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臺灣的市民農園,是接受農委會或農會輔導,分布在都市或都市近郊的都市農業形式。近年來,在臺北都會區周邊的新北市淡水區,出現了一種不受農會輔導,私人經營,但功能類似市民農園的農業經營型態,一般稱為分租農地。本研究透過基礎資料分析、深入訪談及參與觀察,試圖了解淡水區分租農地的形成與發展、經營型態、地主與承租者的空間行為差異。 研究結果顯示,分租農地的形成,對地主來說,多是因為從農的經濟效益低,以及都市郊區農村的勞動力不足;承租者則多為了健康與休閒。 分租農地的經營型態大致分成集約和粗放兩類。山區地主經營方式較粗放,市區地主經營方式較集約。山區承租者較能自行進行農事;市區承租者較希望地主提供類似市民農園的部分代耕服務。 分租農地地主都希望能將分租農地的經濟效益最大化。早期山區與市區分租農地的租金差異,可驗證丘念的都市農業帶理論;但是後來山區地主提高租金,丘念的都市農業帶理論,漸無法解釋今日分租農地租金從市區到山區的分布。市區的分租農地,大部分皆為本地的承租者;山區的分租農地,有更多來自外地的承租者,原因是此地較好的耕作環境。
In Taiwan, urban allotment, which receive guidance from Council of Agriculture and various Farmers’ Associations, are located in and around the metropolitan area. Tamsui District of New Taipei City is the suburb of the Taipei metropolitan area. Recently, a type of private agricultural management known as subleased farmland, which is similar to urban allotment, has been found in Tamsui. This thesis attempted to analyze this phenomenon through interviews with the landlords and renters. The purpose of the thesis was to assess the formation and management of the subleased farmland, and to assess the spatial behavior between landlords and renters. The thesis revealed that landlords sublease their farms due to the low economic benefit and labor shortage. The renters do not place economic benefits as their priority, and rent farmlands for leisure and for health reasons. The management of the subleased farmlands could be classified as intensive type and extensive type. Landlords in the suburbs managed subleased farmlands extensively when landlords in the urban areas managed subleased farmlands intensively. Renters in the suburbs could cultivate on their own, but renters in the urban area preferred the landlords to help some part of their cultivation. All of the landlords wanted to maximize the economic benefit of their subleased farmlands. In the beginning, the shorter the distance between the farmlands and the city, the higher the rent, and vice versa. This phenomenon could be compared to the Thünen’s Location Rent. However, landlords in the suburb areas raised rent recently. Thus the Thünen’s Location Rent could not explain the phenomenon. When selecting farmlands to rent, the renters’ decision were influenced by the distance between their homes and the farms, and also the cultivation environment surrounding the farms.



都市農業, 分租農地, 淡水, 區位租, urban agriculture, subleased farmland, Tamsui, Location Rent





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