
Permanent URI for this communityhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/1


本院為國內歷史最久之教育學院,系所規模、師資,及學生品質向為國內首屈一指,培育英才無數,畢業校友或擔任政府教育行政單位首長及中堅人才、或為大學校長及教育相關領域研究人員、或為國內中等教育師資之骨幹、或投入民間文教事業相關領域,皆為提升我國教育品質竭盡心力。此外,本學院長期深耕學術,研究領域多元,發行4本 TSSCI 期刊,學術聲望備受國內外學界肯定,根據 2015 年 QS 世界大學各學科排名結果,本校在教育學科名列第22名,不僅穩居臺灣第一,更躍居亞洲師範大學龍頭。


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    (2011) 羅欣怡; Hsin-Yi Lo
    地方主義、新政府運動、新博物館學、文化認同、地域振興、多元文化、全球在地化、民眾參與、後現代主義、產業主義、公民主義…等重要文化、社會、經濟等思潮,在近數十年來逐漸興起,影響了各國文化政策擬定之方向與內涵。隨著政策之變革,博物館之發展與經營也開始產生質變。本研究將探討1990年代前後臺灣及世界主要國家文化政策之發展概況、博物館之發展歷程與現況、文化政策對於博物館發展之影響層面、以及未來新時代文化政策取向應該走向何處、博物館又該如何重新界定自我的角色與使命等課題。 從英國、法國、日本、加拿大以及臺灣等國之文化政策與博物館概況中,我們觀察到一個與以往迥然不同的發展趨勢。雖各國有時間上的先後,但其發展趨勢都指向同一個方向。在文化政策上,逐漸走向以地方為政策主軸之思維模式;在博物館發展上,走向地方博物館大量崛起之年代。這樣的政策與博物館發展現象,是與全球重要文化、社會、經濟等思潮有高度相關,也與各國之國情、歷史文化等背景有關。這讓臺灣與其他國家之博物館不得不面臨角色與心態之重新調整,並且需開始兼顧與回應文化層面、社會層面、經濟層面、環境層面等國家整體發展之各項議題與需求。在未來的新時代思維中,「永續發展」、「社會企業」與「文化企業」等概念必須被適度導入文化政策與博物館領域中,才能因應全球快速之變遷與整體社會之所需。
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    (2009) 王婷; WANG TING
    現代博物館的功能趨向多元化,除了傳統保存、教育、展示外,近年來隨著經濟的成長、民眾素質的提高,博物館成了民眾新的休閒娛樂場所,與地方觀光也有了更緊密的連結,同時更肩負了館所永續經營的責任。近年來發展文化產業已成為帶動地方經濟、再生與文化保存的策略,博物館透過文化的再現,刺激消費活動的產生,使文化達到推廣與傳承,也幫助了博物館行銷。 本研究從透過訪談與問卷之研究方式,了解館方推行文化產業之現況,與民眾在北投文物館之消費現況調查、未來產業開發,及行銷方式,期望藉由文化產業的策略,提昇博物館文化與經濟的發展,使之兼具文化教育與利益雙重的功能,同時也兼具館所行銷的媒介功能。 根據研究結果指出,北投文物館目前在文化產業策略的推行上仍屬草創階段,在人物力、財務上與產業結合上未來仍需要開拓與努力;而在消費者調查方面,博物館在文化產業發展上以「空間、氛圍營造」以及「與當地產業、特色結合」最為重要。文物館之「文化、寧靜氛圍」,其次則為「餐飲提供」以及「課程體驗與表演活動」是最吸引人的部分,而「禮品坊之商品」與「展示」未來仍待需要加強。 在相關的產業開發上,「付費之表演觀賞與體驗活動的」也未來可以規劃的部分;而館內也可以開發融合展示主軸做延伸之「富有館所意象商品」及「實用創意性精緻商品」及鎮館之寶相關之擺飾商品,皆是最有開發經濟潛力的一塊。在餐飲上,以選用當地特色食材開發具備文物館意象之菜色最為民眾喜愛。 在館方未來行銷策略方面,建議可透過活動舉辦、公共關係建立與媒體策略運用,能發揮具體文化交流與普及效果,提升地方文化產業創作活力與文化內涵,同時也可增加地方相關產業業者與博物館合作之意願,擴大博物館生產者與消費者導向文化活動對地方文化產業之影響,結合文化與經濟,達成地方文化產業振興目標。 關鍵字:文化產業、博物館、產業開發、文化經濟、消費者調查
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    (2010) 林郁雅
    本研究旨在探討幼稚園教師利用臺北市立天文科學教育館(以下簡稱天文館)實施校外教學之參觀經驗,目的在分析幼稚園教師利用天文館實施校外教學之動機、過程與反思,並了解其利用天文館實施校外教學之資源需求。研究方法採用質性研究的取向,依立意取樣選取8位臺北市具有利用天文館實施校外教學經驗之教師,以焦點團體訪談法收集資料並進行分析。研究發現與結論如下: 一、幼稚園教師利用天文館實施校外教學之動機 天文館之展示內容與展示型態符合幼兒學習需要;環境條件利於安排幼兒團體參觀;能主動提供幼稚園師生適切之資源服務,有助教師安排幼兒實施校外教學。 二、幼稚園教師利用天文館實施校外教學之過程 幼稚園教師利用天文館實施校外教學時,在參觀前之行前準備、參觀中之活動進行以及參觀後之後續活動,皆具有妥善之規劃與準備;惟在參觀過程中教師角色之教學主導性應更為積極。 三、幼稚園教師對天文館之資源利用需求與意見 在展示資源方面,希望館方能加強規劃多樣化的主題展示活動與幼兒專屬體驗學習區;在服務資源方面,導覽解說宜依觀眾年齡層分級服務、多元開發符合幼教的天文教育資源、教育研習活動以教師利於參與的時間為考量,並提供天文科學教材教具外借服務。 根據研究結果,研究者分別對天文館、幼稚園教師與後續研究等三方面提出具體建議,以供未來相關實務工作以及後續研究發展之參考。
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    博物館成人觀眾參觀經驗之研究 ─以國立臺灣科學教育館為例
    (2008) 鍾美儀; May-Yi Chung
    終身學習已成為成人教育中重要的核心概念,在如此的時代趨勢裡,博物館已成為實踐成人學習的重要場所之一。本研究主要目的在探討成人觀眾進入國立台灣科學教育館內參觀之現況與參觀經驗。研究者以自編的「成人觀眾博物館參觀經驗之研究調查問卷」為研究工具,並以年滿20歲之成人觀眾為研究對象,採立意抽樣方式,共發出650份問卷,回收有效問卷610份。資料分析採用描述性統計、t考驗、卡方考驗、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe 事後比較分析法等統計方法。 本研究主要結果顯示: 一、成人觀眾曾進入科教館參觀的比例約為76.4 % ,且以女性、中老年、大學以上、從事教職、且對「自然與生活科技領域」有興趣為主要特質。 二、成人觀眾在參觀原因方面所佔比例最高為「與家人一起前往」,在參觀動機方面所佔比例最高為「休閒娛樂」,在展示活動訊息得知管道所佔比例最高為「網路」,參觀頻率以「一年1-2 次」為最多,停留時間以「3-4 小時」為最多,參觀方式以「先看解說,再看(操作)展品」為最多。 三、科教館可視為成人觀眾與家人聯繫感情、社交溝通和休閒娛樂的重要活動育樂場所。 四、科教館具高度吸引力,是讓成人觀眾想一再光顧的休閒育樂場 所,回流參觀率高。 五、成人觀眾對科教館的整體參觀經驗有高度的評價。 六、成人觀眾對科教館的整體參觀經驗頗佳,但因背景因素的不同,而在對環境設施、展示內容、導覽解說、與展示互動時的感受上具有顯著差異性。 最後,研究者結合文獻資料,受訪者的看法與意見,研究結果與討論,研究者的研究結論等內容論述,針對科教館及後續研究者分別提出相關參考建議。
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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所, 2017-04-??) 黃明玉; Ming Yu Huang
    中國文化遺產與博物館領域朝向數位化發展已是大勢所趨,然在資料標準建設方面仍有待建立相關規範。本文敘述及討論中國文物分類主題詞表的發展背景及過程,以中國現行文物分類體系以及美國蓋堤研究中心(GRI)研發的藝術與建築敘詞表為基礎,嘗試發展以中國文物概念為主體的文物分類主題詞表,現階段為確立方法學與初步框架的先期工作。詞表框架草案設立了材質、活動、物理特質、風格與時代、物件五個分面,所收錄的概念詞彙擬作為控制詞彙支援文物元數據相關元素的標準化取值。目前已完成現行分類法的詞彙概念分析,並選取AAT 相關概念詞彙共同作為詞表發展基礎,同時確立了備選詞彙來源,提出後續工作組的建置規畫。未來應視使用者需求繼續完善分類主題詞表分面,並發展其他重要元素的特殊領域控制詞彙,並在詞表維護、應用與國際化方面建立工作機制。
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    Designing an electronic guidebook for learning engagement in a museum of history
    (ELSEVIER, 2010-01-01) Sung, Y. T.; Chang, K. E.; Hou, H. T.; Chen, P. F.
    Museums provide important avenues for lifelong learning, and using information and communication technology to maximize a museum’s lifelong learning potential is a recognized issue. This study proposed a human–computer–context interaction (HCCI) framework as a guide for designing a mobile electronic guidebook for a history museum. To fulfill the goals of the HCCI framework, two strategies, problem-based inquiry and historical-context-embedded visiting, were used to implement a HCCI guidebook. To evaluate the effects of the HCCI guidebook, this study conducted an experiment to compare three visiting modes: Visiting with the HCCI guidebook; visiting with a worksheet; and visiting without any supplementary tools. Sixty-two college students participated in the evaluation of the HCCI guidebook in the Tang dynasty tri-color glazed pottery exhibition at the National Museum of History. The results showed that the students with the HCCI guidebooks had, on average, a longer holding time with exhibits than either students with paper-based worksheets or students without supplementary materials. However, there were no significant differences in the knowledge gained about exhibits among the three modes.
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    Effects of a mobile electronic guidebook on visitors' attention and visiting behaviors
    (International Forum of Educational Technology & Society, 2008-04-01) Sung, Y. T.; Chang, K. E.; Lee, Y. H.; Yu, W. C.
    Museums are one of the most important institutions providing students with the opportunity to gain knowledge, experience cultures, and develop different interests in an informal learning setting. As information and communication technology (ICT) has become more popular, many researchers have also become concerned with how to use mobile devices to support the museum’s functions of lifelong learning. Although researchers have proposed several innovative types of mobile-device based electronic guidebooks, the effects of the most used audio-visual guidebooks have been rarely evaluated. This study explored the effect of a mobile electronic guidebook on visiting behaviors in a museum of history. Visitors’ behaviors with two visiting modes (visiting with the electronic guidebook and visiting without supplementary tools) were compared. Forty-two college students were invited to visit the National Museum of History in Taiwan and were randomly assigned to one of the two visit modes. The results showed that the students with the electronic guidebook had a longer holding time with exhibits than the students without supplementary materials. The sequential analysis of visiting behaviors also showed that the students with the electronic guidebook displayed more inquisitive and structural behaviors when interacting with the exhibits.
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    Designing an electronic guidebook for learning engagement in a museum of history
    (Elsevier, 2010-01-01) Sung, Yao-Ting; Chang, Kuo-En; Hou, Huei-Tse; Chen, Pin-Fu
    Museums provide important avenues for lifelong learning, and using information and communication technology to maximize a museum’s lifelong learning potential is a recognized issue. This study proposed a human–computer–context interaction (HCCI) framework as a guide for designing a mobile electronic guidebook for a history museum. To fulfill the goals of the HCCI framework, two strategies, problem-based inquiry and historical-context-embedded visiting, were used to implement a HCCI guidebook. To evaluate the effects of the HCCI guidebook, this study conducted an experiment to compare three visiting modes: Visiting with the HCCI guidebook; visiting with a worksheet; and visiting without any supplementary tools. Sixty-two college students participated in the evaluation of the HCCI guidebook in the Tang dynasty tri-color glazed pottery exhibition at the National Museum of History. The results showed that the students with the HCCI guidebooks had, on average, a longer holding time with exhibits than either students with paper-based worksheets or students without supplementary materials. However, there were no significant differences in the knowledge gained about exhibits among the three modes.
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    Effects of a mobile electronic guidebook on visitors attention and visiting behaviors
    (International Forum of Educational Technology & Society (IFETS), 2008-01-01) Sung, Yao-Ting; Chang, Kuo-En; Lee, Yi-Hsuan; Yu, Wen-Cheng
    Museums are one of the most important institutions providing students with the opportunity to gain knowledge, experience cultures, and develop different interests in an informal learning setting. As information and communication technology (ICT) has become more popular, many researchers have also become concerned with how to use mobile devices to support the museum’s functions of lifelong learning. Although researchers have proposed several innovative types of mobile-device based electronic guidebooks, the effects of the most used audio-visual guidebooks have been rarely evaluated. This study explored the effect of a mobile electronic guidebook on visiting behaviors in a museum of history. Visitors’ behaviors with two visiting modes (visiting with the electronic guidebook and visiting without supplementary tools) were compared. Forty-two college students were invited to visit the National Museum of History in Taiwan and were randomly assigned to one of the two visit modes. The results showed that the students with the electronic guidebook had a longer holding time with exhibits than the students without supplementary materials. The sequential analysis of visiting behaviors also showed that the students with the electronic guidebook displayed more inquisitive and structural behaviors when interacting with the exhibits.
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    (國立自然科學博物館, 2009-01-01) 廖世璋