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Item 108年大專校院圖書館重要記事(2020-09) 柯, 皓仁Item 2015年ACRL學術圖書館環境掃描(國立臺灣師範大學圖書館, 2015-06-14) 柯, 皓仁; Ke, Hao-Ren美國大學暨研究圖書館學會(Association of College & Research Libraries)每兩年會發表一份學術圖書館環境掃描的報告。2015年的學術圖書館環境掃描是基於2014年的學術圖書館重要趨勢(Top Trends in Academic Libraries),闡述了高等教育環境的改變,及其對圖書館在館藏與取用、研究資料服務、探索服務、圖書館設施、學術傳播,以及圖書館對學生成功等方面的影響。 在環境掃描中,列舉了各項議題在美國的發展現況、最佳實務,以及相關計畫,本文僅節錄其中的可能影響與建議(implications),以嘉惠國內學術圖書館同道。翻譯得不好,請見諒!! 此外,在演講提要中也陳述臺灣師範大學圖書館近年來的發展Item 21世紀的挑戰-環保節能與永續經營(國立臺灣師範大學, 2014-02-20)一位閩北鄉下長大、熱愛自然的孩子,持續朝突破自己的障礙邁進,將「環保」當成企業核心價值的台達電子,在激烈競爭的全球化浪潮中已站在前端,正引領全球節能產業綠色風潮。Item 99學年度圖書閱讀推動教師培訓-初階課程(國立臺灣師範大學, 2014-04-25)本課程單元包含學校圖書館概論/陳昭珍 館長、館藏發展與採訪/馮琼愛 圖書專員、資訊組織(一~二)/馮琼愛 圖書專員、圖書館自動化(一~二)/全誼資訊 關中、圖書館利用教育(一~二)/萬興國小 曾品方館員、資訊素養(一~二)/國立嘉義大學數位學習設計與管理學系 林菁教授、閱讀推廣活動-從教師看閱讀在窗外(一~二)/台中市大鵬國小 林益生設備組長。Item 99學年度圖書閱讀推動教師培訓-初階課程(國立臺灣師範大學, 2014-03-09)99學年度圖書閱讀推動教師培訓初階課程包含 : 學校圖書館概論/陳昭珍館長,館藏發展與採訪/馮琼愛圖書專員,資訊組織/馮琼愛圖書專員,圖書館自動化/全誼資訊關中,圖書館利用教育/萬興國小曾品方館員, 資訊素養/國立嘉義大學數位學習設計與管理學系林菁教授,和閱讀推廣活動-從教師看閱讀在窗外/台中市大鵬國小林益生設備組長。Item A cut-off of daily sedentary time and all-cause mortality in adults: a meta-regression analysis involving more than 1 million participants(2018-05-25) Ku, Po-Wen; Steptoe, Andrew; Liao, Yung; Hsueh, Ming-Chun; Chen, Li-JungAbstract Background The appropriate limit to the amount of daily sedentary time (ST) required to minimize mortality is uncertain. This meta-analysis aimed to quantify the dose-response association between daily ST and all-cause mortality and to explore the cut-off point above which health is impaired in adults aged 18–64 years old. We also examined whether there are differences between studies using self-report ST and those with device-based ST. Methods Prospective cohort studies providing effect estimates of daily ST (exposure) on all-cause mortality (outcome) were identified via MEDLINE, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar databases until January 2018. Dose-response relationships between daily ST and all-cause mortality were examined using random-effects meta-regression models. Results Based on the pooled data for more than 1 million participants from 19 studies, the results showed a log-linear dose-response association between daily ST and all-cause mortality. Overall, more time spent in sedentary behaviors is associated with increased mortality risks. However, the method of measuring ST moderated the association between daily ST and mortality risk (p < 0.05). The cut-off of daily ST in studies with self-report ST was 7 h/day in comparison with 9 h/day for those with device-based ST. Conclusions Higher amounts of daily ST are log-linearly associated with increased risk of all-cause mortality in adults. On the basis of a limited number of studies using device-based measures, the findings suggest that it may be appropriate to encourage adults to engage in less sedentary behaviors, with fewer than 9 h a day being relevant for all-cause mortality.Item A network approach to investigating the key microbes and stability of gut microbial communities in a mouse neuropathic pain model(2020-09-30) Brandon-Mong, Guo-Jie; Shaw, Grace T; Chen, Wei-Hsin; Chen, Chien-Chang; Wang, DaryiAbstract Background Neuropathic pain is an abnormally increased sensitivity to pain, especially from mechanical or thermal stimuli. To date, the current pharmacological treatments for neuropathic pain are still unsatisfactory. The gut microbiota reportedly plays important roles in inducing neuropathic pain, so probiotics have also been used to treat it. However, the underlying questions around the interactions in and stability of the gut microbiota in a spared nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain model and the key microbes (i.e., the microbes that play critical roles) involved have not been answered. We collected 66 fecal samples over 2 weeks (three mice and 11 time points in spared nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain and Sham groups). The 16S rRNA gene was polymerase chain reaction amplified, sequenced on a MiSeq platform, and analyzed using a MOTHUR- UPARSE pipeline. Results Here we show that spared nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain alters gut microbial diversity in mice. We successfully constructed reliable microbial interaction networks using the Metagenomic Microbial Interaction Simulator (MetaMIS) and analyzed these networks based on 177,147 simulations. Interestingly, at a higher resolution, our results showed that spared nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain altered both the stability of the microbial community and the key microbes in a gut micro-ecosystem. Oscillospira, which was classified as a low-abundance and core microbe, was identified as the key microbe in the Sham group, whereas Staphylococcus, classified as a rare and non-core microbe, was identified as the key microbe in the spared nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain group. Conclusions In summary, our results provide novel experimental evidence that spared nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain reshapes gut microbial diversity, and alters the stability and key microbes in the gut.Item A note on the almost-Schur lemma on smooth metric measure spaces(2018-07-27) Chen, Jui-TangAbstract In this paper, we prove almost-Schur inequalities on closed smooth metric measure spaces, which implies the results of Cheng and De Lellis–Topping whenever the weighted function f is constant.Item A novel non-negative matrix factorization technique for decomposition of Chinese characters with application to secret sharing(2019-08-14) Lin, Chih-Yang; Kang, Li-Wei; Huang, Tsung-Yi; Chang, Min-KuanAbstract The decomposition of Chinese characters is difficult and has been rarely investigated in the literature. In this paper, we propose a novel non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) technique to decompose a Chinese character into several graphical components without considering the strokes of the character or any semantic or phonetic properties of the components. Chinese characters can usually be represented as binary images. However, traditional NMF is only suitable for representing general gray-level or color images. To decompose a binary image using NMF, we force all of the elements of the two matrices (obtained by factorizing the binary image/matrix to be decomposed) as close to 0 or 1 as possible. As a result, a Chinese character can be efficiently decomposed into several components, where each component is semantically unreadable. Moreover, our NMF-based Chinese character decomposition method is suitable for applications in visual secret sharing by distributing the shares (different character components) among multiple parties, so that only when the parties are taken together with their respective shares can the secret (the original Chinese character(s)) be reconstructed. Experimental results have verified the decomposition performance and the feasibility of the proposed method.Item A reappraisal of lymph node dissection in colorectal cancer during primary surgical resection(2020-05-17) Chen, Yen-Jen; Yeh, Shin-Ting; Kao, Ping-Sheng; Ou, Liang-Hung; Lin, Chen-SungAbstract Purpose Controversy exists regarding the extent to which lymph node dissection (LND) should be performed for operable colorectal cancers (CRCs) during primary surgical resection. We reappraised the role of LND in CRCs. Methods Seventy-three CRC patients (mean age, 65.3 years; 43 males) undergoing primary surgical resection at Taipei Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan, within a 3-year period were retrospectively analyzed. Their pathological T/N/M statuses and cancer stages were defined according to the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) 8th edition staging system. The numbers of total dissected lymph nodes (TDLNs), positive dissected lymph nodes (PDLNs), and negative dissected lymph nodes (NDLNs) for each CRC patient were recorded in detail (TDLNs = PDLNs + NDLNs). Possible prognostic variables were evaluated. Results An advanced N status (N1/N2 vs. N0; HR, 5.749/17.677 vs. 1.000; p = 0.056/0.009) and M1 status (M1 vs. M0; HR, 7.517 vs. 1.000; p = 0.010) were independent variables for a poor prognosis. For all 73 CRC patients (p = 0.030), as well as T2 CRC patients (p = 0.061), those with > 15 TDLNs tended to have more PDLNs than those with ≤ 15 TDLNs. For 42 N(+) CRC patients (p = 0.007), as well as N2 CRC patients (p = 0.011), those with > 21 TDLNs tended to have more PDLNs than those with ≤ 21 TDLNs. Conclusion For CRC patients undergoing primary surgical resection, the number of TDLNs influences the accuracy of nodal staging. A minimum of 15 TDLNs is necessary for positive lymph nodes to be identified in CRC patients, and 21 TDLNs is sufficient for the severity of the N(+) status to be distinguished in N(+) CRC patients.Item A search for a correlation between time change in transfer functions and seismic energy release in northern Taiwan(2006-09-16) Chen, Kuang-Jung; Chiu, Bonbbon; Lin, Cheng-HorngAbstract The geomagnetic data of the Lunping Geomagnetic Observatory from 1988 to 2000 are utilized for computing daily geomagnetic transfer functions. The method of analysis is based on the power spectrum analysis developed by Everett and Hyndman. Monthly means are statistically obtained from these daily values of transfer functions. In order to compare these time changes with seismic activity (seismicity), the earthquakes occurring within 150 km from Lunping, with a magnitude ML greater than 4.0, are located. The related energy releases by those earthquakes, summed month by month, are correlated to the transfer functions. After removing the seasonal effect, we find that the time changes of magnitude of Au and Bu (real parts of the transfer function) for frequencies of 2, 3, 4, and 6 cycles/hour seem to be strongly related to the energy release within the whole study period. Two significant precursors were found from the A and B values, 40 and 20 months before high seismicities, respectively.Item A single sequence context cannot satisfy all non-AUG initiator codons in yeast†(2010-07-09) Chang, Chia-Pei; Chen, Shun-Jia; Lin, Chen-Huan; Wang, Tzu-Ling; Wang, Chien-ChiaAbstract Background Previous studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae showed that ALA1 (encoding alanyl-tRNA synthetase) and GRS1 (encoding glycyl-tRNA synthetase) respectively use ACG and TTG as their alternative translation initiator codons. To explore if any other non-ATG triplets can act as initiator codons in yeast, ALA1 was used as a reporter for screening. Results We show herein that except for AAG and AGG, all triplets that differ from ATG by a single nucleotide were able to serve as initiator codons in ALA1. Among these initiator codons, TTG, CTG, ACG, and ATT had ~50% initiating activities relative to that of ATG, while GTG, ATA, and ATC had ~20% initiating activities relative to that of ATG. Unexpectedly, these non-AUG initiator codons exhibited different preferences toward various sequence contexts. In particular, GTG was one of the most efficient non-ATG initiator codons, while ATA was essentially inactive in the context of GRS1. Conclusion This finding indicates that a sequence context that is favorable for a given non-ATG initiator codon might not be as favorable for another.Item Adherence among HIV-positive injection drug users undergoing methadone treatment in Taiwan(2020-07-02) Chao, En; Hung, Chia-Chun; Lin, Ching-Po; Ku, Yi-Chien J; Ain, Qurat U; Metzger, David S; Lee, Tony SAbstract Aims The study aims were to investigate adherence to methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) and to identify associated clinical factors in patients who inject drugs diagnosed with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in Taiwan. Methods Data were from the National Health Surveillance System on HIV and the National Drug Treatment System on MMT. HIV-positive people who inject drugs (HIVPWID) were defined as the study population. Information obtained included age, sex, education, marital status, employment, methadone dose, and date of diagnosis of HIV infection. Adherence was defined as taking methadone for the past 90, 180 and 365 days, then categorized as high (> 90%), moderate (51 to 90%), or low (<=50%) adherent respectively. Results Of 1641 HIVPWID registered in the datasets from 2007 to 2012, 961 (58.56%) had received MMT. For HIVPWID evaluated at 90 days (n = 951), 271 (28.5%), 382 (40.2%), and 298 (31.3%) were classified as high, moderate, and low adherent respectively. For HIVPWID evaluated at 180 days (n = 936), 190 (20.3%), 349 (37.3%), and 397 (42.4%) were classified as high, moderate, and low adherent respectively. For HIVPWID evaluated at 365 days (n = 919), 133 (14.5%), 271 (29.5%), and 515 (56.0%) were classified as high, moderate, and low adherent respectively. After controlling for sociodemographics, results showed that methadone dose, location of MMT clinic, and date of HIV diagnosis were significantly associated with MMT adherence. Conclusions Study findings underscore the importance to MMT adherence of methadone dosage, early diagnosis of patient’s HIV infection, and area of patient residence.Item An alternative approach for a distance inequality associated with the second-order cone and the circular cone(2016-11-22) Miao, Xin-He; Lin, Yen-chi R; Chen, Jein-ShanAbstract It is well known that the second-order cone and the circular cone have many analogous properties. In particular, there exists an important distance inequality associated with the second-order cone and the circular cone. The inequality indicates that the distances of arbitrary points to the second-order cone and the circular cone are equivalent, which is crucial in analyzing the tangent cone and normal cone for the circular cone. In this paper, we provide an alternative approach to achieve the aforementioned inequality. Although the proof is a bit longer than the existing one, the new approach offers a way to clarify when the equality holds. Such a clarification is helpful for further study of the relationship between the second-order cone programming problems and the circular cone programming problems.Item Anti-CEA-functionalized superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for examining colorectal tumors in vivo(2013) Huang, Kai-Wen; Chieh, Jen-Jie; Lin, In-Tsang; Horng, Herng-Er; Yang, Hong-Chang; Hong, Chin-YihItem Antioxidant, cell-protective, and anti-melanogenic activities of leaf extracts from wild bitter melon (Momordica charantia Linn. var. abbreviata Ser.) cultivars(2014-12-10) Tsai, Tsung-Hsien; Huang, Ching-Jang; Wu, Wen-Huey; Huang, Wen-Cheng; Chyuan, Jong-Ho; Tsai, Po-JungAbstract Background Several wild bitter melon (WBM; Momordica charantia Linn. var. abbreviata Ser.) cultivars were developed in Taiwan. However, little information is available regarding biological function of WBM leaf. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to investigate the nutrient content, antioxidant, cell protection and anti-melanogenic properties of wild bitter melon leaf. Results Methanolic leaf extracts were prepared from a variety and two cultivars of WBM. All extracts exerted potent nitric oxide and hydroxyl radical scavenging capacities. Furthermore, all extracts effectively reduce the production of reactive oxygen species and prevent cell death in UVB-irradiated HaCaT keratinocytes. The cell protective effect of leaf extract was also investigated by the prevention of HaCaT cells from sodium nitroprusside or menadione-induced toxicity, and significant cyto-protective activities were observed for all of them. Additionally, all extracts significantly suppressed tyrosinase activity and melanin levels in B16-F10 melanocytes. Conclusions WBM leaf extract showed significant antioxidant, cyto-protective and anti-melanogenic activities. These findings suggested that WBM leaves may be beneficial for preventing the photo-oxidative damage and melanogenesis of skin.Item Anxiety symptoms and preventive measures during the COVID-19 outbreak in Taiwan(2020-07-16) Wong, Li P; Hung, Chia-Chun; Alias, Haridah; Lee, Tony SAbstract Background It is hypothesized that anxiety and behavioral responses are intense at the beginning of an epidemic. The objective of this study was to investigate anxiety symptoms and use of preventive measures against COVID-19. The study also compared the association between preventive measures and anxiety symptoms during the week immediately preceding the study and those symptoms and measures at the beginning of the outbreak. Methods A cross-sectional population survey using an online questionnaire commenced on 14 February 2020. The study participants were residents of Taiwan ages 20 to 70 years. The 6-item state version of the State–Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-6) was used to assess anxiety symptoms. The questions about preventive measures asked participants about their personal protection, cough etiquette, contact precautions, voluntary quarantine, and prompt reporting. Multivariable logistic regression was used to determine the factors influencing an increase in the preventive measures scores. Results Of a total of 3555 completed responses, a total of 52.1% (95% confidence interval [CI] 50.4–53.7) of the respondents reported moderate to severe levels of anxiety symptoms in the past week, whereas 48.8% (95%CI 47.2–50.5) reported moderate to severe anxiety symptoms at the beginning of the outbreak. With a higher score indicating greater anxiety, the median scores for anxiety symptoms in the past week and at the beginning of the outbreak were 46.7 (IQR [interquartile range] 36.7–53.3) and 43.3 (IQR 36.7–53.3), respectively. The median scores for the preventive measures taken in the past week and at the beginning of the outbreak were 26.0 (IQR 21.0–30.0) and 24.0 (IQR 19.0–28.0), respectively, out of a maximum score of 36. In the multivariable analysis, an increased anxiety symptom score from the beginning of the outbreak to the past week (adjusted OR = 7.38, 95%CI 6.28–8.66) was a strongly significant determinant of an increased preventive measures score in the past week compared with the score at the beginning of the outbreak. Conclusions Anxiety and preventive measures scores were high and increased with the epidemic rate. Higher anxiety was associated with an increased use of preventive measures against COVID-19.Item Asarum pubitessellatum, sp. nov. (sect. Heterotropa, Aristolochiaceae) from Taiwan based on morphological and palynological evidence(2013) Lu, Chang-Tse; Chiou, Wen-Liang; Wang, Jenn-CheItem Assaying Carcinoembryonic Antigens by Normalized Saturation Magnetization(2015-07-03) Huang, Kai-Wen; Chieh, Jen-Jie; Shi, Jin-Cheng; Chiang, Ming-HsienAbstract Biofunctionalized magnetic nanoparticles (BMNs) that provide unique advantages have been extensively used to develop immunoassay methods. However, these developed magnetic methods have been used only for specific immunoassays and not in studies of magnetic characteristics of materials. In this study, a common vibration sample magnetometer (VSM) was used for the measurement of the hysteresis loop for different carcinoembryonic antigens (CEA) concentrations (Φ CEA) based on the synthesized BMNs with anti-CEA coating. Additionally, magnetic parameters such as magnetization (M), remanent magnetization (M R), saturation magnetization (M S), and normalized parameters (ΔM R/M R and ΔM S/M S) were studied. Here, ΔM R and ΔM s were defined as the difference between any ΦCEA and zero Φ CEA. The parameters M, ΔM R, and ΔM S increased with Φ CEA, and ΔM S showed the largest increase. Magnetic clusters produced by the conjugation of the BMNs to CEAs showed a ΔM S greater than that of BMNs. Furthermore, the relationship between ΔM S/M S and Φ CEA could be described by a characteristic logistic function, which was appropriate for assaying the amount of CEAs. This analytic ΔM S/M S and the BMNs used in general magnetic immunoassays can be used for upgrading the functions of the VSM and for studying the magnetic characteristics of materials.