於網路合作學習系統中導入適性輔助設計以促進國小學童進行有效互動之研究 (3/3)

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Chiu, Chiung-Hui

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本計畫的主要目的在針對網路合作學習系統,依據國小學童互動特徵的差異,導入適性的輔助及介入設計。先前的研究發現,國小學童在參與網路合作學習時,將呈現不同的互動型態,分別為little-contribution、coordination-emphasizing(多協調、少任務有關)、communicative(多任務、少知識相關)和task work-oriented(有限知識相關、內容表淺),考量此不同型態學習者為達成有效互動的目標,需要不同程度的鷹架及不同形式的策略輔助,本計畫因此規劃成不同階段,每個階段針對特定互動類型或需要相近介入策略的學生族群,透過知識擷取技術,取得專家教師為改善該族群學生互動質量的具體介入策略,進而探討並發展其在網路合作學習系統上的可能設計和機制。本計畫預計分三個階段,以三年時間,逐年達成計畫目標:第一年針對little-contribution 學習者,以提升學習者參與度為目標。第二年針對coordination-emphasizing 學習者,讓學習者與同儕有順暢的協調、合作關係,轉而促使較多與任務及知識有關的討論。第三年:針對 communicative 和task work-oriented 學習者,以促使學生有更多、更深入知識相關內容的討論為目標。預期本計畫的成果將可作為發展或研究網路合作學習系統、電腦中介溝通機制、及智慧型網路合作學習系統的重要依據或參考。
This project involves designing adaptive interventions for a computer supported collaborative learning system that facilitates elementary student group interactions. It was found that a student, while participating in a computer mediated group, would exhibit a distinct style based on their interactive characteristics: little-contribution, coordination-emphasizing, communicative or task work-oriented. Considering that the students with different interactive types need different scaffolds and interventions in amount and forms, this project was therefore divided into several phases. Each phase will deal with students of one or two particular interactive types. Expert teachers will be invited to generate interventions to improve these students』 interactions within the group. Intervention knowledge will be acquired and converted into designs for computer supported learning systems. For the first year, little-contribution students will be targeted with interventions that lead students to actively participate in group interaction. For the second phase, coordination-emphasizing students will be targeted with interventions that improve their ability to work with partners and thus invite more on task discussions. In the third phase, communicative and task work-oriented students are targeted with interventions that promote students to have more elaborate task related knowledge discussions. The results of this project will provide valuable knowledge and references for the design of computer supported collaborative learning systems, computer mediated communication tools, and intelligent collaborative learning systems.







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