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    (2014) 駱怡璇; Lo, Yi-Hsuan
    臺灣的市民農園,是接受農委會或農會輔導,分布在都市或都市近郊的都市農業形式。近年來,在臺北都會區周邊的新北市淡水區,出現了一種不受農會輔導,私人經營,但功能類似市民農園的農業經營型態,一般稱為分租農地。本研究透過基礎資料分析、深入訪談及參與觀察,試圖了解淡水區分租農地的形成與發展、經營型態、地主與承租者的空間行為差異。 研究結果顯示,分租農地的形成,對地主來說,多是因為從農的經濟效益低,以及都市郊區農村的勞動力不足;承租者則多為了健康與休閒。 分租農地的經營型態大致分成集約和粗放兩類。山區地主經營方式較粗放,市區地主經營方式較集約。山區承租者較能自行進行農事;市區承租者較希望地主提供類似市民農園的部分代耕服務。 分租農地地主都希望能將分租農地的經濟效益最大化。早期山區與市區分租農地的租金差異,可驗證丘念的都市農業帶理論;但是後來山區地主提高租金,丘念的都市農業帶理論,漸無法解釋今日分租農地租金從市區到山區的分布。市區的分租農地,大部分皆為本地的承租者;山區的分租農地,有更多來自外地的承租者,原因是此地較好的耕作環境。
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    (英語學系, 2017-03-??) Shiuhhuah Serena Chou
    This essay examines Novella Carpenter’s Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer (2009) and Dickson Despommier’s The Vertical Farm: Feeding the World in the 21st Century (2010), two best-selling urban farming narratives published in the 2010s when coverage of the Anthropocene had heated up in the European and American media.As responses to current environmental conditions, urban farming literature such as Farm City and The Vertical Farm, as Anthropocene narratives, occupy powerful positions in configurations of the history and future of the Earth. While Anthropocene narratives often adopt an apocalyptic tone, are intimately tied to issues of climate change, and warn of the planet’s bleak prospects, Farm City and The Vertical Farm present a brighter vision wherein human agency is redeemed as the driving force behind environmental reform and celebrate stewardship and technological innovation. Calling attention to cities and farming, urban farming intervenes into apocalyptic Anthropocene visions by suggesting an agrarianism that celebrates small family farming and an ethic of interconnectedness, on the one hand, and vertical farming and techno-scientific stewardship, on the other, as alternatives to a history of loss and recovery. The currency of urban farming brings to the fore an Anthropocene future wherein cities and farming are redeemed from their villainous status and conceptualized as human-created geological forces embodying an ideal of human-nonhuman interdependence.