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    於網路合作學習系統中導入適性輔助設計以促進國小學童進行有效互動之研究 (3/3)
    (2009-07-01) 邱瓊慧; Chiu, Chiung-Hui
    本計畫的主要目的在針對網路合作學習系統,依據國小學童互動特徵的差異,導入適性的輔助及介入設計。先前的研究發現,國小學童在參與網路合作學習時,將呈現不同的互動型態,分別為little-contribution、coordination-emphasizing(多協調、少任務有關)、communicative(多任務、少知識相關)和task work-oriented(有限知識相關、內容表淺),考量此不同型態學習者為達成有效互動的目標,需要不同程度的鷹架及不同形式的策略輔助,本計畫因此規劃成不同階段,每個階段針對特定互動類型或需要相近介入策略的學生族群,透過知識擷取技術,取得專家教師為改善該族群學生互動質量的具體介入策略,進而探討並發展其在網路合作學習系統上的可能設計和機制。本計畫預計分三個階段,以三年時間,逐年達成計畫目標:第一年針對little-contribution 學習者,以提升學習者參與度為目標。第二年針對coordination-emphasizing 學習者,讓學習者與同儕有順暢的協調、合作關係,轉而促使較多與任務及知識有關的討論。第三年:針對 communicative 和task work-oriented 學習者,以促使學生有更多、更深入知識相關內容的討論為目標。預期本計畫的成果將可作為發展或研究網路合作學習系統、電腦中介溝通機制、及智慧型網路合作學習系統的重要依據或參考。
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    Primary school students’decision-making argumentation in cyber-ethics dilemmas
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2010-10-27) Lin, Chun-Hsu; Huang, Shih-Ming; Wu, Pei-Shan; Chiu, Chiung-Hui
    This study involved 38 primary school students in a detective game about cyber-ethics dilemmas and explored students' skills at making a reasoned decision and presenting a convincing argument. This game continued for five weeks and was supported by a computer system. It started with a given speculation/hypothesis. Then each student collected at least a piece of supporting evidence and wrote it up on the computer system for each week. During the evidence collection period, the researchers, playing a witness of the opposing side, actively provided refuting evidence each week. For the last week, the students were required to draw respective conclusions/decisions based on their collected evidence and given refuting evidence. All the students' constructed arguments for describing evidences and conclusions were analyzed. It was found that most of the students (about 92%) developed arguments consisting of either claims only or claims and data. They would not be able to construct complicated arguments with backings, warrants and rebuttals.
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    (2008-07-01) 邱瓊慧; Chiu, Chiung-Hui
    透過遠距教學環境修習課程以取得學分或自我進修,是日益普及的成人學習方式。在網路環境中,學習者雖可以藉由小組合作的方式,和身處不同地點的同儕進行討論、互動並共同產出合作成果,但可能面臨工作分配不均、組員間配搭不佳,而缺乏有效的合作互動等問題。運用適當的分組方法,應能促使群組中的學習者盡可能地發揮個人正向特質,也同時讓組內成員的合作配搭更順暢,進而提升合作成效。本研究根據Belbin 的團隊角色理論,透過適性(adaptivity)、異質(diversity)與配搭性(compatibility)的觀點來設計促進合作成效的分組策略。從「個人」的角度上,依據個別學習者在團體互動中的行為特質,來適性地安排角色。而從「群組」的角度上,角色組合的安排將以組內角色的異質性與配搭性來形成合作小組。研究擬透過準實驗研究法來探討此等分組設計方法,對遠距合作小組之合作成效(collaborative productivity)的影響。本研究欲探討的合作成效,包括合作過程中的互動行為品質(quality of peer interactions)和最後的合作成果(group product)兩部分。預期本研究計畫的執行將對遠距教學環境中如何組成有效的合作小組、瞭解角色安排對合作成效的影響以及將角色指派融入遠距教學平台之設計規劃提供具體的建議和參考。
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    (2007-07-01) 邱瓊慧; Chiu, Chiung-Hui
    本研究的目的在依據5E學習環教學策略,探討國小自然科數位教材的設計及發展。5E 學習環是一種建構式的教法,在科學教育領域普遍被運用,對於自然科數位教材的發展,應具有參照、應用的價值。本計畫將採用「參與式設計」來達成研究目標,透過研究者、設計者、使用者的共同解釋、共同分析、共同設計來瞭解並解決設計、產出此等教材的相關問題,探討議題將至少涉及教學設計、數位技術或標準、學習物件、 meta-data、產出的工具或程序等層面。預期本計畫的執行將對如何設計及發展國小自然科領域、具5E學習環策略或支持5E 學習環教學之數位教材,提供具體的建議及方向。本研究探討基於5E 學習環教學策略之國小自然科數位教材的設計及發展,共歸納出如下五項主要步驟:1. 以結構圖描繪5E學習環教學活動。2. 決定需要的教材內容物件。3. 開發教材內容物件及著錄metadta。4. 編輯內容物件的順序。
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    於網路合作學習系統中導入適性輔助設計以促進國小學童進行有效互動之研究 (2/3)
    (2008-07-01) 邱瓊慧; Chiu, Chiung-Hui
    本計畫的主要目的在依據國小學童於網路合作學習時互動特徵的差異,包括little-contribution、coordination- emphasizing、communicative和task work-oriented,探討如何導入適性的輔助及介入。本計畫分三個階段,以三年時間完成,每個階段針對特定互動類型學生族群,透過知識擷取技術,探討適合的介入策略,檢討介入策略的成效,並思考網路合作學習系統上可能的設計。本計劃第一階段以「提升little-contribution學習者的參與度」為目標。目前進行至第二階段,希望增加coordination-emphasizing學習者與知識相關的討論。
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    (2011-07-01) 邱瓊慧; Chiu, Chiung-Hui
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    以Web 2.0工具支援國小資訊課合寫筆記之研究
    (2010-07-01) 邱瓊慧; Chiu, Chiung-Hui
    本計畫針對國小學童於學校資訊課教學中使用Web 2.0工具(Google Docs)實施小組合寫筆記的效果進行研究。寫筆記的效用通常可從產出筆記「過程(process)」和複習筆記「結果(product)」兩部分來檢視,本計畫因此探討因不同產出過程及不同複習策略形成之不同「合寫筆記方法」的影響,本計畫關注的產出筆記過程包含共編及分享;複習策略則包含提問及摘要,規劃分三個階段,以三年時間完成,第一年探討學生共編及分享筆記的效果和差異;第二年於複習筆記時導入「提問」策略,探討共編式及分享式合寫筆記方法的效果和差異,第三年則導入「摘要」策略,探討共編式筆記及分享式合寫筆記方法的效果和差異。三年的研究皆透過學生的學習成就、學習態度、筆記品質、及小組互動特徵來檢視不同合寫筆記方法的效果。本計畫目前執行至第一階段,對於運用Web 2.0工具(Google Docs)於課堂合作(共編及分享)產出筆記的設計及應用將可提出具體、有效的建議。
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    The Effect of Integrating Web 2.0 Technology in Collaborative Note-taking on Elementary Students' Science Learning
    (Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2009-06-22) Wu, Chiu-Yi; Chen, Ssu-Wei; Chen, Cheng-Huan; Chiu, Chiung-Hui
    The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of collaborative note-taking and to find the difference between co-editing note-taking and sharing note-taking in science learning performance, note-taking performance, and satisfaction for taking notes on wiki/blog platforms. Three note-taking forms were compared: co-editing condition, in which students took joint notes with groupmates on a wiki; sharing condition, in which students shared notes with groupmates on a blog; individual condition, in which students took notes individually on a wiki. Eighty-two fifth-grade Taiwanese students participated in this study. They were allocated to co-editing, sharing, or individual conditions to take notes during lectures. The results indicated that there was no significant difference among the three conditions for science learning performance. On the whole, the students using blog felt significantly more satisfied with the note-taking platform than the students using wiki.
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    Elementary school students’ attitudes toward applying wikis or blogs for collaborative note-taking activities
    (Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2010-05-17) Chiu, Chiung-Hui; Chen, Cheng-Huan; Wu, Chiu-Yi; Ssu-Wei
    This study explores the attitudes of elementary school students toward integrating wikis or blogs into collaborative lecture notes. A wiki site was used for collaborative note editing. A team of students divided their note-taking pages, record information on respective area of responsibility and reciprocally supplemented information to their partners’ areas. A blog site was used to share notes. Students in a team took notes on a respective page. However, they could read each others’ notes, leave comments on others’ pages and come back to modify their own notes. It was found that the students who took notes using blogs felt significantly more satisfied than students who using wikis.