layer, nutrient-rich water to the sea surface, which ignificantly increases the surface chlorophyll-a concentration.