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本所成立於2008年2月,以行銷管理、財務金融管理、與策略管理為主要教學研究發展領域。管理學院亦在台師大轉型為綜合大學的發展定位下成立,大多數人認為師範體系大學的主要使命是培育國高中教師, 但隨著政府對師資培育管道的開放,培育師資已非師範體系學校專屬任務。除了原有師培專業優勢外,台師大亦積極培育各行業所需專業人才;轉型工程啟動後台師大也順利成為國內12所頂尖大學之一。
本所師資除了台師大原有商管領域教授外,其餘皆從其他頂尖大學網羅而來。本所以「管理研究所」為名,期許研究生除了在企業管理專業領域外,也能善用台師大在藝術、音樂、運休、及人文上的優勢,學習到其他大學無可匹配的經營管理軟實力。 在管理領域裡,本所以行銷管理與財務金融管理師資特色為主,但亦提供國際經營及策略等相關課程訓練,以訓練學生俱備日後成為高階管理人才的能力。
Item 401(K)計畫選單基金之特色—以基金積極比率和追蹤誤差來看(2016) 王文鋒; Wang, Wen-Feng過去有不少針對確定提撥制(defined contribution plan;DC plan)中的投資標的做實證研究,結果發現確定提撥制的投資標的有低追蹤誤差的特性,而近年來市場開始關注因素投資(factor investing )策略,實務上的策略也開始使用因素投資,而以積極比率和追蹤誤差的基金分類當中,因素賭注(factor bets)和集中股票挑選(concentrated stock picks)類型的基金都有因素投資的成份,所以本次研究以此兩種類型股票為研究目標,分析是否為因素賭注和集中股票挑選類型的基金較易被納入401(K)計畫當中。本研究透過蒐集2013年至2015年的401(K)計畫選單投資標的和CRSP基金資料,並利用羅吉斯迴歸模型作為實證分析模型,結果顯示因素賭注和集中股票挑選類型的基金被納入401(K)計畫選單當中的機率較高。Item AI客服還是真人客服? 服務失誤歸因與客服種類對服務恢復滿意度的影響:整合社會批判、社會支持與社會交換的理論觀點(2024) 賴又竹; Lai, Yu-Chu本研究旨在探討服務失敗歸因(內部歸因或外部歸因)及客服種類(真人客服或人工智慧客服)對服務恢復滿意度的影響;並透過2 x 2的因子設計進行實驗,分析社會批判、社會支持與社會交換三個中介變量,在上述不同情境下如何作用。研究結果顯示,在內部歸因(消費者自身錯誤)情境下,消費者更傾向於選擇AI客服,以降低社會批判壓力,然而社會批判感知與服務恢復滿意度存在負相關;而在外部歸因(公司錯誤)情境下,消費者更傾向於選擇真人客服,以滿足社會支持需求,社會支持感知與服務恢復滿意度存在正相關。此外,社會交換理論顯示,在內部歸因情境下,消費者更傾向於選擇真人客服,以滿足社會交換預期(更多的交涉空間);而在外部歸因的情境下,社會交換對付物恢復滿意度則無顯著影響。本研究的理論貢獻在於揭示了社會心理因素在服務恢復過程中的關鍵作用,實務意涵則在於提供企業如何在不同情境下靈活運用AI客服與真人客服,以提升服務恢復策略的有效性。綜上所述,本研究不僅豐富了服務管理領域的理論基礎,也為企業在面對服務失敗時的恢復策略提供了實踐指導,期望能夠為提升消費者滿意度和企業競爭力提供助益。Item Assessing whether Tourist Arrivals are Stationary: Evidence from Taiwan using Sequential Panel Selection Method.(2014-02-01) 印永翔; Ying, YH.; G. JA Yang; CH LeeItem Basing Bloggers’ Power on Readers’ Satisfaction and Loyalty.(2014-01-01) 王仕茹; Hsu, Chiu-Ping; Heng-Chiang Huan; Jyh-Huei Ger; Shih-Ju WangItem A Bayesian Forecasting Model for Competitive Market Structure.(2003-04-06) 王仕茹Item Be Yourself, Image Is Nothing: Bias Correction when Viewing Messages in Sequence.(2014-03-04) 蕭中強; Yi-Wen Chiena; Chung-Chiang HsiaobAttempts at social influence are frequently encountered in sequence rather than in isolation. We suggest that messages can play a new correction-based role when they prompt message recipients to consider possible biases. The resulting corrections can reduce or even reverse the typical context effects. Two experiments examined advertisements as contexts for activating corrections. In Experiment 1, the context ad contained a tagline highlighting potential endorser bias. In Experiment 2, a sequence of context ads featured the same endorser endorsing different products, subtly prompting the potential for endorser bias. In both studies, research participants corrected for the assimilative effect of the celebrity endorser more when motivation was relatively high rather than low. Implications for the practice of social influence are discussed.Item Behavioral Investment Strategy Matters: A Statistical Arbitrage Approach.(2014-12-07) 蔡蒔銓; Sun, David S.; Wei Wang; Shih-Chuan TsaiIn this study, we employ a statistical arbitrage approach to demonstrate that momentum strategies work only in longer formation and holding periods, a result more conclusive than standard parametric tests can offer. Disposition and overconfidence effects are important factors contributing to the phenomenon. The overconfidence effect seems to dominate the disposition effect, especially in an up market. Moreover, the overconfidence investment behavior of institutional investors is the main cause for significant momentum returns observed in an up market. In a down market, the institutional investors tend to adopt a contrarian strategy while the individuals are still maintaining momentum behavior within shorter periods.Item Bias Removal and Judgmental Recalibration on Contrastive Context.(2010-09-12) 蕭中強Item “Capital mobility in East Asian Countries is not so high”: Examining the impact of sterilization on capital flows.(2013-03-01) 印永翔; Ying Y.; C-M Kuan; C. Tung; Koyin ChangThis paper examines how international capital mobility can be affected by sterilization activities for seven East Asian economies. We develop a model that shows how sterilization measures by a central bank can lead to a reduction in a country's capital mobility. Using data from 1980 to 2006, we then derive sterilization intensities and capital mobility estimates for our countries, and discover that conventional measures overstate the degree of capital mobility due to their failure to adjust for sterilization actions. Our findings are important for policy makers since using our modified estimates will help to better understand the magnitude of capital mobility when central banks exercise sterilization to dampen the effect of capital inflows.Item Cash Matching Contributions in 401(k) Plans.(2010-10-23) 賴慧文; Chen, Hsuan-Chi; Christine W. Lai; Sheng-Ching WuItem CEO Perquisite and Firm's Acquisition Performance(2013-10-09) 周德瑋Item Change of Individual Risk Aversion and Financial Crisis: A Behavioral Perspective.(2014-07-01) 賴慧文; Kuan-Yu Chen; Christine W. LaiItem Change of Individual Risk Aversion and Financial Crisis: A Behavioral Perspective.(2014-07-01) 賴慧文; Kuan-Yu Chen; Christine W. LaiItem Choosing between Leasing and Debt and Leasing Puzzle Revisited.(2010-11-20) 周德瑋Item CNC精密加工產業之A公司商業計畫書(2024) 鍾曜嶸; Chung, Yao-Jung